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First Year Students Fall 2014 How's It Going


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Feeling powerfully sorry for myself on account of having to get up at 5:30 for a hellish final tomorrow morning. On the bright side, after that final I get to go to breakfast with the other first years, be done with this semester, and then get 2 weeks off. On the less bright side, the true final for this hellish class will be the written prelim in May, and even thinking about having to review the insane amount of difficult material for 8 hours worth of essay exam in 5 months makes me want to scrap everything and start over in a different life. 

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All my papers are in and I'm waiting on grades. Starting to get ahead with reading for next quarter. It feels soooo good to read extremely slowly :) I'm also starting to apply for summer fieldwork funding, which is very exciting, and getting reacquainted with my violin and lie-ins.

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I am definitely ready to jump into my next two classes [i go part time because being a teacher sucks the life out of you]. I didn't do as well as I could have this semester for a multitude of reasons. Ready to start over. However, one of my classes doesn't even have a booklist out yet  <_<

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I completely bombed my final exam and I'll be happy to end up with a 3.0 this quarter. I poured many hours into this class, and completely flubbed the final for lots of many stupid, little reasons. Sigh. Definitely feeling inadequate right now.

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I completely bombed my final exam and I'll be happy to end up with a 3.0 this quarter. I poured many hours into this class, and completely flubbed the final for lots of many stupid, little reasons. Sigh. Definitely feeling inadequate right now.

Don't feel inadequate!! UCSD engineering courses are ridiculously hard -- I'm an undergrad there and I hear so many horror stories of insane exams from my friends (probably the worst I heard was of some class where the final was 2 questions with no partial credit, wtf). I can only imagine how difficult the graduate courses are! You survived, and that is something to be proud of :D

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Just thought of this and I can't stop giggling. Sums up my semester though. 





Boy can I relate,  hilarious!

I am definitely ready to jump into my next two classes [i go part time because being a teacher sucks the life out of you]. I didn't do as well as I could have this semester for a multitude of reasons. Ready to start over. However, one of my classes doesn't even have a booklist out yet  <_<

I am a homeschool mom so I can understand the teacher part.  I hate it when I'm ready to order books to get a jump start on my reading and they aren't posted.  Wishing you the best next semester.  


I completely bombed my final exam and I'll be happy to end up with a 3.0 this quarter. I poured many hours into this class, and completely flubbed the final for lots of many stupid, little reasons. Sigh. Definitely feeling inadequate right now.

Sorry to hear that you bombed your final exam.  Please don't feel inadequate, if it didn't kill you it will make you stronger.  Learn from your mistakes and apply those lessons to future situations.  Good luck.  

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I checked the grades system and I got As in all courses! I wasn't so sure about one of them but I got 4.0 overall. I am glad but i know somewhere along the way I'll get an A- somehow. No matter how hard I tried in the past (my master's, etc), I always had an A- there. Although a GPA of 3.97 is not that bad though as a grad student. :)

Congrats for a first semester/quarter to all of us! We survived!

And happy holidays!

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Who's ready for spring semester?


I am totally ready.



Took 3 classes/ 9 credit hours and got all A's this semester, but don't feel like I worked that hard.


I got an A- and a B... but I am okay with that.  My classes were hard as you-know-what!

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I've had 4 classes in Fall, 14 credits total. One of the courses was a professional seminar without actual grades, only C/NC but we still needed to prepare the assignments for it to get credit.

For Winter quarter I am enrolled in only 3 classes, 12 credits, two of them I really wanted to take, one was mandatory.

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I finally got back my grades for this term and I am so happy!!! An A and an A+ in my grad seminars, and a pass in my language class! It's nice to know that when I thought I was working very hard, my fears of creating substandard work despite the amount of effort were unfounded. Thank goodness ;)

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I finally got back my grades for this term and I am so happy!!! An A and an A+ in my grad seminars, and a pass in my language class! It's nice to know that when I thought I was working very hard, my fears of creating substandard work despite the amount of effort were unfounded. Thank goodness ;)

Good job!

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