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Another week of...nothing.


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^my life right now. 


This week my POI emailed two of my LOR writers asking to speak on the phone. Then he emailed me with a few more specific questions. One of which was basically "Your grades are great, except these two classes that you sucked in. Please explain."  UGH! That is a hard thing to explain without sounding whiny. 


Anyway, now I just have to sit back and pretend I am not obsessing about the same thing every minute of everyday until I find out. 

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DTY you're not alone. I'm a polyglot as well, and obstinately interstitial (as you can see from my signature).


This PhD application process has really cemented me for me the increasing professionalization/specialization of academia. I look at so many programs and think, "I could see myself fitting in there!" but convincing the adcomms of that is a whole 'nother kettle of fish.


I'm very lucky to have found some programs that encourage that type of thinking (one acceptance so far!) but the rejections have indeed been tough. 


I have a friend who's in the same boat: he studied piano performance in undergrad, then collected graduate degrees in theology and law while publishing several pieces of art criticism. After working as a lawyer for a few years, he's decided to commit himself fully to art historical/curatorial work, and applied to several programs ... and has been met with silence. BRILLIANT guy, spectacular marks at all schools he's attended, but that's not quite enough anymore...


That's disheartening. 

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I'm in the same boat as you. For my mental health I'm trying to imagine them as rejections, but you can never be sure until you're actually notified.


Question: If there are acceptances and wait lists up on the board, does that mean I've been rejected? The department informed me that a decision has not been made for me yet but with wait lists already out, why wouldn't I have just been one of them?


I have the same problem as you guys.  There have been no visible acceptances on the results page, but there were rejections and wait lists.  I was told that there is no decision regarding my application yet.  Since I am international, I hope this is simply a question of funding availability and holding out for American applicants.

I hope.

And hope.


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i feel slightly better


Ever so slightly. Seeing as we're all in the same boat and what not. I was seriously contemplating starting a thread titled "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH" but it seems I may have found my peeps right here. 


Bring it on, March! 

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I made an account here (long time lurker) just to vent...


I thought it would be today that I'd hear back! Going to bed last night I just had such a sure feeling. Why? Well, yesterday my academia.edu page was googled from the city of my first choice school. I only have my research interests and school associations on that page since I'm wary of just uploading academic work but... that has to be a good sign, right?? they're looking into me and didn't just throw my application right in the trash?


I feel so nervous because I felt so confident about this school, I met two great professors who share my research interests and they both were very supportive, one even read my research proposal before I submitted the application and said it looked good... so I thought it'd be a quick decision but now it's towards the end of the window for response times they described on the school's website... I know most admin things are out of the professors' control... but it still feels ominous D:

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I don't know about you all, but I am ready to burst. I can't believe it is almost March already! It is really hard to focus on anything else while this is hanging over my head.  :angry:  :(  :wacko:

No kidding! I have a really hard time focusing on my work right now... some days I feel like I'm about to throw up (I'm still waiting from my top programs).

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I had an idea tonight: Why don't PhD programs model their admissions process on The Voice? The profs who are willing to take on students could sit in chairs with their backs toward the applicants, who could then have 90 seconds to impress them with why they should be accepted (GRE and GPA would have to meet a minimum in order to qualify beforehand). If they want someone, all they have to do is press the button and turn in their chair!


Easy, simple, and no more three months of ever-increasing stomach acid for those of us waiting to hear from programs. No more checking admissions websites and email thirty times per day. No more slow death from not knowing. Maybe I should pitch my idea to NBC as a new reality show idea. We could call it, The Final Degree.

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I had an idea tonight: Why don't PhD programs model their admissions process on The Voice? The profs who are willing to take on students could sit in chairs with their backs toward the applicants, who could then have 90 seconds to impress them with why they should be accepted (GRE and GPA would have to meet a minimum in order to qualify beforehand). If they want someone, all they have to do is press the button and turn in their chair!

Easy, simple, and no more three months of ever-increasing stomach acid for those of us waiting to hear from programs. No more checking admissions websites and email thirty times per day. No more slow death from not knowing. Maybe I should pitch my idea to NBC as a new reality show idea. We could call it, The Final Degree.

but then our rejections would be public viewing fodder!

I laughed so hard at this post.

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I had an idea tonight: Why don't PhD programs model their admissions process on The Voice? The profs who are willing to take on students could sit in chairs with their backs toward the applicants, who could then have 90 seconds to impress them with why they should be accepted (GRE and GPA would have to meet a minimum in order to qualify beforehand). If they want someone, all they have to do is press the button and turn in their chair!


Easy, simple, and no more three months of ever-increasing stomach acid for those of us waiting to hear from programs. No more checking admissions websites and email thirty times per day. No more slow death from not knowing. Maybe I should pitch my idea to NBC as a new reality show idea. We could call it, The Final Degree.


I could get behind that. I support this.

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Penn State - rejected

Cincinnati - rejected

Temple -rejected

Still waiting on top 2 choices. I literally cried yesterday.


Yeah, Penn was my top choice, and I got rejected too. Crying probably doesn't describe it correctly, and "Happy Friday" will permanently have quotation marks around it. I am really hoping you get good news from your top 2 choices!

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the rolling admissions program I applied to says responses typically come in 20 working days... well, it's been 23 today... I know a figure like that is an ideal or an estimate but it still makes me feel like something's wrong with my application :wacko:

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