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11 hours ago, Sakartvelosistoria said:

Hello people, (გამარჯობა!)

Has anyone heard anything out of NYU, or University of Michigan (Ann Arbor) yet?


There have been acceptances for both on the results board. I have been (unofficially) rejected from NYU, my guess is that all of their acceptances and wait-list notifications are out. 

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To the Davis people worried about funding--don't! The program funds all admits for 5 years, they just like to go over funding at recruitment and send the finalized package after. It's actually really nice to have the DGS explain the ins-and-outs of funding in person where you can get all your questions answered. I hope to see you all in March!

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Just thought I would chime in and express my anxiety here. I got my first rejection (Northwestern). I had an interview, but the fit was not quite there. Still, got a nice followup email from the POI stating that there were no early modernists accepted in my sub-field this year. I cast a fairly wide net, but all the programs are competitive. At this point, I just want my current school to offer me admission and funding for the MA to PhD track so I can stop stressing. Even that is not guaranteed, so I have been checking email compulsively for a week now. It's quite distracting and eats into my time I should be spending on my research and translations. Sigh.

Everyone here has been a big help in terms of application preparation and sharing a sense of camaraderie. Thanks for that! I wish the best of luck to you all as we wait for the good news. :)

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Did anyone apply to UCSD? I don't really expect to be admitted there (not a good fit), just want to get an answer from them so I can get beautiful La Jolla out of my mind... I didn't find them to be too friendly there though

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2 minutes ago, emmabear said:

Did anyone apply to UCSD? I don't really expect to be admitted there (not a good fit), just want to get an answer from them so I can get beautiful La Jolla out of my mind... I didn't find them to be too friendly there though

Yeah I applied there as well. What do you mean you didn't find them to be "too friendly?"

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5 minutes ago, stillalivetui said:

Yeah I applied there as well. What do you mean you didn't find them to be "too friendly?"

Just the grad adviser didn't' respond to my emails a couple of times ( I did NOT send a ton of them) and one of the POI was somewhat rude. Do you have any idea when to expect an answer from them?

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Anyone else super nervous they're not gonna know what's going on the first day when they start?  It seems like everyone here has a Master's and I just came straight from my undergrad (with a little work experience sprinkled in between).

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9 minutes ago, emmabear said:

Just the grad adviser didn't' respond to my emails a couple of times ( I did NOT send a ton of them) and one of the POI was somewhat rude. Do you have any idea when to expect an answer from them?

Gotcha. Who is the grad advisor there anyways? 

Based on previous years, it looks like we won't hear from them until mid-February.

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16 minutes ago, 123letsgo said:

Anyone else super nervous they're not gonna know what's going on the first day when they start?  It seems like everyone here has a Master's and I just came straight from my undergrad (with a little work experience sprinkled in between).

Not going to lie - there is an adjustment period. You can't treat graduate school as an extension of undergrad. The earlier you start referring to yourself as training to be a professional, rather than as a student, the better. I jokingly introduce myself as a "historian-in-training" when I meet people because that's what I am. Everybody has that kind of realization at some point during their grad school life (for me it was midway through my first spring semester) and it really helps smooth the transition. It's especially easy to fall for imposter syndrome when you first start out (even moreso if you are on the younger side, even more so if you are a woman). Professors know that you can't walk in day 1 and have all the skills you need for grad school - that's what you are there to learn. It's not as much about acquiring information anymore (though that's still a huge part of it) as much as it is learning how to analyze and contribute knowledge.

I also strongly suggest that you become close with at least one older student (abd, usually) and one professor (not necessarily your advisor) that you "click" with and will be comfortable sharing your transition experience with. I know I've got 4 go-to people in my department when those days inevitably come where I feel like I've bit off more than I can chew. It's a different, but critical, kind of support system.



Sorry if that made no sense, today was editing day - I've been staring at my thesis for 13 hours straight.

Edited by kmr
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On 1/30/2016 at 6:20 PM, TMP said:
7 hours ago, 123letsgo said:

Anyone else super nervous they're not gonna know what's going on the first day when they start?  It seems like everyone here has a Master's and I just came straight from my undergrad (with a little work experience sprinkled in between).

You'll be fine! I had some reservations starting my MS...pretty much of the irrational fear variety. There are a couple of questions I wish I wouldn't have asked and one topic I covered where I may have overreached. I think people know there is a learning curve and after a semester I could tell my thinking was elevating (and in hindsight those questions were very pedestrian!). Luckily I didn't have dreams of showing up naked or anything :)


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Does anyone have any insight into how funding works at UC- Santa Barbra? I was super happy to get an acceptance there, but they told me that I am on the waitlist for funding and I'm not quite sure what to make of that. I tried to figure it out from their financial aid page, but those are not the most easily understood things in the world (to say the least). Do they usually give full funding packages to the people they admit or is it more case by case? I've been lucky to have a few other acceptances with full funding, and I am trying to figure out where I want to visit as I get ready to decide between places. I want to make sure that if I spend the $ to fly out to CA from the east coast that I wouldn't just end up learning that there would be no funding in my future. 


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9 hours ago, mvlchicago said:

Just a heads-up Brown applicants: all administrative and academic functions have been cancelled tomorrow. So I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for an email from Brown proper tomorrow. 

Thanks for the heads-up! I just saw that we have a winter weather warning down here in New York as well....clear skies for now though! 


EDIT: 30 minutes after I posted this, it has indeed begun to snow. 

Edited by emiliajulia
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UCSB funding is case by case. If you really want to go there you should definitely go to recruitment. You should also get in contact with the DGS and let them know that you'd go to UCSB if they matched the fully funded offers you've received elsewhere.

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Hi all,

I recently came here to find other people stressed out about applications, and I sure found that and more :D

I just got invited via phone call to either visit CUNY Graduate Center or have a Skype call. I told them I could come visit this week, and they offered to arrange for me to meet several POIs. Is there a thread circulating on how to prepare for a visit like this? So far I've been reviewing my POIs' scholarship and refreshing my knowledge of the program, but I don't quite know what to expect.

Thanks for any advice you might have, and for all the other helpful thoughts on this thread. Good luck to everyone, as it seems like this week will be a busy and stressful week for nearly all of us!




Edited by tenemental
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Just now, stillalivetui said:

Nahhhhh, I just got my first rejection from UC-Irvine.

That sucks. :( Sorry to hear that.

Well, at least they were polite enough to inform you. That doesn't always seem to be the case.

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3 minutes ago, emiliajulia said:

wooooow many congrats to the Yale admit!! :) looks like we're in for an eventful week here, folks. 

I certainly hope so! I'm starting to get impatient. :D 

Congrats to the Yale admit! I still think getting into a good program is akin to winning the lottery. It's a big accomplishment!

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