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Congrats to all those with good news in the thread. I raise my fork to you! I'm eating Boston Cream Pie, so I hope it pairs well with your wine of choice! 

I just wanted somebody to know that I have finished my apps and I was sent a secondary from one school today. I got home from work to a secondary! I know it's just that I met the requirements, but it's something. I'll take it, for now. I'm just glad it's not more radio silence. 


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With the exception of some of the wonderful news in this thread today, it seems like it's a bit slow today, especially in sociology. I got myself all excited over the weekend (as usual). Perhaps tomorrow!

Congrats to everyone who got good news today!

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1 hour ago, Pink Fuzzy Bunny said:

I know it isn't cheap... but compared to even Boulder, it's much better. I've given up on being able to maintain the Midwest cost of living :P


It's not cheap, but a lot of my fellow grad student friends were able to afford a 1 bedroom apartment relatively near campus (read: NO ROOMMATES!!!). 

I'd advise living off campus (not collegetown....somewhere downtown if possible). I lived in Hasbrouck when I was there, thinking "grad student housing will be a place to meet fellow grad students!" but really...it was mostly families and wasn't social at all. :-/  (Though the location couldn't be beat, IMO.)

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9 minutes ago, Pink Fuzzy Bunny said:

@nevermind Thanks for the info! Do a lot of people commute to Cornell (i.e., is there enough commuter parking to go around?)

Not a ton of commuter parking, especially not a lot near the Physics building. It's MUCH easier to commute using the TCAT, which you get your first year TCAT pass free as a student (I think you have to buy it subsequent years).

I didn't even have a car when I lived in Ithaca. I used the TCAT to get around campus/downtown, walked a lot (I picked up running while I was there...the plantations are great to run in!), and used the Ithaca Carshare if I needed a car for any other reason (specialist doctor's appts that couldn't be treated at Gannett on-campus...etc.), which was way easier/cheaper than having to pay for monthly car insurance. 

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27 minutes ago, Katastrophe said:

With the exception of some of the wonderful news in this thread today, it seems like it's a bit slow today, especially in sociology. I got myself all excited over the weekend (as usual). Perhaps tomorrow!

Congrats to everyone who got good news today!

I was surprised to get something today! Totally taken aback, but pleasantly surprised! I hope you hear something tomorrow! 

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3 minutes ago, gingin6789 said:

I was surprised to get something today! Totally taken aback, but pleasantly surprised! I hope you hear something tomorrow! 

Me too :)

You're such a wonderful and positive voice on the forums (in the sociology boards too!) that I get just as psyched for you hearing back as myself! Congrats again!

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11 minutes ago, Katastrophe said:

Me too :)

You're such a wonderful and positive voice on the forums (in the sociology boards too!) that I get just as psyched for you hearing back as myself! Congrats again!

Aw you are so sweet! Thank you! I love that I can make a difference or at least bring some good vibes to grad cafe! And offer virtual baked goods, of course *motions to the table of fresh brownies, cookies, and fancy fruit tarts*

It means so much that you get psyched for my acceptances! I feel the same way about you! I feel like my old encouraging psych professor from undergrad who would say "no surprise there!" when I would do well on an exam. When I see you get an acceptance, I'm like "I'm so happy for kat, but no surprise kat got accepted!!" :-)

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1 hour ago, gingin6789 said:

Aw you are so sweet! Thank you! I love that I can make a difference or at least bring some good vibes to grad cafe! And offer virtual baked goods, of course *motions to the table of fresh brownies, cookies, and fancy fruit tarts*

It means so much that you get psyched for my acceptances! I feel the same way about you! I feel like my old encouraging psych professor from undergrad who would say "no surprise there!" when I would do well on an exam. When I see you get an acceptance, I'm like "I'm so happy for kat, but no surprise kat got accepted!!" :-)

I've been constantly amazed how supportive and positive folks are on these forums. 

I haven't found a friendly group of people anywhere online, and I mean it.

Also, tonight is a gin on the rocks night.

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And the friend got into Berkeley.

What a day. 


(I promised to bring celebratory donuts from the shop that just opened down the street, since we work in the same building in the morning. But: way too excited to fall asleep!!--I hope I make it up in time!!)

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Yay you guys! So much good news and happy vibes :D Y'all are awesome!

In other news I woke up to about 6 emails from the professors who are interviewing me (today eeek) asking for my Skype handle (which the POI has as we've been talking for months). They were getting quite pissy (group email) as I hadn't immediately responded. Um hello, you're having this conversation at 3am my time. I'm asleep!! Now I'm more apprehensive about this. Definitely time to take it out on the weights.

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19 minutes ago, piglet33 said:

Yay you guys! So much good news and happy vibes :D Y'all are awesome!

In other news I woke up to about 6 emails from the professors who are interviewing me (today eeek) asking for my Skype handle (which the POI has as we've been talking for months). They were getting quite pissy (group email) as I hadn't immediately responded. Um hello, you're having this conversation at 3am my time. I'm asleep!! Now I'm more apprehensive about this. Definitely time to take it out on the weights.

Be sure to e-mail them at 3am THEIR time, and get pissy when they don't respond immediately.

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19 hours ago, Kath! said:

Well, I don't see it hurting. Try and report back the results?


18 hours ago, Justwaitingforneuro said:

I just came back. Got some chocolate here but maybe I should eat something real first. it is 2pm and I had an Ice tea today. I expect to hear back from the program I applied to this week, quite nervous.


16 hours ago, FoxAndChicken said:

Hey wait! I can weigh in on this because I've read a bunch of the literature on philosophy of happiness!


Basically the literature says that we can't really apply empirical data to happiness because we don't have a good idea of what it is. Any survey that purports to give data on happiness can be answered in ways that show contradictory motivations. (Example: ``Are you satisfied with your life?'' One could answer with ``no'' and still be quite happy, they just are the kind of person who strives to better themselves and sees satisfaction as a type of complacency. Welfare is probably not happiness for similar reasons.) Rational choice theory says you should do the things that you think will make you happy, though, so I fully support your decision to eat chocolate. 


16 hours ago, raaawr said:

speaking of chocolate, I've been eating white chocolate peppermint all day long. So basically my days are just me snuggled in bed with my dogs while watching netflix and eating chocolates. But according to results page, Parsons will be sending out invites soon. I'm getting nervous. :/

If anyone actually cares: do NOT eat chocolate. 1) I just ruined my diet

2) I over did it (even though I didn't eat that much, but it turns out my stomach can't handle it) and ended up vomiting this morning. YEAH? -_-

I repeat: DON'T DO IT!

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Congratulations on everyone who got good news!

Puppy Update: My puppies are passed out in the front yard because they spent the whole night randomly playing. The WHOLE night. And one of them is leaning against my leg and nibbling my foot in it's sleep. 

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1 hour ago, piglet33 said:

Yay you guys! So much good news and happy vibes :D Y'all are awesome!

In other news I woke up to about 6 emails from the professors who are interviewing me (today eeek) asking for my Skype handle (which the POI has as we've been talking for months). They were getting quite pissy (group email) as I hadn't immediately responded. Um hello, you're having this conversation at 3am my time. I'm asleep!! Now I'm more apprehensive about this. Definitely time to take it out on the weights.

Don't worry! They probably forgot that you're on another continent, and once they remember they'll feel bad about being pissy. GOOD LUCK!

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I think I'm having a bad case of application anxiety. lol. I woke up at 5:30am and I think I went on a hypnogogia hallucination cause I thought I saw a fuzzy, squiggly silhouette of a clown (I don't know why I know it's a clown, I just seem to know it) and slenderman watching me in my room. I turned on my ipad, hugged my dog and just hid under the covers until I fell asleep. lol! I was too afraid to stand up and turn on the light so I used my ipad as a light source. :lol:

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43 minutes ago, raaawr said:

I think I'm having a bad case of application anxiety. lol. I woke up at 5:30am and I think I went on a hypnogogia hallucination cause I thought I saw a fuzzy, squiggly silhouette of a clown (I don't know why I know it's a clown, I just seem to know it) and slenderman watching me in my room. I turned on my ipad, hugged my dog and just hid under the covers until I fell asleep. lol! I was too afraid to stand up and turn on the light so I used my ipad as a light source. :lol:

Hahahahahaha. I'm sorry for laughing. But it's so good to know I'm not the only one whose anxiety is manifesting in wierd ways. 

Boy, Freud would have a field day with us. 

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18 minutes ago, G said:

Hahahahahaha. I'm sorry for laughing. But it's so good to know I'm not the only one whose anxiety is manifesting in wierd ways. 

Boy, Freud would have a field day with us. 

Man, I knew I should have taken the Boston Psychoanalysis Institute up on their million and one GRE search service offers! I could already be interpreting these awesomely bizarre dreams.

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2 hours ago, raaawr said:

I think I'm having a bad case of application anxiety. lol. I woke up at 5:30am and I think I went on a hypnogogia hallucination cause I thought I saw a fuzzy, squiggly silhouette of a clown (I don't know why I know it's a clown, I just seem to know it) and slenderman watching me in my room. I turned on my ipad, hugged my dog and just hid under the covers until I fell asleep. lol! I was too afraid to stand up and turn on the light so I used my ipad as a light source. :lol:

I just woke up from a bad dream via alarm. I was semi-lucid in the dream, so when my husband and I ran into someone scary in the dream, I tried turning us invisible... And it backfired. The scary person made it so that turning invisible would make us feel like we were dying, so I'm just lying there in pain, calling out to my husband...

Then my alarm went off. Smack dab in the middle of rem sleep. I woke up EXHAUSTED. 

Curse scary nights and sleep disruptions!! 

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1 hour ago, haltheincandescent said:

Man, I knew I should have taken the Boston Psychoanalysis Institute up on their million and one GRE search service offers! I could already be interpreting these awesomely bizarre dreams.

That would be so cool! *.*

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