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Thankfully my family has kept pretty mum on over-optimism. Instead I'm facing my recommenders saying they're sure I'll get in everywhere. When I told one that I got an acceptance, she said "A bottle of champagne is due. Actually, get a case of champagne. It'll be cheaper." Well, I guess that means she wrote me a pretty good letter of recommendation?

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Just now, pterosaur said:

Thankfully my family has kept pretty mum on over-optimism. Instead I'm facing my recommenders saying they're sure I'll get in everywhere. When I told one that I got an acceptance, she said "A bottle of champagne is due. Actually, get a case of champagne. It'll be cheaper." Well, I guess that means she wrote me a pretty good letter of recommendation?

One of my recommenders is like that too. She is sure I'll get in... most of friends and family too... Sigh I'll probably disappoint a ton of people tomorrow or on Tuesday.

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Writing thesis and finding work and in between every 10 minutes or so researching the schools I applied to. Rereading my personal statements, checking gradcafe and going crazy up the gazoo here! And yes, wine. You are delightful. Had a malbec earlier this week and now a pinot from a box. I finally gave in to boxed wine!

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@FoxAndChicken Yes, that's exactly what I want too! It's so hard to be unsure of where you will be in 6 months and I need a reminder that even if my plans don't work out it will still be okay. 

@hippyscientist I have found that asking people not to talk about it so much doesn't stick for my family and friends either. And I wish I was busier because it definitely makes everything a little easier. I work a part time job and I'm looking for another. I'm also helping here and there on a research article but in general I have too much downtime. I seriously wish I was still in school right now just to make the time pass a little faster. 

@gingin6789 My mom is crazy supportive of my decisions to apply across the country but she very obviously wants me in Idaho. I want that too. She's my best friend. But there are some great possibilities if I get in on the east coast. Possibly better funding, better job opportunities, etc. If by some stroke of luck I have a decision to make, I don't know what I'm going to do. It almost makes it worse that she's supportive of my decision to apply across the country. I'm going to feel guilty if I move so far away. 

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I'm mostly terrified because my backup plan - staying at my university as a non-TT faculty - is not as secure as it seems now. Enrollments are down across the board, and I would have reduced course loads for the next 3 semesters (at least), as well as teaching courses below the gen-ed level. I'm not really comfortable teaching those, as I have no real experience or education to assists TESOL or adult learners with language/writing barriers. And know I would be doing that kind of work for less than what I (struggled) to make now has me freaking out.

I only have one rejection so far, but it was from a program that I thought was a shoe-in, based on how I tailored my studies to their faculty and focus.

Also, I'm 31 (just turned 31 today!) and trying not to have too much of a meltdown...


Okay, I feel a little better now. Carry on. 

Edited by BooksCoffeeBeards
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2 hours ago, FoxAndChicken said:

I understand. I don't want my friends and family to say "I'm sure you'll get in!" I want them to say "It'll be okay if you don't." Because I feel like it's pretty likely I'll be shut out.

Ugh, I know what you mean!  Everyone, my parents, my grandmother, my fiancé's parents and so on, all keep saying "I'm sure you'll get in!"  My response is always to remind them how competitive these programs are, but they don't seem to think there's a chance I won't get in.  I'm terrified that I won't get into school because I really, really want to go to grad school this fall, but also because they'll all be so disappointed.  Hopefully that won't happen!

The only one who has said "It'll be okay if you don't" is my fiancé, and I'm not convinced that he completely believes it either.

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1 minute ago, SLPgradstudent said:

Ugh, I know what you mean!  Everyone, my parents, my grandmother, my fiancé's parents and so on, all keep saying "I'm sure you'll get in!"  My response is always to remind them how competitive these programs are, but they don't seem to think there's a chance I won't get in.  I'm terrified that I won't get into school because I really, really want to go to grad school this fall, but also because they'll all be so disappointed.  Hopefully that won't happen!

The only one who has said "It'll be okay if you don't" is my fiancé, and I'm not convinced that he completely believes it either.

One of the professors in the department I work in said that she was shut out, went and learned a couple languages and got in everywhere she applied. That made me feel better.

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50 minutes ago, BooksCoffeeBeards said:

I'm mostly terrified because my backup plan - staying at my university as a non-TT faculty - is not as secure as it seems now. Enrollments are down across the board, and I would have reduced course loads for the next 3 semesters (at least), as well as teaching courses below the gen-ed level. I'm not really comfortable teaching those, as I have no real experience or education to assists TESOL or adult learners with language/writing barriers. And know I would be doing that kind of work for less than what I (struggled) to make now has me freaking out.

I only have one rejection so far, but it was from a program that I thought was a shoe-in, based on how I tailored my studies to their faculty and focus.

Also, I'm 31 (just turned 31 today!) and trying not to have too much of a meltdown...


Okay, I feel a little better now. Carry on. 

Happy birthday @BooksCoffeeBeards!  Don't worry too much about the first rejection (I know that feels impossible, but try not too!)  The whole grad school acceptance process seems shrouded in secrecy, which means there's always that x-factor schools are looking for and you just can't plan for.  Maybe the other 6 schools will think you're the most awesome English Lit candidate ever, and you'll get into all of them!  Or maybe you'll get into 3, but still have some good options.  Just don't give up hope yet.  Especially not on your birthday!

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Just now, FoxAndChicken said:

One of the professors in the department I work in said that she was shut out, went and learned a couple languages and got in everywhere she applied. That made me feel better.

That would be comforting to hear for sure.  Not being accepted is not the same thing as not being good enough for grad school.

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57 minutes ago, BooksCoffeeBeards said:

I'm mostly terrified because my backup plan - staying at my university as a non-TT faculty - is not as secure as it seems now. Enrollments are down across the board, and I would have reduced course loads for the next 3 semesters (at least), as well as teaching courses below the gen-ed level. I'm not really comfortable teaching those, as I have no real experience or education to assists TESOL or adult learners with language/writing barriers. And know I would be doing that kind of work for less than what I (struggled) to make now has me freaking out.

I only have one rejection so far, but it was from a program that I thought was a shoe-in, based on how I tailored my studies to their faculty and focus.

Also, I'm 31 (just turned 31 today!) and trying not to have too much of a meltdown...


Okay, I feel a little better now. Carry on. 

Oh, my gosh, are you me? That's my backup plan, and it's getting tenuous and weird lately. Without the PhD, even though I have an MFA, I do not foresee getting a TT position or even something better in higher ed than a non-TT fac gig, like directing a center or something. It's the toughest industry going, I swear.

Which doesn't help when my OTHER backup plan is hoping I write the breakout novel.

At least you're only 31. I'm 40. If I don't get into something next year at the latest, I might as well just turn in the Panera app I randomly picked up at lunch today.

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My alternative career plan if the grad school/academia thing doesn't work out: start a combination bookstore bakery called The Bookery. But seriously, I'm incredibly lucky to be in a field where there are job opportunities if this doesn't work out.

I've got my fingers crossed for you guys!

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3 hours ago, pterosaur said:

Thankfully my family has kept pretty mum on over-optimism. Instead I'm facing my recommenders saying they're sure I'll get in everywhere. When I told one that I got an acceptance, she said "A bottle of champagne is due. Actually, get a case of champagne. It'll be cheaper." Well, I guess that means she wrote me a pretty good letter of recommendation?

That's fantastic!

Both my family and my recommenders were quite over-optimistic. It's rough, thinking you might disappoint them.

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Went to a grill out yesterday... And despite the hosts providing plenty of "safe food" for me... Meat, veggies, almond crackers... I still managed to pick up something I shouldn't have and now I am sick. Bleh.

Out of curiosity, has anyone else heard of this Pride and Prejudice and Zombies shit coming out?

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33 minutes ago, nevermind said:

I think this next week is going to be a BIG week for a lot of us! (For better or worse, many of my programs notify around Valentine's Day...) Fingers crossed for you guys (and hopefully some good news for me too)!!!

My programs give decisions between the beginning of February and the middle of April.  Not really a narrow window, but I feel like there is a decent chance I'll hear back from at least one school this week.  I hope.

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2 hours ago, Pink Fuzzy Bunny said:

That's fantastic!

Both my family and my recommenders were quite over-optimistic. It's rough, thinking you might disappoint them.

Are the school's in your signature in green the one's you've been accepted to?  If so, it looks like your family and recommenders were appropriately optimistic!  But yes, it seems the fear of disappointing them is always present, no matter how strong your application is.

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5 hours ago, BooksCoffeeBeards said:

I'm mostly terrified because my backup plan - staying at my university as a non-TT faculty - is not as secure as it seems now. Enrollments are down across the board, and I would have reduced course loads for the next 3 semesters (at least), as well as teaching courses below the gen-ed level. I'm not really comfortable teaching those, as I have no real experience or education to assists TESOL or adult learners with language/writing barriers. And know I would be doing that kind of work for less than what I (struggled) to make now has me freaking out.

I only have one rejection so far, but it was from a program that I thought was a shoe-in, based on how I tailored my studies to their faculty and focus.

Also, I'm 31 (just turned 31 today!) and trying not to have too much of a meltdown...


Okay, I feel a little better now. Carry on. 

I'm in a similar position, @BooksCoffeeBeards, and it feels...tenuous at best. I hope your birthday has been happy! If you ever want to chat about that NTT life (e.g. whine/wine/talk about hoping for the best), I'd be happy to listen.

Did you do something fun for your birthday? Like watch MST3K? :)

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1 hour ago, nevermind said:

I think this next week is going to be a BIG week for a lot of us! (For better or worse, many of my programs notify around Valentine's Day...) Fingers crossed for you guys (and hopefully some good news for me too)!!!

I feel like we should come up with alternate Valentine's Day plans depending on the news we get. I know I, for one, will be going out the day after V-Day to buy discounted chocolates and wine to later consume in copious amounts.

Related, I was talking to my 13-year-old neighbor about this whole process, and I likened it to having a crush on someone: "I like them, and I like to think they like me, but I don't know if they LIKE like me." As such, getting results around Valentine's Dy seems....oddly appropriate, if a bit darkly comic.

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3 minutes ago, Cat_Robutt said:

I feel like we should come up with alternate Valentine's Day plans depending on the news we get. I know I, for one, will be going out the day after V-Day to buy discounted chocolates and wine to later consume in copious amounts.

Related, I was talking to my 13-year-old neighbor about this whole process, and I likened it to having a crush on someone: "I like them, and I like to think they like me, but I don't know if they LIKE like me." As such, getting results around Valentine's Dy seems....oddly appropriate, if a bit darkly comic.

This is so funny @Cat_Robutt!  It's totally like having a crush on someone.

Valentine's day has always felt like a darkly comic day to me.  At least until last year.  Last year my fiancé proposed on V-day!

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My best friend got accepted into her choice school and she's already moving on Friday. I'm happy for her but at the same time I'm so stressed and slightly depressed because I have nothing yet. I haven't even told her I applied to grad school. I actually barely told anyone unless it's necessary. So far the only people that know are my siblings, my mom, my brother's gf, 4 friends and my recommenders. I couldn't tell my best friend yet cause it's her moment so I just want to be happy for her.

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Tomorrow is Monday. That means committees might be meeting, application portals might be updated, and emails/letters could be sent. I'm so nervous. In part, I'm happy time is passing and we're (slowing) trudging towards the day(s?) of reckoning. The other side of my brain is still fiercely determined to sleep until March. I gave it my all and slept for twelve hours straight today. (4/10, would sort of recommend).

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