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emailed AND called graduate enrollment services.

my issue has bee forwarded to my coordinator and she'll probably get back to me tomorrow.

So I think I'm okay. They lady I talked to made it seem like this has happened before.


So now I can be excited about my acceptance without freaking out!

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23 minutes ago, rhombusbombus said:

@haltheincandescent was your penn state acceptance like that? did you have to accept the department's admission first? did i mess up?

Eep. That sounds like a mess. Mine didn't go through the two stage acceptance process, so, I haven't encountered the same thing.

Though do read what the CGS Resolution says about this, especially what I have in bold: (Granted, the first "acceptance" isn't covered by this resolution at all, since it doesn't have anything to do with financial offers, but I feel like the school itself would be less likely to try to stop you from rescinding your 'acceptance' if you have no funding [pure speculation, though, on my part, so please please someone correct me if you have more experience, and other thoughts]):  " Students are under no obligation to respond to offers of financial support prior to April 15; earlier deadlines for acceptance of such offers violate the intent of this Resolution. In those instances in which a student accepts an offer before April 15, and subsequently desires to withdraw that acceptance, the student may submit in writing a resignation of the appointment at any time through April 15. However, an acceptance given or left in force after April 15 commits the student not to accept another offer without first obtaining a written release from the institution to which a commitment has been made." 


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Have any of you had experience being hosted for an interview weekend by a current student of a different gender? I just got offered to stay with a male student and I am kind of speechless. I know one other fellow applicant to a different program was hosted by a husband/wife couple, and she felt comfortable with that (the wife is not a student in the program, though).

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8 minutes ago, artsy16 said:

Have any of you had experience being hosted for an interview weekend by a current student of a different gender? I just got offered to stay with a male student and I am kind of speechless. I know one other fellow applicant to a different program was hosted by a husband/wife couple, and she felt comfortable with that (the wife is not a student in the program, though).

Is it obvious that you will be staying overnight with them? If so, I'd say it is an oversight by the department... surely they wouldn't expect you to stay with a guy. If I were in that situation and were asked to stay with a male student, I'd kindly ask if there were another option by which I could stay with someone of the same gender. 

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9 minutes ago, artsy16 said:

Have any of you had experience being hosted for an interview weekend by a current student of a different gender? I just got offered to stay with a male student and I am kind of speechless. I know one other fellow applicant to a different program was hosted by a husband/wife couple, and she felt comfortable with that (the wife is not a student in the program, though).

You appear uncomfortable with this situation... so you could always say "I am uncomfortable staying with a man." I personally wouldn't be bothered at all... but I am not you, and I am not going lol. 

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@rhombusbombus sounds like it's a relatively common problem that they've dealt with before and it also sounds like you've done the right thing.

All these people hearing from PSU....just tell me already lol! 

@artsy16 it depends on the situation - if they have a spare room/couch I see no problem. Sleeping in the same room therein potentially lies an issue. As @sjoh197 and @Pink Fuzzy Bunny said, i'm sure it's not unreasonable to ask for a reassignment.

Everyone who helped me with my skype conundrum, thank you! I've managed to get hold of an adaptor and ethernet cable for £5 (yay reasonable) which will be delivered tomorrow. Hopefully that works! 

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Thanks all. First and foremost I was just shocked since in my experience it's been rule of thumb to have people (in numerous settings) stay with other people of the same gender. This reminds me of another thread on TGC about rooming with faculty for conferences--students with different gender faculty never ran into this issue.

Or, if that's not available, to at least ask comfort level. I have slept in the same room, even same bed when there wasn't enough space, with guys. The difference is they were all close friends & family, not strangers.

I'm upset because I can't financially attend without either travel reimbursement or staying with a host. All programs I'm visiting offered one or both. I know they say it doesn't affect admissions, but I feel that it maybe does on a subconscious level. Ah well. 

Edited by artsy16
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58 minutes ago, artsy16 said:

Thanks all. First and foremost I was just shocked since in my experience it's been rule of thumb to have people (in numerous settings) stay with other people of the same gender. This reminds me of another thread on TGC about rooming with faculty for conferences--students with different gender faculty never ran into this issue.

Or, if that's not available, to at least ask comfort level. I have slept in the same room, even same bed when there wasn't enough space, with guys. The difference is they were all close friends & family, not strangers.

I'm upset because I can't financially attend without either travel reimbursement or staying with a host. All programs I'm visiting offered one or both. I know they say it doesn't affect admissions, but I feel that it maybe does on a subconscious level. Ah well. 

Yes, I would also be quite shocked that they would be (in my opinion) so inconsiderate. 

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I emailed and asked for a female student, to which the program apologized for not asking if I would be comfortable with staying with a male student. All is well :) and I can afford to visit!


Now for a (good) wine moment: just heard tentatively great news from my top choice: POI emailed to say the students in their lab would love to have me as a colleague and POI personally thinks I would be a great mentee! Hoping this means I have one of (2-3 available) slots in the POI's lab!

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14 minutes ago, artsy16 said:

Now for a (good) wine moment: just heard tentatively great news from my top choice: POI emailed to say the students in their lab would love to have me as a colleague and POI personally thinks I would be a great mentee! Hoping this means I have one of (2-3 available) slots in the POI's lab!

Fantastic news! I would be cautiously optimistic about that, but it sounds promising! Congrats!

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2 hours ago, artsy16 said:

I emailed and asked for a female student, to which the program apologized for not asking if I would be comfortable with staying with a male student. All is well :) and I can afford to visit!


Now for a (good) wine moment: just heard tentatively great news from my top choice: POI emailed to say the students in their lab would love to have me as a colleague and POI personally thinks I would be a great mentee! Hoping this means I have one of (2-3 available) slots in the POI's lab!

Wow congrats!!

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Sooo... Today was interesting. 

Got done teaching my first Recitation of the day, and one of my students hung around to talk with me about how excited he is about the class. Awesome. 

I know him from elsewhere, and he congratulated me on my marriage and I told him about PhD programs, and how my husband would be happy if I went to Delaware because it would mean he would get to ride trains to see me (he loooves trains)... 

And there on my phone.... A call from Delaware arrived! Received a fully funded offer of acceptance and a generally heartwarming phone call. 

My student watched be freak out, and, in a daze, I ran up the mountain because I was late for a meeting with my thesis advisor. I breathlessly told her of my acceptance and she said "go call your mom!" 

So, I called mom, hung up the phone, and there it was. 

an interview notice for Rutgers. "holy crap in a pita!" I exclaimed, and ran to my advisor's office again! "look, look!" 

*ding ding* went my email as I was showing my prof the Rutgers email. 

There it was. An acceptance to UC Davis. 

My thesis advisor said "yeah we're not meeting today. You're not going to be able to focus on anything else but this today! Here, have some candy."

Two acceptances and an interview within 20 minutes of each other. Best Thursday ever! 

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2 minutes ago, gingin6789 said:

@pink fuzzy bunny and @123hardasABCtthank you both so much!! 

And pink, you're right. I don't think anything can top this. 

(Sorry for the double post) AND GATSBY DINER.


The somehow not overweight Californian Grad Cafe-r.

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Just now, Pink Fuzzy Bunny said:

I dunno, I think gingin needs to get the classic California staple (if she hasn't had it yet!) - In N' Out Burgers.

I'm drooling just thinking about doing it animal-style ;) Also, I don't know if there's a Philz Coffee near the Davis area, but if there is, I would go there. Turns out Gatsby's Diner is closed. This breaks my heart :( It was such a good burger and shake. 

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