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MFA 2017 All Art ADMISSIONS freak-out forum!!!!!!!!


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@Poodle-Doodle thank you so much for the info!! last question--was it sculpture specific, or was it a general, you are among the finalists for the entire mfa program...// was the inbterview with sculpture professors only or with an entire committee. 

and i hate that question of what other programs are you looking at.... they always say it doesnt affect their decision but i always feel like it does..

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1 hour ago, Poodle-Doodle said:

Sure, it was just an email saying that I was among the finalist still under consideration for admissions. The email also requested that we chat either Wednesday or Thursday. I did it yesterday, it was pretty much more of a discussion of my work and how it would fit into the program. We skyped for about an hour and fifteen minutes. It fluctuated between us talking intense politics to us laughing things off. Only one downer was when I was asked about other programs that I am looking at, I was so conflicted about answering this question. How would you guys have responded?

Did you answer them which other programs you applied for?

I think it is a hard question!

Edited by eyerolling
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54 minutes ago, Poodle-Doodle said:

Sure, it was just an email saying that I was among the finalist still under consideration for admissions. The email also requested that we chat either Wednesday or Thursday. I did it yesterday, it was pretty much more of a discussion of my work and how it would fit into the program. We skyped for about an hour and fifteen minutes. It fluctuated between us talking intense politics to us laughing things off. Only one downer was when I was asked about other programs that I am looking at, I was so conflicted about answering this question. How would you guys have responded?

I think that it is totally normal for them to ask — they are probably just curious! I don't think you should be worried about it!

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1 hour ago, bspesak said:

Thank you! That first rejection from Yale hurt, but things have slowly been getting better!

Good luck!


Yes, I was also rejected at Yale.  I've tried not to take it personally, its insanely hard to get into Yale. It hurts, but in the end it's all about going to a place that is a good fit, both for the university and for you.  I figured that everything happens for a reason and that the best fit institution is still out there!! All those other institutions have really really great programs ??.  

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2 hours ago, Poodle-Doodle said:

I'm in Chicago tomorrow. For the third time, a well-respected art person has told me that my work would not get what it needs at SAIC. The dismaying part is my ticket is booked already. Aghhhhhhhhhh!

Moral of the story: all that glitters is not gold. 

Ahhh yea I've only heard negative things about SAIC but have you been to Chicago before? Take it as a opportunity to do fun Chicago things! 


1 hour ago, Yournamehere said:

Anyone have any opinion 

hunter or nyu 



HUNTER it's longer and cheaper 

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20 minutes ago, dyldyldyl said:

Got an interview for MFA Painting at RISD just now!!!! Jumping and screaming!!!! Had been rejected from two of my 4 top choice schools and was so down...so this is a huge pick-me-up!!! 

Gonna go melt into a puddle now.

yay! Congrats!

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4 hours ago, bspesak said:


haha. I wouldn't get your hopes up, sadly. The email said that interview requests had been sent out but they are keeping some applications open until final decisions are made. I have pretty much taken it as, you did not get in. haha


@bspesak hahaha this makes sense.

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48 minutes ago, dyldyldyl said:

Got an interview for MFA Painting at RISD just now!!!! Jumping and screaming!!!! Had been rejected from two of my 4 top choice schools and was so down...so this is a huge pick-me-up!!! 

Gonna go melt into a puddle now.

Congrats! Best of luck on your interview -- there are a lot of really awesome people in RISD's painting department. 

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59 minutes ago, meghanmetier said:

Ahhh yea I've only heard negative things about SAIC but have you been to Chicago before? Take it as a opportunity to do fun Chicago things! 


Yeah, SAIC's reputation is pretty mixed from what I've heard too. One of my professors strongly advised me to not apply (even when I told him I got a fee waiver & would only go if I was the lucky person to get a full scholarship). But there are also undoubtedly a lot of fantastic artists coming out of the program. Their facilities are really great (also you get lifetime access as an alumni I think?) and my impression has always been that it's a good program if you are very self-directed and willing to really push your professors to get attention. Also—even though I think UChicago & Northwestern are arguably better programs on paper, if you want to integrate into the Chicago scene it's almost a prerequisite to have SAIC connections. Overall, I think it's a little bit like Hunter in that it's very easy to get lost and go unnoticed if you don't make things happen for yourself. So—not necessarily a bad thing but it takes a certain personality. 

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@gwahr1 I printed out some paragraphs talking about my process, and my latest works just in case I blanked.  I also printed out a list of books, and others who have studied similar ideas. I actually talked about my work and recorded it, and then transcribed it so it would sound conversational. From this you can make some bullet points outlining major trajectories ideas, etc.  As well as the usual "what will you add to the program" . I really have to concur with others here that these interviews seem to be more about getting to know you, rather than the work itself. Remember they probably have the work, your statement, and transcripts in front of them while they're interviewing so be prepared to answer any questions about that. 


The other thing, is I'm dubious about how important the interview is actually in making final decisions. Unless you act like a total nutbar (which I think I probably did) I wouldn't worry about it. 

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42 minutes ago, sylviecerise said:


Yeah, SAIC's reputation is pretty mixed from what I've heard too. One of my professors strongly advised me to not apply (even when I told him I got a fee waiver & would only go if I was the lucky person to get a full scholarship). But there are also undoubtedly a lot of fantastic artists coming out of the program. Their facilities are really great (also you get lifetime access as an alumni I think?) and my impression has always been that it's a good program if you are very self-directed and willing to really push your professors to get attention. Also—even though I think UChicago & Northwestern are arguably better programs on paper, if you want to integrate into the Chicago scene it's almost a prerequisite to have SAIC connections. Overall, I think it's a little bit like Hunter in that it's very easy to get lost and go unnoticed if you don't make things happen for yourself. So—not necessarily a bad thing but it takes a certain personality. 

What are the aspects that gave SAIC bad reputation? 

I've heard that they are a bit too coorporate but I didn't care that much cause I think that all of the private ones are as well? But could you tell a bit more Nicole? I'm curious, I have an interview there and am looking forward to it. At the same time I have been thinking that if I would get in and decided to do it I would have to get many loans to fund it. 



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Hi, I have been reading here for quite a while and thought I should register for an account. My background is in engineering and finally decided to take art more seriously. I have applied for painting. Rejected by Yale and Northwestern. Interviews for SFAI and SVA., and waiting on Cornell. I have two questions:

First, I see people have scheduled interviews for Cornell, I haven't heard back from them. Does it mean I am rejected and they will give me the notification when everything is finalized?

Secondly, I need advice on my interview with SVA. I am an international student and SVA doesn't have much info on their website about financial aid for internationals. Is it OK to ask them about possible financial aid opportunities in the interview? Or should I contact their admissions director for such negotiations?

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