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MFA 2017 All Art ADMISSIONS freak-out forum!!!!!!!!


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Hey everyone!! What I've heard so far for sculpture... GOOD LUCK!

University of Wisconsin- Madison –Rejected 
Virginia Commonwealth University – Rejected

University of Kansas- Interview/Visit
University of Utah- ACCEPTED!!!

Ohio State University 
University of Southern California
University of Notre Dame
Columbia University
University of Washington 

Edited by ArtDoc
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10 hours ago, Apple_J said:

Thanks for sharing!! Hope you get good news soon!! :)

Have you finished your interview with them?

I also have an interview (3 year) with them coming soon. May I ask if the interview process is formal? Would you mind giving me some advice on what kind of questions they would probably ask? Is it more about our work or more about ourselves?

Thanks a lot!! :) 

Thanks! :)

Yes! I interviewed with them yesterday. Everybody there is so nice and so friendly! The interview process is very casual and is more of a conversation then a formal interview. I think that they are trying to curate a good group of people that will all mesh together! 

Don't be nervous! :) Good luck!!! 

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5 hours ago, BlCEO said:

Applied to three places all rejections


Because I know you in real life — I feel like I can confidently say you are a super awesome person and a bad ass artist and those schools are seriously missing out! Don't let this get you down and keep making your super cool sculptures (I think they are awesome).

PS — lets hang out next time your in the city. 


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congrats to everyone who got good news!

still waiting for UCLA and cranbrook, and as some people have been getting interview invites there I'm starting to lose hope. I did apply to painting though and I think everyone that heard back was from different departments, so I'm gonna hold on to that last glimmer of hope for a while B)

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53 minutes ago, oliveoil said:


Because I know you in real life — I feel like I can confidently say you are a super awesome person and a bad ass artist and those schools are seriously missing out! Don't let this get you down and keep making your super cool sculptures (I think they are awesome).

PS — lets hang out next time your in the city. 


Thanks I appreciate it!  and I'll definitely reach out next time I'm around.

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Hi guys

I'm an international student and I have master's degree in engineering but since I'm an art lover and self-trained artist I've applied in MFA program in 3 universities (USC, UCR, and UCI) this year, but I haven't hear from any of them till now :(

I have a question! did you contact any of the professors in universities you've applied before you complete your application to see if they have open positions? because apparently this is a common thing in other fields such as engineering. They contact professors with similar interests as them and then the professor tell them if he/she is interested in working with them or if he/she has any open positions. Is anything like this common in MFA in art too? I didn't talk to anyone before applying and I just completed the application!

Thanks for your answers beforehand 

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11 minutes ago, artdreamer said:

Hi guys

I'm an international student and I have master's degree in engineering but since I'm an art lover and self-trained artist I've applied in MFA program in 3 universities (USC, UCR, and UCI) this year, but I haven't hear from any of them till now :(

I have a question! did you contact any of the professors in universities you've applied before you complete your application to see if they have open positions? because apparently this is a common thing in other fields such as engineering. They contact professors with similar interests as them and then the professor tell them if he/she is interested in working with them or if he/she has any open positions. Is anything like this common in MFA in art too? I didn't talk to anyone before applying and I just completed the application!

Thanks for your answers beforehand 


WOW! Much respect to you man! I love it when folks come into art with non-art backgrounds! Some of my favorite artist didn't go to art school during undergrad or at all. I'm no pro but I believe most Fine Arts schools in the US replenish first-year students through the admissions process, which all of us are going through at the moment so there isn't much of a "need" per-se to contact a professor. Some Art History programs however, I believe function like this where they admit upon request /need/inquiry/interest.

None the less Good luck!

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13 minutes ago, Poodle-Doodle said:

WOW! Much respect to you man! I love it when folks come into art with non-art backgrounds! Some of my favorite artist didn't go to art school during undergrad or at all. I'm no pro but I believe most Fine Arts schools in the US replenish first-year students through the admissions process, which all of us are going through at the moment so there isn't much of a "need" per-se to contact a professor. Some Art History programs however, I believe function like this where they admit upon request /need/inquiry/interest.

None the less Good luck!

Thanks so much for your encouraging comment ^_^. Sometimes I doubt if I'm doing the right thing because I was pretty successful in my last field (although I hated it) and now I don't even know if I get accepted in this program or not. But I think I will regret it someday if I don't pursue my passion now. I wish I can be a professional artist someday.

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7 minutes ago, Cengstro said:

@artdreamer I also applied to UCR -- I haven't heard anything yet. Did you say you haven't been notified or unfortunetly notified you were not accepted? 

I haven't received any feedback from them yet! I was started worrying. 

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51 minutes ago, artdreamer said:

Hi guys

I'm an international student and I have master's degree in engineering but since I'm an art lover and self-trained artist I've applied in MFA program in 3 universities (USC, UCR, and UCI) this year, but I haven't hear from any of them till now :(

I have a question! did you contact any of the professors in universities you've applied before you complete your application to see if they have open positions? because apparently this is a common thing in other fields such as engineering. They contact professors with similar interests as them and then the professor tell them if he/she is interested in working with them or if he/she has any open positions. Is anything like this common in MFA in art too? I didn't talk to anyone before applying and I just completed the application!

Thanks for your answers beforehand 

Hey, fellow scientist-turned-artist!!! :D I went to undergrad for physics/math, though I switched halfway through to art. Artists love hearing about how people in STEM switched to art, so play your engineering background to your advantage! Get ready for a ton of questions about how engineering changes the way you think about your work/art in general. Have a good answer prepared for why you switched. 

Also—major props for chasing your dreams :) Doing what you love is so important if you have the means.

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22 minutes ago, sylviecerise said:

Hey, fellow scientist-turned-artist!!! :D I went to undergrad for physics/math, though I switched halfway through to art. Artists love hearing about how people in STEM switched to art, so play your engineering background to your advantage! Get ready for a ton of questions about how engineering changes the way you think about your work/art in general. Have a good answer prepared for why you switched. 

Also—major props for chasing your dreams :) Doing what you love is so important if you have the means.

Wow, so exited to see someone with almost same experience as me. Now that you've seen both the Mathematics and art world, did you achieve what you expected after changing your field? Are you satisfied with your decision now? I wish I did what I'm doing now when I was in my undergrad years. I had much fewer things to lose back then.

But I have big hopes for future :) 

Thanks for your tips by the way :D 

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39 minutes ago, artdreamer said:

Thanks so much for your encouraging comment ^_^. Sometimes I doubt if I'm doing the right thing because I was pretty successful in my last field (although I hated it) and now I don't even know if I get accepted in this program or not. But I think I will regret it someday if I don't pursue my passion now. I wish I can be a professional artist someday.


Way to go on chasing your dreams man! I just wanted to share this artist I met a year or two ago. He's from a very sciency background http://aguiller.com/index.php?/about-this-site/ Visiting his studio made me feel like a caveman. :lol: Maybe this could help a bit. 

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6 minutes ago, Poodle-Doodle said:

Way to go on chasing your dreams man! I just wanted to share this artist I met a year or two ago. He's from a very sciency background http://aguiller.com/index.php?/about-this-site/ Visiting his studio made me feel like a caveman. :lol: Maybe this could help a bit. 

WoOoOow... His works blew my mind :blink:. So Awsume... Thanks so much for introducing him ^_^ 

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RCA got back to me today, they say they want to interview me, they're just having a tricky time setting up dates right now, so I've been told to expect a interview date shortly. :blink:  I'm currently in London working on a art project for the next month so it's no biggie for me. 

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2 hours ago, artdreamer said:

Hi guys

I'm an international student and I have master's degree in engineering but since I'm an art lover and self-trained artist I've applied in MFA program in 3 universities (USC, UCR, and UCI) this year, but I haven't hear from any of them till now :(

I have a question! did you contact any of the professors in universities you've applied before you complete your application to see if they have open positions? because apparently this is a common thing in other fields such as engineering. They contact professors with similar interests as them and then the professor tell them if he/she is interested in working with them or if he/she has any open positions. Is anything like this common in MFA in art too? I didn't talk to anyone before applying and I just completed the application!

Thanks for your answers beforehand 

Hey welcome.  I'm a software engineer. But not international hah.

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22 minutes ago, Tyra1992 said:

In case Ucla is really a no, apply for residencies, then mfa next year again, your work is really nice!


Thanks! And yea I'll prob apply again. 

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2 hours ago, artdreamer said:

Hi guys

I'm an international student and I have master's degree in engineering but since I'm an art lover and self-trained artist I've applied in MFA program in 3 universities (USC, UCR, and UCI) this year, but I haven't hear from any of them till now :(

I have a question! did you contact any of the professors in universities you've applied before you complete your application to see if they have open positions? because apparently this is a common thing in other fields such as engineering. They contact professors with similar interests as them and then the professor tell them if he/she is interested in working with them or if he/she has any open positions. Is anything like this common in MFA in art too? I didn't talk to anyone before applying and I just completed the application!

Thanks for your answers beforehand 


1 hour ago, artdreamer said:

Wow, so exited to see someone with almost same experience as me. Now that you've seen both the Mathematics and art world, did you achieve what you expected after changing your field? Are you satisfied with your decision now? I wish I did what I'm doing now when I was in my undergrad years. I had much fewer things to lose back then.

But I have big hopes for future :) 

Thanks for your tips by the way :D 

Like @sylviecerise, I was originally a STEM major (for 2.5 years) too! While it's not nearly the same as having a master's in engineering, I can relate. I'm so much happier than I would've been. 

I'm not sure what your work is like, but definitely expect some questions about the intersection of your work and engineering, or if you've ever thought to combine them. One of the best artists I knew in undergrad was an art/engineering double major, and her work really brilliantly drew on engineering. But it's also fair to completely separate the two. Either way, your story might make you a memorable candidate. 

As for reaching out to professors, I've never heard of anyone getting admitted like that. But it doesn't hurt to talk to some beforehand. I wouldn't send unsolicited emails, but if you contact the graduate admissions departments at the schools you're interested in, they might connect you to relevant professors. Going to a graduate portfolio review day also really helped me (though I realize this would be tough since you're international). I ended up emailing with several professors afterwards, which I think might've helped me out.

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