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2010 MFA Visual Arts admission replies and results


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I dunno guys...800 is a bit much. That's rivaling Yale...:P lol...MICA only had around 200-300 for each of their departments and they are top 5 in the country. ???

But, hey...I guess it could be a big year on the west coast with Cali's crappy economy. I read in some Princeton article that grad admission was up 300% since the recession began!

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To anyone who was waiting on MICA/Rhinehart (like myself), I found out that they are currently interviewing people, so I assume that I've missed the boat on that one too. Meltdown :(

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MICA interviewing is definitely weird. I wouldn't be too quick to lose hope,though. I am on my SECOND?? interview tomorrow in person and a friend of mine was admitted last year very late in the game from the waiting list...so...smile.gif Keep hope alive.

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Wow, I'm so glad I found this forum!

I haven't read the whole forum yet, just the last few days, but I applied to Columbia (painting) and they sent an email on Jan 12 that finished with: "Please note that most admissions decisions will not be made until late April of 2009."

That's seems so late...Sucks we have to wait that long.

My results thusfar:

Accepted to U Wisconsin-Madison

Rejected from Tyler

Had an interview for MICA Hoffberger, still waiting on the response

Still waiting on:





RISD (which states on the website that decisions will by mailed "on or before March 24"


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Another Update:


New York Studio School: (scheduled for 4/1)

...feeling hopeful because, aside from being the only positive reply so far, I think this may truly be the best place for me and my work.


Yale: (2/8 online system)

SAIC: (3/1 letter)

NYU: (3/5 letter)

MassArt: (3/10 letter)

Haven't heard from:




Purchase College


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I dunno guys...800 is a bit much. That's rivaling Yale...:P lol...MICA only had around 200-300 for each of their departments and they are top 5 in the country. ???

But, hey...I guess it could be a big year on the west coast with Cali's crappy economy. I read in some Princeton article that grad admission was up 300% since the recession began!

it might not be 800, but i bet it's close. ( i have friends who graduated from/are current mfa students/prospective students (aka. have interviewed) so my sources are pretty reliable). also, i wouldn't rely on "ranking" to determine the amount of applications a school would receive. i'm not sure, but i'd bet usc's ranking isn't super high, but have produced pretty "hot" grads in recent years, which probably means more? sorry, i just think the "rankings" are irrelevant.

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@000era: I wouldn't judge a progam based soley on rankings either...but, I also wouldn't say the reputation or ranking of a school is irrelevant...wink.gif

I would agree. Rankings are voted on by top faculty/admins at each school. The rankings only give you an idea of how the collective art academia view each school, but if you are looking to teach after your MFA, the rank of the school will give you some idea of how everyone else will view your credentials. Not to say there aren't a million other things that go into choosing faculty, but having a RISD, Yale, or SIAC instead of a school ranked 134th will look much more impressive.

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interviews are pretty much done at usc. rumor has it that they received around 800 applications this year (for 8 spots?) and i think around 400 last year...wow!

Very disheartening to hear, I guess this is just the recession fucking people in ways I didn't even know were possible...I mean it makes sense...but why do I feel like that a lot of people are not returning to school because they actually need it more than they just need to defer student loans or to pass time while unemployed...

With that said, I wonder when USC is going to send out their rejection letters?

and when is UCLA going to do anything at all? do they even interview?

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MICA interviewing is definitely weird. I wouldn't be too quick to lose hope,though. I am on my SECOND?? interview tomorrow in person and a friend of mine was admitted last year very late in the game from the waiting list...so...smile.gif Keep hope alive.

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I'm ready to call. Some one stop me!

HAhaha...Preach! I was totally there a few days ago. And today, I think I am going to be bold in my interview and ask specifically when selections will be made. This wait is getting too close for comfort as my acceptances want answers soon. Aaaaargh! They have to know we are sweating it.

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Wow, I'm so glad I found this forum!

I haven't read the whole forum yet, just the last few days, but I applied to Columbia (painting) and they sent an email on Jan 12 that finished with: "Please note that most admissions decisions will not be made until late April of 2009."

That's seems so late...Sucks we have to wait that long.

My results thusfar:

Accepted to U Wisconsin-Madison

Rejected from Tyler

Had an interview for MICA Hoffberger, still waiting on the response

Still waiting on:





RISD (which states on the website that decisions will by mailed "on or before March 24"


Congrats on U madison! Looks like we applied to many of the same programs. I too was accepted to Madison and am waiting to hear if I will get a TA position. Im getting nervous that deadlines will come before some schools have even got back to me IE. VCU, HUNTER, RISD, PRATT

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Thought I'd add my results so far. (all for Painting)

PAFA- Accepted with funding

No Word




Indiana U. Bloomington

I'm assuming it's a no-go for Columbia and Hunter at this point. It sounds like people aren't agreeing on whether SVA requires an interview for entrance... A friend of mine was rejected from Indiana.

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Oh wow! This is an awesome forum!

Hi everyone, I'm applying to MFA in Graphic Design (or similar) and my stats are:














has anyone got any word on the pending ones?

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