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I haven't heard anything yet... but I wouldn't say I was being ignored. Nor do I wish any ill wishes on anyone who HAS heard back.


1 rejection three weeks ago but since then nothing. I check the results page and see others getting interviews or acceptance only (strangely no rejects). No news is good news for now? I feel like nothing but air--dirty, smoggy Los Angeles air.


I am being ignored!! Many of my programs have already sent out interview invited. I wish I knew if I was waitlisted or rejected!


I haven't heard anything.

I'm taking it as a bad sign.

(there's no evidence that it's a bad sign, but I'm being a pessimist anyway)


I haven't heard anything.

I'm taking it as a bad sign.

(there's no evidence that it's a bad sign, but I'm being a pessimist anyway)

Same here. Seeing more and more English acceptances everyday is making me despair about my own prospects, even if there's really no reason to.


I'm not getting any kind of attention.

But I think I'll start getting some action come February 15- April 15.


I haven't heard anything.

I'm taking it as a bad sign.

(there's no evidence that it's a bad sign, but I'm being a pessimist anyway)

Same here. Especially since a handful of the programs I applied to have started notifying applicants.


I haven't heard anything yet. But I bet I'm not really being "ignored," they're probably just sitting there looking in amazement at my application thinking "how could such a wonderful applicant exist?!"

I like this kind of thinking!


I haven't heard anything either. Two of my schools haven't sent out any decisions and the other has sent out acceptances, but I heard they're not done yet.

I'm also expecting the worst.


Haven't heard anything, but only one out of ten has sent out anything so far, and I wasn't expecting to get in there anyway.

If last year is any guide, I have 6 whole days left until more start responding!


If last year's timeline is correct, then I could be hearing back as early as tomorrow morning... I don't know how I'm going to sleep tonight.


No offer, no admission, no rejection, no interview, even no response to my emails.

I feel like I haven't applied... damn it...


One application, no word yet. Based on last years dates It seems like I've got about a week left. Which means I'll either get the best birthday present ever or the worst. After 4 rejections last round, I'm not going to worry, one can't hurt as much as four, right?


Monday last week one of my top choices said they would let me know "in the coming two weeks". Well, technically that would mean I should hear today...

Other than that complete and utter silent


I haven't heard anything yet either, but it seems like most of my programs will do most of the notifying about a week or two.

Only one of my programs started sending out acceptances, but so far there are only a few on the results page. I'm starting to think I didn't get into that program, but I'm remaining nervously optimistic.


i wish i could just get on with my life and not think about them until i am hopefully pleasantly surprised........ and although i know there's absolutely no point in checking this forum and the application website (JUST GOTTA WAIT FOR THAT EMAIL) i still do it anyway like I'll miraculously get a reply somehow!! I'm so pathetic!!


I've heard absolutely nothing from any of my schools. Aside from the stress we're all feeling, I don't have a problem with that, because I wasn't expecting any of my programs to notify this early. (Although BC has been sending out rejection letters.) Our time to hear back will come. Good luck to everyone!

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