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NSF GRFP 2017-18


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10 minutes ago, mparrish429 said:

I believe there actually was, I think I recall the list being taken down during one of the Saturday night maintenances about two weeks ago.

I think that's true, but the argument is that the new system revamp may change this for upcoming releases. We will know for sure tomorrow morning.

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My memory is failing me but I never recall seeing "2018 GRFP Awardees" on the database lookup they provide. Its just text and says "not available yet" but I want to say that wasn't there a couple days ago. 


Edited by TK778
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20 minutes ago, TK778 said:

My memory is failing me but I never recall seeing "2018 GRFP Awardees" on the database lookup they provide. Its just text and says "not available yet" but I want to say that wasn't there a couple days ago. 


Thats been there for a couple weeks! Guys I think I quit

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36 minutes ago, Bayesian1701 said:

How unlikely would it be to have resulfs later today?  It would make sense that if there is no maintenance required that they would send it out during business hours right?

In my opinion, not likely. As far as we know, the FastLane update was purely to switch account log-ins over to the new NSF ID system, and any hypotheses that it involved the GRFP results was just speculation (not that speculation is bad). I fully expect our old friend the maintenance advisory to accompany the results release - of course, I'd love the NSF to prove me wrong.

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9 minutes ago, mparrish429 said:

In my opinion, not likely. As far as we know, the FastLane update was purely to switch account log-ins over to the new NSF ID system, and any hypotheses that it involved the GRFP results was just speculation (not that speculation is bad). I fully expect our old friend the maintenance advisory to accompany the results release - of course, I'd love the NSF to prove me wrong.

Completely agree! I would be pleasantly surprised if they announced it during the day but if their goal is to not crash their website with people flooding in to see if they got it or not the best best is for a middle of the night announcement.

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Whelp, I think I just used up an entire year's worth of luck. My headphone wire got snagged on the backpack of someone walking (UNNECESSARILY) too close to me on a subway platform--the wire flung towards the tracks, but my phone somehow managed to unplug and fall flat, right next to me. Praise Jah (and please take off your backpack on crowded subways, for the love of god) (and don't be a personal space invader)  

However, I'm now suspecting that I will end up with curmudgeony/unhelpful reviewers. 

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1 hour ago, mars667 said:

Whelp, I think I just used up an entire year's worth of luck. My headphone wire got snagged on the backpack of someone walking (UNNECESSARILY) too close to me on a subway platform--the wire flung towards the tracks, but my phone somehow managed to unplug and fall flat, right next to me. Praise Jah (and please take off your backpack on crowded subways, for the love of god) (and don't be a personal space invader)  

However, I'm now suspecting that I will end up with curmudgeony/unhelpful reviewers. 

Oh that's rough buddy. 

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I am glad that the NSF doesn't know who I am  and how currently superstitious and speculative I have been on here.  I feel like they would reject me for being a bad scientist during my freakouts.  Also we are at the longest processing time from deadline to release for the past 3 years.   I guess the delays really slowed things down. 

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Also defeated.

Dear NSF,  

I am can do real statistics with if I have data and I know that luck is not a real thing. Just let me know so I can stop working on getting ready for my proposal if I get rejected.   I have a much better one now.  

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I dreamt last night that the results were released this morning, and everyone was in here saying whether they were awarded or not. But in my dream, I was too afraid to open the email. 

In reality, I’m so tired of waiting that I’m going to open that email immediately. I don’t even care what the outcome is so much anymore, I just want to know! 

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33 minutes ago, siliconchins said:

So if it's a release on Friday, we would expect maintenance notice(s) by tomorrow right? 

Probably by tomorrow, but a maintenance notice might come on Thursday.  Even if there is no maintenance shutdown, I think results will come out Friday.  Past data suggests that maintenance usually happens but it could be different this year. 

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I really hope results come Friday, but I also think it could easily be next Tuesday. April 3 would still fall within the last patterns, and with the government shut down and hurricane delays, I could see them pushing the date back. I really hope I'm wrong and it is released on Friday. But I've gotten my hopes up too many times over the last couple weeks, so I'll expect an April 3 release and hope for a March 30 release!  

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