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Directing MFA for 2018 - Let's connect


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Anyone hear back from URTA directing interviews?  I had a few and sebtvthsnk you emails to all but one — UT Austin.  Thought KJ was a total bitch, she kept tying to trip me up in the interview and failed.  She told me to prepare to have a conversatiin sbkht King Lear and it NEVER came up because she kept “verifying” something on my resume... I won an award she hasn’t and she was surprised... wow, lady, get over yourself.  

I received a return email from Brooklyn College just saying that they would get back to me much later... I offered to fill out an actual application but heard nothing about that... okay...

No responses to my “thank you for the interview” email from Temple, FSU, or UCLA.

Really like the woman at FSU.  I HOPE TO HEAR FRON HER.  Plus I could live cheaply in Florida fir 3 years, opposed to all the money I currently spend in NYC.  Since he did URTA in Chicago I guess I won’t eveb hear about a follow up until this week?

Got waitlisted at Indiana and Ohio last year so I didn’t apply this year.  I may apply next year if things don’t work out.

strangly, I went to Yale undergrad and have no intent in the MFA program.   Is there something wrong with me?!  Lol






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@Eccyclema I’m right there with you re: Yale. 

I got an email from UT asking me to come to campus for an interview, that will be 3 in one week because I just got an email invite from Northwestern as well. They’re doing 3 more days of interviews and scheduled them in teirs so I’m heading out there next week. 

UCSD emailed me today to set up a Skype interview.

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@Theater Maker that's awesome! I was thinking it was too late to expect anything from those two, so congrats on unexpected good news! 

I just had an amazing experience at my BU audition yesterday--I seriously contemplated kidnapping the actors I got to work with so I could bring them home with me. So talented and easy to work with! No way to know what the outcome will be, but I definitely feel good about my work there. 

Best of luck to all of you with interviews and auditions coming up!!

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@Theater Maker and @Squidpunk I am so happy to hear that!! Knock 'em dead!!

@MadamDirector So glad to hear you had a beautiful experience at BU! I had also stopped checking Northwestern and UCSD thinking their windows had closed. There's still a glimmer of hope there. Did you have your Amherst interview already as well?

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@E. Karenina fair warning, the UMass interview was the most formal-feeling I've had so far. Everyone was very kind, but it definitely didn't feel as relaxed or conversational as the others I've experienced. (Also, don't expect to make Gil smile... he's very nice but has a *serious* poker face!)

Partly because of the more formal interview, the casual lunch was definitely appreciated and gives a great chance for you to ask any questions you have for them--don't be shy about it! 

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1 hour ago, E. Karenina said:

Was the focus of their questions on your previous work?

They did ask about that a bit, specifically I remember they asked me to talk through my process for a show that I felt had been a successful collaboration. They also asked some of the pretty generic ones: why grad school/why U Mass, strengths and weaknesses, etc  

i don't think they referenced anything specific from my resume, though. 


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NEVER heard of a school doing this, but just found out that I am on the waitlist for the finalist weekend at Brown... 

Part of me thinks they must do that because in years past, people have decided not to attend due to other acceptances? But then the other part of me wonders what the chances are of me getting in as their #7 choice even if I do get bumped into the actual final 6... 

Just weird. 

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10 hours ago, per4mance said:

NEVER heard of a school doing this, but just found out that I am on the waitlist for the finalist weekend at Brown...  

That does seem odd to waitlist you for callbacks. Is their callback much later than everyone else's?  But also, congrats! That's a very short list to be on. :)

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@per4mance my good friend is one if their callbacks, but has a major conflict that weekend and might not be able to go. I also received a callback with Brown, but I’ve decided that if I hear a yes from Yale before then that I’ll give up my slot to someone else. So, uh, fingers crossed? ?

Just wrapped up my Northwestern interview about an hour ago, it was really awesome, but I’m utterly exhausted — it’s been 2 long days of information, meeting people, and talking. I also had an *intense* UCSD interview yesterday over Skype in the middle of my Northwestern callback—I really like how deeply they challenged me. I have a whole bunch of Northwestern events this afternoon & tonight then a 5am flight tomorrow to New Haven for my Yale interview. I feel kind of unprepared right now, and I’m so tired, but hopefully I can rally to prep myself tomorrow.

Sending good luck vibes out to all you lovely humans!

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@Squidpunk what a ridiculously intense weekend! Best of luck to you at all three schools. 

@per4mance that is odd, but if you do end up with a spot at the Brown callbacks--which I hope you do--don't count yourself out! The whole point of these in person visits is so you can wow them with the aspects of you that an application can't contain! 

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@E. Karenina don't panic! They're super welcoming, and a lot of their process is about giving you a really good feel for the program--it's not all about them evaluating you. The lunch especially is a great chance to relax a bit, let them see your real self, and ask any and all questions you have for them. Take advantage of it! And have fun!! 

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