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TakeMyCoffeeBlack last won the day on October 11 2014

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  • Application Season
    2014 Fall
  • Program
    Political Science

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  1. That seems possible. If so, you’d think they’d move quicker on sharing award details so people could accept or decline. But then, the portal is like going back more than a decade in Internet design history.
  2. I'm sure the people who make decisions and the people who update the portal are different, so it's possible something go changed on accident - but I hope not the funding part! Congrats!
  3. It's possible they have only two boxes to tick? "Doctoral Candidate" or "Independent Researcher" - or something along those lines? No letter/email on my part, and I'm holding my breath until I get more thorough confirmation - but there is an option in the lefthand menu to accept the award. So... who knows.
  4. I'm already ABD stateside, applying to conduct fieldwork all over (with an affiliation at FU Berlin). My field is political science.
  5. Excellent!
  6. No, I checked the portal. It says funding and there's an option for accepting or rejecting the award, but no letter yet. Thanks!
  7. My application now indicates "Funding." Has anyone else's changed? (US long-term research)
  8. My status now indicates "Funding." Has anyone else's changed? (US long-term research)
  9. That makes sense. I guess I was just a little confused. I had understood the question as something along the lines of: DAAD doesn't require proof of admission to apply and win the scholarship; you received notification of admission, and wanted to alert DAAD in the event that it may matter/expedite their transmission of information to you; DAAD responded that they wanted something more official than the e-mail for this purpose - what do I do? Or have I missed something? In any case, it does sound a little unusual if it's true that you need to show admission to get the award. Which scholarship in particular were you applying for?
  10. Ahhh. Could you reach out to the uni and explain this to them? Perhaps they can draft something on letterhead for you.
  11. What is the difference between a letter of acceptance and an admission?
  12. Update: now it's blank. Sigh. I had forgotten how stomachache-inducing this waiting is.
  13. The portal indicates "Selection Made" - though nothing more. (US long-term research) FYI
  14. A 3.6 won't hold you back if all other parts of your application are superior. It's just one metric - don't stress about it. Which is important will vary from school to school, but I think you're fine. And if, as you say, your GPA is better in the later semesters than it was in the earlier, you should have no issue at all.
  15. Sure, but that's no reason, maybe outside of the top-10, for faculty to ignore their future ABDs. The opportunity cost? They stand to lose a lot if their program slips in the rankings because of bad attrition and discontent MA students (who, even if they move on to ABD level, may not perform as well as they otherwise might have because of bad advisement until their 3rd or 4th years). Absolutely the ABD deserve and need more attention. I don't think it's cynical, I was just problematizing it. You seem to have a good idea of what you want and how to do this. If I were in your shoes and wanted the same things as you, I'd probably accept the current offer and take it from there, rather than wait and cross my fingers that I end up somewhere in the following year.
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