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  1. Upvote
    lewin reacted to splitends in Rejected from BU, but admitted to Harvard + UPenn..how does that make sense?   
    I don't think it's necessarily pompous-- it's a legitimately confusing thing that happens in the admissions process. A lot of people assume that graduate school admissions are similar to undergrad in that "the best" students have the best chance of getting in everywhere they apply, and that logically getting into a more competitive program seems to imply that you are going to be a more coveted applicant at a less competitive program.

    But in reality the calculus of determining grad school admissions is much more complicated. Grad departments can only admit so many people, and have to hope that a decent percentage of those students will accept the admissions offer even though they likely have competing offers from other departments. When you look at things from that perspective, it doesn't make sense to admit students that seem highly unlikely to accept the offer. It doesn't necessarily mean that there was some hint in your application, or lack of enthusiasm in an SOP-- the admissions committee may just have to figure it out knowing what they know about the admissions field in general. I've mentioned this elsewhere in the forum, but when I was looking around at schools, a current grad student at Harvard told me that he had been rejected from every grad school he applied to, including several less competitive schools, except for Harvard.

    Anyway, the point is that the whole mechanics of "safety schools" are just totally different in PhD programs.
  2. Upvote
  3. Upvote
    lewin reacted to welfareballer in Rejected from BU, but admitted to Harvard + UPenn..how does that make sense?   
    sick brags all around in this thread
  4. Downvote
    lewin reacted to Sigaba in Rejected from BU, but admitted to Harvard + UPenn..how does that make sense?   
    Another possibility is that BU sensed that you're a big fish who'd get offers from bigger ponds. So the program made an offer to a student who was more interested in attending than you conveyed in your application materials.

    In any case, if you really want to know, call/write the Powers That Be at BU for a debriefing.

    Most of all, enjoy what you have accomplished. Harvard and Penn! Congratulations!
  5. Upvote
    lewin got a reaction from indorichai in Need Advice on a Professor   
    Your initial conversation seems odd but I wasn't there. It's hard to say what you were doing that might have appeared flippant or joking.

    It seems to me that she's harder on you in class because you're a grad student and the others are undergrads. Maybe the others need more encouragement to contribute. High expectations are good, and your paper mark suggests that you're meeting them. And her telling you that you should read the articles in depth is pretty mild criticism. The big indicator that she likes you (or at least respects you) is that research position. Advisors don't hire researchers they don't like, so to me that overshadows anything else that might be odd about your interactions.

    My snap judgement is that maybe you're being a bit thin-skinned. Learning how to take criticism is a big part of graduate school because it happens constantly. Your advisor isn't your friend and doesn't have to be nice, especially because she's rewarding you where it counts (grades, opportunities).
  6. Downvote
    lewin got a reaction from NinjaMermaid in Does anyone else's university enjoy playing games with financial aid?   
    You got extra money so you needed fewer loans? That doesn't sound like a problem, it sounds like a windfall! (Though I see the irritation at poor planning.)
  7. Upvote
    lewin got a reaction from electrochoc in Tax on SSHRC/NSERC   
    Yes, pretty sure you've made a mistake somewhere. I checked my return and SSHRC income should NOT be included in total income. Here's the CRA guide for that part of the return, line 130. Make sure to enter it as box 105 from your T4A.

    Disclaimer: I am not a tax expert, just a student who has been doing his own taxes. Buyer beware.
  8. Upvote
    lewin got a reaction from go3187 in Need Advice on a Professor   
    Your initial conversation seems odd but I wasn't there. It's hard to say what you were doing that might have appeared flippant or joking.

    It seems to me that she's harder on you in class because you're a grad student and the others are undergrads. Maybe the others need more encouragement to contribute. High expectations are good, and your paper mark suggests that you're meeting them. And her telling you that you should read the articles in depth is pretty mild criticism. The big indicator that she likes you (or at least respects you) is that research position. Advisors don't hire researchers they don't like, so to me that overshadows anything else that might be odd about your interactions.

    My snap judgement is that maybe you're being a bit thin-skinned. Learning how to take criticism is a big part of graduate school because it happens constantly. Your advisor isn't your friend and doesn't have to be nice, especially because she's rewarding you where it counts (grades, opportunities).
  9. Upvote
    lewin got a reaction from txelizabeth in Need Advice on a Professor   
    Your initial conversation seems odd but I wasn't there. It's hard to say what you were doing that might have appeared flippant or joking.

    It seems to me that she's harder on you in class because you're a grad student and the others are undergrads. Maybe the others need more encouragement to contribute. High expectations are good, and your paper mark suggests that you're meeting them. And her telling you that you should read the articles in depth is pretty mild criticism. The big indicator that she likes you (or at least respects you) is that research position. Advisors don't hire researchers they don't like, so to me that overshadows anything else that might be odd about your interactions.

    My snap judgement is that maybe you're being a bit thin-skinned. Learning how to take criticism is a big part of graduate school because it happens constantly. Your advisor isn't your friend and doesn't have to be nice, especially because she's rewarding you where it counts (grades, opportunities).
  10. Downvote
    lewin got a reaction from Andsowego in Does anyone else's university enjoy playing games with financial aid?   
    You got extra money so you needed fewer loans? That doesn't sound like a problem, it sounds like a windfall! (Though I see the irritation at poor planning.)
  11. Upvote
    lewin reacted to koolherc in Need Advice on a Professor   
    sounds like a 3rd grader who has a crush on you
  12. Upvote
    lewin got a reaction from trina in Being POI's First Choice: Important or Not?   
    I don't think it's especially unusual to hear you're not the top choice. For example, the PI who says, "I can only admit one student and I've decided it is another candidate. But if he/she declines I'll make you an offer." It happens all the time on the job market. It's not like getting married to your second choice of beau, it's a professional situation. I think expecting to be the top choice is a little naive or unrealistic.

    ETA: I understand why it feels awkward and makes people uncomfortable, certainly. I just mean that it's not unusual and you shouldn't take it personally, and most certainly shouldn't decline a spot just because you weren't their first pick.
  13. Upvote
    lewin reacted to svh in How to answer the "are we your topic choice" question in interview?   
    Say something nondescript like, there are several schools near the top of my list and I really won't know which one fits best with me until I visit them all.
  14. Upvote
    lewin reacted to StrangeLight in SSHRC 2011   
    right, the SSHRC pays me directly. sent a giant $10,000 cheque to my mailbox.

    i am fighting every temptation to go to the casino...
  15. Upvote
    lewin got a reaction from pheonixx in Should I update POI or Program Director?   
    I feel like many candidates would like to "update" their applications based on CV improvements over the last three months. But a deluge of these types of emails to your POI might end up being an collective annoyance. So especially if you already indicated on your application that you submitted to those places, then my inclination is no, do not.

    On the other hand, if you've already traded a few emails with your POI then it might be okay because of the previously-established connection. Here, you could lead off with something like, "When we traded emails in the fall I had told you that I submitted posters to X and Y. I just wanted to let you know that they were accepted!"

    And practically speaking, especially given that you have some conference experience already, I don't think two more posters will move you into the accept pile if you weren't there already.
  16. Upvote
    lewin got a reaction from gellert in Importance of Publications/Presentations?   
    If you have a poster presentation or two that's fine. Nobody will expect to see an actual publication unless maybe--maybe--you're applying to a top 5 program. My goodness, most people just hope to have publications by the time they finish graduate school.
  17. Upvote
    lewin got a reaction from Sarapsy in Do professors for LOR get mad if you apply to too many schools?   
    you'll make it easier if you're organized:

    1. Give them plenty of notice--like six weeks.

    2. Provide a CV, transcript, and copy of your statement of purpose.

    3. Give a clear list with something like: School name, program name, application date, and instructions (e.g., some universities want the writer to sign across the flap, others want the writer to mail it directly). You could even write a one-sentence blurb about each school, like why you find it appealing or who you intend to work with.

    4. Provide pre-addressed envelopes.

    5. If there is a form to fill out in addition to the letter, complete it as much as you can first (e.g., name, address, program info).

    ...your letter writers will be in a better mood if they know exactly what to do and don't have to write the school's address 14 times.

    ETA: I applied at 11 places and nobody remarked on it.
  18. Upvote
    lewin got a reaction from clinpsychprospect in Notification Thread   
    There's a whole section of the website dedicated to this already.
  19. Upvote
    lewin got a reaction from hunterbear in Notification Thread   
    Wow, so much dislike. Maybe I was offering a link to be helpful, in case the OP hasn't seen that section already? The link's not helpful?

    The results pages also exist so that people can look things up in a systematic way and not have to hunt here and there for threads that might have dozens or hundreds of posts so it's most beneficial to report things there.
  20. Upvote
    lewin got a reaction from hunterbear in Notification Thread   
    There's a whole section of the website dedicated to this already.
  21. Upvote
    lewin got a reaction from Ennue in How does reading on the internet lead to deep analytical thinking?   
    3) You might find an overly trusting soul who will do your homework for you!
  22. Downvote
    lewin reacted to Andrew Paniagua in How does reading on the internet lead to deep analytical thinking?   
    How is reading on the internet better than books in terms of analysis of the content? Two examples,

    1) The ability to research inter-textual connections.
    (Instead of having to go through tons of books)

    2) The ability to speak with other users in the comment section.
    (Instead of just writing an essay response, you can have real time conversations with many users and gather many thoughts and input)

    Please help me find more so i can write my thesis for an english paper. Thank you!
  23. Downvote
    lewin got a reaction from William_James in Notification Thread   
    Wow, so much dislike. Maybe I was offering a link to be helpful, in case the OP hasn't seen that section already? The link's not helpful?

    The results pages also exist so that people can look things up in a systematic way and not have to hunt here and there for threads that might have dozens or hundreds of posts so it's most beneficial to report things there.
  24. Downvote
    lewin got a reaction from William_James in Notification Thread   
    There's a whole section of the website dedicated to this already.
  25. Upvote
    lewin got a reaction from Behavioral in Notification Thread   
    There's a whole section of the website dedicated to this already.
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