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Everything posted by Chandru1

  1. My favorite schools are SDSU, UoP, and SJSU.
  2. Given that every single program, from U of Iowa to middle of nowhere U, has a nearly 100% employment rate, wherever you go, you'll find a job. This is like the one field with a critical shortage of graduates.
  3. I believe it's overall GPA. Some schools accept students without a CSD major.
  4. I see. Thank you for your input! That's one of the main reasons I want to stay until spring.
  5. I found out that I am theoretically able to graduate this winter, instead of in the spring as normally planned. I'm wondering if there is anything I need to think about on the admissions side before graduating early. Will committees like the dedication and fast-paced learning, dislike the fact that I would not take the spring quarter for enriching classes and improving my GPA, or would they just not care? Thank you in advance!
  6. For example, let's say I want to apply to a university with a 1/1 deadline, and one with a 3/1 deadline. Can I apply to the first school, and then further refine the essays etc in order to submit a better app for the 3/1 school?
  7. I have shadow and research experience which I'm hoping will stand out.
  8. From an admissions standpoint, If it even is allowed to take classes pass/no pass, it'd look better with letter grades for all your classes.
  9. FYI: there is a "start new thread" button. Use that instead of posting the same thing verbatim on multiple threads. Given that NY is a desirable area, you're going to want good test scores. Have you been preparing for the GRE?
  10. For their postbac they only look at cumulative GPA, but for masters they look at the applicant holistically.
  11. I'm in the same boat (3.0, linguistics degree), but I'm hoping that my extracurriculars will cause programs to accept me. Would it be feasible to apply for extended masters programs, and then postbacs should they not pan out?
  12. I remember reading a while back that you can e-submit without letters, since programs realize that professors are busy.
  13. Maybe the 3.3 GPA person had some extenuating circumstances or amazing extracurriculars (like yours)?
  14. Woodward Park is 11 miles from the university, so you will need a car most likely. Fresno State appears to have on campus housing: http://www.universitycourtyard.org
  15. I don't know too much about Fresno, but I'll try to answer some of your questions. For rent check craigslist. Fresno State may have a website only open to students that will have housing listings available. I know absolutely nothing about Fresno public transit options, so if your daughter has no car, she may have to live close to campus. I also know nothing about Fresno's neighborhoods, but I googled and found this: http://www.movoto.com/blog/homeownership/the-5-best-neighborhoods-in-fresno/ Woodward Park doesn't look that far from Fresno State and is safe, according to that site. Roommates and related issues are personal and depend on financial situation, privacy desired, and so on.
  16. ^ what draws you to Edinboro? One of my mentors went there.
  17. ^ I'm trying to limit my resume to one page, since according to the Purdue OWL, entry level resumes can't exceed one page.
  18. I have heard that the longer you have been out of school, the less undergrad GPA matters.
  19. I'm not sure, but I want to say yes. I'm going to an info session next month and will prob find out for sure then.
  20. As of last month, SJSU wants both GRE and CBEST.
  21. I've heard some schools (even in CA) say that they will overlook a bad freshman year, assuming that there is an upward trend in grades.
  22. http://www.chapman.edu/academics/extended-education/professional-development-opportunities/postbac-commsciencedisorders.aspx Chapman's program is one year long, but instead of quarters or semesters, they have 5 week terms.
  23. I just applied to work in a lab on memory. They wanted students with a 3.2, but I don't have that because of freshman year troubles. I noted that on my application, and mentioned my strong upward trend in GPA. Maybe try that? If you make your case, professors may be willing to give you a second chance.
  24. They both seem to be good programs. I got a PM from a student at CSUF postbac who likes it, and I have a friend at Portland postbac who also likes it there. The downside of CSUF is that there are apparently classes taught by adjunct faculty.
  25. I completely agree! If I could just erase everything before Winter 2013 I'd have a 3.5, and sleep a lot easier :/
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