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  1. Hey Turnip,

    I came across your post about changing your SOP according to different colleges in the 2017 MFA Freak Out Forum.

    I was hoping to gain insight from you as to what changes you had made and how you went about the whole admission procedure.

    I shall be extraordinarily grateful for your help in this regard

    Looking forward to hearing from you!

  2. Great bit to add! I'm still waiting to hear from my A school, which was also the 1st app due for me. I definitely felt the later applications I submitted were more refined.
  3. I forgot to ask! They both said that they could tell while they were there that is wasn't the right fit for them and thus chose different schools.
  4. I've talked to two friends who interviewed at SAIC in sculpture last year. One told me that the interview committee projected their slideroom portfolio and had them talk about each slide. Then they asked a bunch of questions from the list above, including what you're reading (and specific questions/ discussion about it), How your work fits into contemporary art, and artists who are both dead and still working that you like.
  5. I'm hoping to hear from sculpture, so I am relieved it was a different department. Congrats! UMich interview here too. Those Tuesday slots were scooped up quickly.
  6. My interview is on the 14th. I found a great deal on a plane ticket, so no long drive for me! I'll be arriving in the evening on the 13th, if you'll still be around.
  7. Those are all totally relevant! Personally, I would stick to having only a positive angle. I wouldn't point out how your relationships have been affected because that could make them worry about the next 2 years. Just my 2cents. This will be my first time interviewing for an mfa, so I'm not sure what the best approach is. Personally, I don't plan to talk about the types of examples in your list. I'm (maybe overly?) concerned about making sure I stick to my strengths and not discuss my challenges - unless directly asked. The University of Michigan was the only place that I applied which required an essay outlining the challenges the applicant has faced to get to the point of applying to grad school. It was the only writing I did for applications where I revealed what those challenges are for me, so if asked in an interview, I feel I have an answer at the ready.
  8. I'm waiting on UofM as well. Me too! I got the call today. I thought for sure they passed me up since I got an interview invite letter in the mail on Monday from Art and Technology Studies.
  9. You're right - there and back in 18 hours for me as well. I'm looking at flights too, it might be cheaper than all the gas and tolls.
  10. Congratulations! I just got my rejection letter from Northwestern. I will be interviewing with PennDesign as well. It's a fairly long drive for me, but I want to see the facilities so I think I will make it work.
  11. I'm preparing myself for an interview (and hopefully more), so I thought it'd be nice to have a new interview thread for this year. I'm copying and pasting the questions from last year's thread. Common Questions Visual Arts Applicants are Asked During an Interview How does your work fit in with the contemporary art world/scene? Why do you want to go to XXXXX? Why do you want to go to grad school? Why now? What resources of this program will be the biggest benefit to your development as an artist? What is your work about? What are your influences? What for you constitutes a good work of art? What draws you to a piece of work? What motivates your work? Who are your main influences? Where do you see yourself in 10 years? How does your work fit in with the contemporary art world/scene? What do you think is a good critique of your work/bad critique? Why/how did you choose the people who wrote letters for you? How will you contribute to this program? What do you do for fun? What artists do you like? (you can have a list prepared) What artists who are no longer living influence you? What book are you reading right now? What do you think about it? What are you working on right now? Please explain this work (xxxx03.jpg) What is your favorite piece of art? Why? (Title, artist,year) Can you describe yourself, such as personal habit, etc. Do you get along well with others ? What would you bring to a group dynamic ? What can you offer this program? Any special skills? What do you think is a good way of criting ? a bad way? What other aspects of culture influence your work besidesart/art history? How do you see yourself taking advantage of this school’s enviroment/program? What exhibition have you been to in the last year? What have you done since you’ve graduated? What contemporary artists are you into, and why? Tell us about the conceptual underpinnings of your work? Talk about your process. What do you think about *this essay*? (related to your work) How is your work related to *this movement*? Do you have any questions for us? What do you think about (artist, movement, subject/topic) What can't you stand? Why? What do you think about your own work? How do you want your work to develop? Why are you making the work you're making, and why do you want to keep doing it? Meaning behind your subject matter? influences so you've written a good amount about your practice in your statement...can you expand a little more what was the last show you saw that had a profound effect on you? Ideas for Questions to Ask During Your Interview what's the degree of permeability between the department's different studio areas? what do the teaching assistantship duties generally consist of? Will I be assisting a professor, or will I be teaching my own class? Have recent alumni stayed in the area or ventured elsewhere? What is the grad student to faculty ratio? Ask for more information about particular courses in the curriculum. Other Tips Be able to speak about the professors work and why you are influenced by it. Write a follow up Thank you email within 48 hours after your interview.
  12. Great! I was reading threads from last year and it sounds like they plan a really nice interview day there. Have you visited before? I haven't. I'm really looking forward to seeing the facilities. I applied, but haven't heard anything yet. Fingers crossed.
  13. Cranbrook is 2/1 as well.
  14. I got my first three applications in! Five more to go. I have everything all set, just need to tweak my statement to make it specific to each school's requirements. Almost there. It would be a tad easier if I didn't have to also finish work for an exhibition opening the 13th. When it rains it pours, but it's good stuff.
  15. I don't know for certain, but I'm of the mind that re-applying with newer, stronger works shows that you are dedicated to your practice and to being a part of the community at the schools for which you have previously applied. This is my second time applying as well, though there was a 7 year gap between then and now. My approach includes noting all of the professional development, (residencies, grants, etc) that I have received in that time. I'll know in a couple of months how well it works. Good Luck!
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