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    Nashville, TN
  • Application Season
    2016 Fall
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  1. If anyone is still waiting on Vanderbilt, they have already made offers and invited people for interviews. Best of luck to everyone!!!
  2. I would guess they will send them out late February or early March. Based on past years, I would assume if you don't get an invite, you will not be accepted. Best of luck!
  3. Vanderbilt is also bringing candidates for on-campus visits/interviews now. This is a new system they started last year.
  4. Good luck with your applications! I'm at Vandy, so feel free to DM me if you have any questions. Happy Holidays
  5. I started my PhD program at 30 with 2 kids under 5. Two years later, I now have 3 kids, ages 6, 4, and 2. You're not too old, and wanting kids shouldn't prevent it either. That being said, after working for many years as a PM in CRM, I can tell you that a CRM job is far less a desk job than academia. So, if what you do not want is a desk job, CRM may be the better option.
  6. I know someone who is doing this at Indiana, and I've heard of a few other programs, also.
  7. Ah, I had forgotten about the GRFP. I think you're correct there. They do not find research directly, however. They provide a yearly stipend for you to live on. You could use that money however you like, of course, but it would replace any stipend your university provides. That being said, it is higher than most anthropology program stipends. Best of luck!!
  8. I can't speak to the Fulbright, but I believe NSF only funds doctoral studies and is only for students who are ABD.
  9. Congrats, @Bschaefer!!!!!
  10. Congratulations!! I have no doubt that it's completely deserved!!
  11. Awesome!! I'm so excited for you!
  12. If you're into Queer Theory, consider reading Chelsea Blackmore's work on queer theory and archaeology. It's awesome. I also just finished a book that came out this year called "As We Have Always Done" by Jeanne Simpson.
  13. I'd be happy to help if I can. I'm at a geographically focused program as well, so maybe I can offer some suggestions there. Just let me know!
  14. Congratulations!!!
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