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    2019 Spring

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  1. Hi, Out of the classes that cnice98 mentioned, only one is an ASHA requirement (anatomy and physiology) the rest are pre-reqs for most graduate programs. The ones that you mentioned are mostly graduate level courses. I say this from experience. I have recently taken most of them in my grad program and slated to take the others you mentioned in upcoming semesters. Just thought I would let you know so that you can take the actual pre-req's that you need.
  2. I would reach out to CSDCAS and ask them how to proceed with that
  3. It's most important to submit LOR's from the sources requeted by the individual grad progrms. If not specified, it is always good to try to submit a recommendation from an academic source who can attest to your ability to meet the rigours of a grad program.
  4. I had one from my undergrad at USU. One from my anatomy (ASHA prerequisite course) professor because she asked me to be her TA. And a supervisor when I worked as a RBT. Between them, they were able to attest to my potential as a grad student, my academic profile and abilities, and my work ethics. Also my desire to help others, work with others, etc. Just be sure to get your LOR's from the sources the grad school asks for.
  5. The USU professors are more than willing to provide LOR's. Its actually part of their job. Be sure to ask WAY in advance and give them what they ask for and more if it will help them to get a better picture of you. Remind them how well you did in their class. When you took it. What you took away from it, etc. Understand though that most will wait until you have completed the course so plan accordingly. Remember that they write alot of them so ask early and submit the documents and submission links to them as soon as you can.
  6. Hey everyone. It is frustrating but USA fully plans to open the Dallas campus. The process is involved and sometimes out of their hands. They do have a very good program in Austin and expect that Dallas will follow suit. The program in Austin is on target to recieve full acreditation within 3 years (though they are given 5). Im not officially associated with USA other than I'm a student in their second cohort. Hope that sets some worries at ease.
  7. Try to have an opening statement that makes them WANT to keep reading. Best advice I received. So, when I wrote mine, I thought about that. Here is the first line, "My radio crackled with just two words 'Caleb' - 'pavilion.' My heart sank as I raced across the campgrounds hoping to reach Caleb in time." In the next few sentences, I continue with the story (boy with special needs heading to a meltdown that I was trying to get to in time, but didnt) and how my experiences with scouts with special needs led me to SLP and then tied it into the prompt "why I felt I could make a difference in SLP." I also wrote what I had done to prepare for grad school. (In my case, I knew I wanted an online program so I did my undergrad as a hybrid) so I told them that. Advocate for yourself and dont be afraid to showcase your strengths. Just find that balance so you dont sound arrogant. Everyone has a story. Tell YOURS and find a way to draw them in from the beginning.
  8. I'm in the second cohort. Our clinical rotation is a bit different than the first cohort. We do clinicals each week through SImucase and have a debriefing on the cases each week. You have to get a 90% on each case. This is the format for the first 2 semesters. Each semester is 15 weeks. For the subsequent semesters, we will have onsite clinicals. USA will find you a placement. They will ask you for suggestions and then they take if from there. You dont have to find your placements. This format allows for the student clinicians to be better prepared for clinicals. Hope that helps.
  9. Just be yourself. Really. I know everyone says that but its true. I interviewed very close to the start of the semester. The program director asked me how I felt about starting so soon and if I was prepared. I said, "Honestly, I feel like throwing up!" The director laughed and said she completely understood the feeling of "wanting to hurl" (her words..haha). Then I went on to explain how organized I am and what all I have done to prepare myself for an online master's program. I honestly can't remember the other questions, but they were not hard questions. They didn't ask me about therapy or anything like that They know you are nervous. Just relax, breath and remember, they are interviewing you because they are considering offering you a spot. Let them see the real you.
  10. Oh and the older cohorts mentor the incoming cohorts. If you want, they will match you with someone sort of a one on one. No test answers given of course, but the mentor helps explain assisgnments, study tips, encourage, etc..
  11. The current tuition is 55k. They dont offer financial aid beyond fafsa and grad loans. The program is stellar as was mentioned. They have many resources to help each student be successful! For example..each week we are told what part of the praxis tbe lessons are covering so we can study that portion at the same time. I dont know if other programs do this or not, but USA does. You are also given the opportunity to remediate certain assisgnments/tests if you do not do well. They want you to LEARN not just get a score. I had the choice of 2 programs that were more expensive and one considerably cheaper. I chose USA.
  12. I would caution everyone to check with the grad programs you are considering before taking any pre-reqs for pass/no pass (even the non COMD ones). I applied to 4 online programs (and spoke with 3 other online programs) they ALL said I had to have a letter grade (well, one said I didnt but that it would be counted as a C because thats the lowest passing grade and they had no way of knowing what I got)! Just dont want anyone to waste any time and then find out the schools have different ideas about grades than ASHA. (Each program has the right to decide if they will accept pass/no pass or CLEP. Just because ASHA says its ok doesnt mean they have to adhere to that and many of them dont). A great option for Chemistry is online through Shasta Community College in CA with Prof. Cliff Gottlieb. Google his name. He even has a blog about how he makes it easy to learn and knows that SLP's need and take his course! Gives out a study guide that has all the actual questions for tests on it. So, answer the guide and then use it for the tests! All open book. Super easy. Hope that helps someone.
  13. And anyone still waiting for interview/decision. It's not over until you are officially notified. I know of at least one person who was accepted the Friday before classes started on the following Monday (because someone deferred until fall). I know waiting and not having answers is hard, but they do look at everything and try to give everyone a chance to get applications in when they are making decisions. They dont just fill the positions as quickly as possible. Its an awesome program and I feel fortunate to be in it. I wish all of the best of luck. Let me know if I can answer any questions. I am very busy with studies, but I do check this thread.
  14. Congratulations!!! I am currently in USA grad program. Which campus was your acceptance for?
  15. No worries at all! Everyone in every program has to prove hours. Its easy though. You keep track of them in an online program called Calipso. I talked with ASHA becore applting, they assured me that there will be no problem with getting the license. I also talked to my state..same answer. Yes the program is in accreditation candidacy status. No big deal. Every program was at one time. The program director and her team are phenomenal. They have developed a great program and truly care about the students success. Hope that helps.
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