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Everything posted by Medievalmaniac

  1. The title says it all. I don't have a diagnosis [yet], but I do have diagnostic testing in my immediate future. If anyone out there has an experience to share of being in grad school while battling the Big C that ends with a positive outcome or looks to end with a positive outcome, I'd love to hear about it.
  2. Waiting for someone to yell "April Fool"! and make this go away...

  3. My question would be, will school A give you a chance to teach later down the line? Because that experience is invaluable (and sort of expected) when you go on the job search. Aside from that, I would yell heck, yeah, take the fellowship!! And congratulations on having such an awesome dilemma to have to wokr through - funded, or funded? Great for you!!!
  4. Leto, what a horrible experience. I'm so sorry. You must have been so excited, and then so very crushed. I should hope they offered a decent apology, at the very least. As for me - I received my rejection from UVa two days ago, and I loved the fact that the letter was addressed just "Dear" - "Dear, The Graduate school...." blahblahblah. You KNEW there was a rejection on that website link, when they couldn't even be bothered to add your name in! lol Whatever, I am well-placed and very excited to be beginning my doctoral studies in the fall.
  5. Hi, thanks for the friend request! So how does someone in geosciences also pick up a love of Beowulf? ;op

  6. Hang in there. Your rejections have nothing to do with you or your application and everything to do with politics and bureaucracy. You're in a limited field as far as subject area goes. Every school has X number of funded slots. I would be willing to bet that you didn't receive an admissions offer because they couldn't fund you and didn't want to insult you with an unfunded offer, rather than because your stats weren't good enough. You have an MA/MFA and excellent board scores. You're also in a fairly limited specialty area. Adcomms aren't going to weigh your experience lightly, and they're not going to offer you unfunded admission at your level of experience. I have two suggestions: A. Try again next year and B. Think about the rhet-comp path. It would be interesting to do the rhetoric of horror, no? How the author persuades the audience to buy the horror aspects of a work, the various forms and genres and sub-genres, the use of various literary techniques within the texts to enhance visceral reader responses. And it IS easier, with an esoteric subject, to get in through the rhet-comp path than traditional literary studies. Last year I was completely shut out, and you can read my story in my blog. This year I have a fully funded offer to my top choice. I will be 37 years old next Monday. ''There will be time for a hundred visions and revisions, before the taking of (your) tea'. Dust yourself off and try again.
  7. FULLY FUNDED!!!!!!! Teaching assistantship and possibly a fellowship to top it off!

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Ransom


      How did you find out? Did they contact you, or did you contact them?

    3. Argonaute


      Congratulations! Cheers! :)

    4. Medievalmaniac


      Ransom - the English director of graduate studies emailed me to tell me and then they sent a letter from the department and another from the graduate school. (I'm sorry, I just noticed your question!!)

  8. T-minus three days to research extravaganza 2011( otherwise known as my break week!) ;op

  9. They went to the trouble to write you a recommendation. The least you can do is to keep them apprised of the results. I think a brief message letting them know the results and your decision is a sign of common courtesy and respect. )
  10. I'm expecting a rejection, but have not yet heard anything one way or the other....
  11. WOW! I thought I posted a lot, but I have nothing in comparison to y'all! It's that add a word thread, I'm just sayin'...!
  12. What's on your mind?Nominated for a top university-wide fellowship! This day just keeps getting better and better....! :o) :o) :o)

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Medievalmaniac


      I love you guys!! :o) Thanks for all the support!!!

    3. Kitkat


      Well, you are just meant to go to grad school this year MM!

    4. lenz


      Congrats! Look at you go!

  13. variable weather
  14. Am I blind or crazy? I checked the results board and there's nothing there for UVA English since last April...?
  15. Sarandipity - it was in the mail this morning. Just a form letter from the director of graduate studies, not the department - which I think means funding is not necessarily ruled out. I think I have to fill out a FAFSA and the department will award funding at that point (or not). Also enrolling and registering information. Thank you so much for all the well-wishes, everyone - I'm just so delighted. Utterly delighted. I didn't think I was going to get in, again this year, and I was really just...I'm delighted. I am so glad I trusted myself enough to try again after last year's fiasco!!I am truly grateful right now.
  16. Came through for me! I'm in! I'm in! I got an admit to a program I can actually go to! No word on funding yet, but hopefully there will be some. If not - I'm not proud any more, I will just beg my mother. She's looking for places to throw her investments anyhow. OH MY GOD(DESS)(E)(S), FINALLY! I hope everyone in Gradcafe gets to feel this way at least once this go-around. Because DAMN, it feels good!!!!!!!

  18. Congratulations to the admits! I have a nosy, burning question:" What does "CRDM" stand for? I just apply to plain, old, English and Lit programs. I know Comp and Rhetoric, but what are the D and M?
  19. Am I REALLY going to go another weekend with NOTHING? Really? This is so tragic. I mean, not end-of-the-world tragic, but definitely cry-into-your-bourbon tragic. Le Sigh.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Zouzax


      same for me! ive decided to take control of my life again and stop waiting around for emails

    3. Langoustine
    4. newms


      :( Hang in there.
  20. gone fishin' AND...that's post 490! lol
  21. It hinges on the quality of the faculty, and the quality of the work you do while you are there. In many ways, it's an awesome chance, because you will be setting the bar for the program as regards what they can produce as graduates...but it's an awesome responsibility for the same reason!! Good luck to you!
  22. I'm sorry for those of you who did not get your Princeton admit. I hope you get a great offer from a comparable program soon...before you say something you will regret forever about you, and James Joyce, and a plate of nachos....! ;)
  23. I'm sorry for all of you who did not receive an admit. I know it was depressing, and you were being so patient with the waiting! I hope you all get offers soon at comparable programs!!!
  24. breeze way
  25. pine nuts
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