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Everything posted by Warelin

  1. FWIW: @Silabus chose A&M last application cycle and seemed to be happy about A&M.
  2. I've heard stories of schools trying to bend some of the rules in CGS by wanting an earlier response. In every case I've heard, every student who has requested an extension to make a decision has been given until April 15 to make their final decision. Any school that signed and expects an earlier decision is in direct violation of the resolution. I think part of it is that they're hoping to see who's interested and to try to get all offers are out before April 15 so they have a shot of forming the "best" class that they can. Rushing decisions can lead to uninformed decisions though. I was looking over my original school list from the last cycle I applied to. Most schools on that list weren't included in my new list. And there are certain schools that I applied to during this cycle that are now near the top of schools I prefer where they originally were towards the bottom. They're all great schools but as I learn more, I realize there are certain things which does change the order in which I view them. Some people may view my negatives and positives and vice-versa. My thoughts would most likely be different if schools gave instant decisions on day of application. The April 15th really does allow us the time to make the most informed decisions we can presuming that we're only comparing a few schools at a time. While the official deadline is April 15th, it may be wise to reject offers you're not as interested in. A school you may reject may be someone else's dream school. If they accept, that might turn another person's waitlist into an acceptance. And that person may turn down your dream program. Without April 15th, I imagine this process would take a lot longer. Waiting until April 15th is also tricky because most people would've accepted an offer by then so waitlists after that may have to dig deep into their waitlist.
  3. The April 15th deadline applies only to funded offers. If you don’t sign before then, the funded offer dissappears. If you sign with a school before then but get a different offer that you prefer afterwards, you’ll need written permission from that school. It’s mostly a date to give more uniformity to grad admissions so that way people aren’t waiting year round for admissions. It helps to avoid rolling admissions and tries to ensure that nobody is waiting forever on a school’s waitlist.
  4. Congrats! From my experiences, it's a 2-3 day difference between department and grad school acceptance.
  5. Congrats on the acceptance! They started calls at 7:30 this morning? Woah!
  6. It's quite possible that Penn State hasn't finished sending out acceptances if they started calls recently.
  7. I'm sure they've dealt with crazier inquiries.
  8. Congrats! Seems like you're having an amazing cycle!
  9. Congrats on the MA acceptance! Are you waiting for more programs? What are you hoping to hear back about?
  10. You shouldn't get a PHD if you're doing it because: You think it would make your parents or someone else happy. You're trying to figure out what you want to do with your life. You want to delay student loans. You're doing it for a higher education status. (This is not a competition; the one with the highest degree isn't always the smartest) You think it would lead to immediate results. You think it guarantees tenure. You aren't comfortable with the possibility of failure and with the word 'no' You're applying just because a professor said you should There is another job you would prefer doing.
  11. Wisconsin Rhet Comp is independent of Wisconsin English though. Traditionally, Wisconsin Rhet Comp notifies the Monday after English does.
  12. Might be an OSU waitlist? Nobody here seems to be reporting that. What happens when you login to Notre Dame's portal?
  13. CMU is a really tiny program though. I think historically they've capped ph.d acceptances at 3-4.
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