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  1. Like
    Warelin got a reaction from a l l c a p s in 2019 Acceptances   
    I think @j.alicea brings up a good point. Each program has different strengths and might stress different things differently. Some programs stress teaching; some stress publications.Some really stress how to compete for external funding. All of these skills will help you out differently on the job market. On the same note, it's hard to say how accurate TT placement is because not everyone is interested in a TT-job. Some people have already decided that they want to stay in the area and as such will not be entering the National Job Market. Instead, they're focusing on getting to know the community well to apply for Dean or other high-level Administration positions. Because this is likely to change with every cohort, placement rates become a whole lot murkier.

    @sad_diamond: I was fortunate enough to receive several offers last cycle. I ended up turning a highly-coveted fellowship offer from the "best-ranking" college to accept an offer at a different college that better aligned with my interests. I have no regrets. I had long conversations via e-mail with all the colleges that accepted me before I reached my decisions. I learned many wonderful things about all of them but ended up going with what felt right to me and where I could envision myself for 5- 6 years.
  2. Upvote
    Warelin got a reaction from schlum in 2019 Acceptances   
    I'd like to add to this a bit more. If you had the perfect responses, you wouldn't need the degree because you'd be publishing in top-tier journals through your original contributions. I think the important question you need to ask yourself is whether you'd thrive somewhere where things may or may not be cut-throat or whether you need a more collaborative community. There is no right or wrong answer. Some people do really well and compete better and write better when the community actively supports them and they can push themselves to publish. Others need a more "competitive" community in order to feel motivated to do their work. We all respond to things differently. When you're making your choices, think carefully about the work environment, the location, funding (Do you want roommates? Can you afford rent without roommates?), the atmosphere, class sizes and so on. Think if that's a place that you'll be happy at because if you aren't, your work will suffer. Depression is a really real thing in Academia and the best way to combat it is by choosing a place which you feel would make you happiest. What that happy thing doesn't depend on rankings or professors, it depends on you. As such, only you can decide what things are needed to make you happy.
  3. Upvote
    Warelin reacted to j.alicea in 2019 Acceptances   
    @sad_diamond and @Warelin That all seems right to me. Judging from their heavyweights in the Romance languages dept., and the professors I've known who come from Duke, it is an extremely rigorous and competitive environment (my professor, who is so sweet, has remarked on this, gleefully...) which can be a very positive experience, for some. Luckily, as competitive as that program is, you won't be competing for fellowships and funding (like at some UC's, including UCSC and UC Davis, from what I've been told). Of course, internal competition over funding can also be a benefit (imo): it pushes you to apply apply apply every quarter (since they all mostly operate on quarter system) for scholarships, grants, fellowships, TAships, and what have you. A recent grad from a UC has told me that it made it all the easier when they graduated and had to apply to dozens of jobs to get one offer (for a tenure track position!).
    @pdh12 speaking of UC funding, have you heard back yet about travel funding for the UCSC visit? Or an official letter of acceptance? Are the UC's struggling with money again? Also, (I know this goes way back) but they were surprisingly kind and almost seemed more excited than I was... but I suspect that the early call and their excitement over your work and potential admission is just indicative of you receiving multiples years of funding (as opposed to just one, and then you're on your own - apply to all the TA positions in all the humanities departments, STAT).
  4. Like
    Warelin got a reaction from dreid in 2019 Acceptances   
    I'd like to add to this a bit more. If you had the perfect responses, you wouldn't need the degree because you'd be publishing in top-tier journals through your original contributions. I think the important question you need to ask yourself is whether you'd thrive somewhere where things may or may not be cut-throat or whether you need a more collaborative community. There is no right or wrong answer. Some people do really well and compete better and write better when the community actively supports them and they can push themselves to publish. Others need a more "competitive" community in order to feel motivated to do their work. We all respond to things differently. When you're making your choices, think carefully about the work environment, the location, funding (Do you want roommates? Can you afford rent without roommates?), the atmosphere, class sizes and so on. Think if that's a place that you'll be happy at because if you aren't, your work will suffer. Depression is a really real thing in Academia and the best way to combat it is by choosing a place which you feel would make you happiest. What that happy thing doesn't depend on rankings or professors, it depends on you. As such, only you can decide what things are needed to make you happy.
  5. Like
    Warelin got a reaction from a l l c a p s in 2019 Acceptances   
    I'd like to add to this a bit more. If you had the perfect responses, you wouldn't need the degree because you'd be publishing in top-tier journals through your original contributions. I think the important question you need to ask yourself is whether you'd thrive somewhere where things may or may not be cut-throat or whether you need a more collaborative community. There is no right or wrong answer. Some people do really well and compete better and write better when the community actively supports them and they can push themselves to publish. Others need a more "competitive" community in order to feel motivated to do their work. We all respond to things differently. When you're making your choices, think carefully about the work environment, the location, funding (Do you want roommates? Can you afford rent without roommates?), the atmosphere, class sizes and so on. Think if that's a place that you'll be happy at because if you aren't, your work will suffer. Depression is a really real thing in Academia and the best way to combat it is by choosing a place which you feel would make you happiest. What that happy thing doesn't depend on rankings or professors, it depends on you. As such, only you can decide what things are needed to make you happy.
  6. Like
    Warelin got a reaction from SomeoneAcceptMe in 2019 Acceptances   
    I'd like to add to this a bit more. If you had the perfect responses, you wouldn't need the degree because you'd be publishing in top-tier journals through your original contributions. I think the important question you need to ask yourself is whether you'd thrive somewhere where things may or may not be cut-throat or whether you need a more collaborative community. There is no right or wrong answer. Some people do really well and compete better and write better when the community actively supports them and they can push themselves to publish. Others need a more "competitive" community in order to feel motivated to do their work. We all respond to things differently. When you're making your choices, think carefully about the work environment, the location, funding (Do you want roommates? Can you afford rent without roommates?), the atmosphere, class sizes and so on. Think if that's a place that you'll be happy at because if you aren't, your work will suffer. Depression is a really real thing in Academia and the best way to combat it is by choosing a place which you feel would make you happiest. What that happy thing doesn't depend on rankings or professors, it depends on you. As such, only you can decide what things are needed to make you happy.
  7. Like
    Warelin got a reaction from lyonel_ in 2019 Applicants   
    Stay warm, @lyonel_. Your list looks mostly sunny!
  8. Upvote
    Warelin reacted to lyonel_ in 2019 Applicants   
    @Warelin appreciate the sympathy... ?
  9. Like
    Warelin got a reaction from FiguresIII in 2019 Acceptances   
    I think it's important to remember that programs are interviewing you just as much as you're interviewing them. When on any visit, it's important to ask yourself whether the environment is one in which you'll excel at and one which you would be happy living in.
  10. Upvote
    Warelin reacted to conraddy in 2019 Applicants   
    Throwing my hat into the ring of rejected Duke applicants. Surprisingly not that disappointed, and still holding out a bit of hope on other programs. It also doesn't hurt the morale that I just found out a few days ago that I'm a semifinalist for a Fulbright grant... so I can treat my wounds with some nice ego-soothing salve. 
    Continuing to wish you all the best of luck with the upcoming decision announcements!
  11. Like
    Warelin got a reaction from ashwel11 in Updated Funding Packages   
    Last year, I started the process of making an updated version of funding packages with the help of students accepted into programs. The list isn't complete but I hope it provides a more complete version of what universities expect in exchange for their funding. It is open-access so edits are welcome.
  12. Upvote
    Warelin reacted to madandmoonly in 2019 Acceptances   
    Wow, I've been admitted as well.
  13. Upvote
    Warelin reacted to beardedlady in 2019 Acceptances   
    UT Austin!!! Can't breathe!!!
    Edit: that is, I GOT IN!
  14. Upvote
    Warelin reacted to Englishtea1 in 2019 Acceptances   
    Sooo...I just received an email saying I've been admitted at UT-Austin's PhD program! This is all happening so quickly, yet so slowly!
  15. Upvote
    Warelin reacted to jadeisokay in 2019 Applicants   
    feb 5! next week!! 
  16. Like
    Warelin got a reaction from Sav in 2019 Acceptances   
    Congrats. They're well known for Place Studies.
  17. Upvote
    Warelin reacted to jusrain in 2019 Acceptances   
    Got an email from Purdue’s American Studies PhD program director confirming my acceptance! I can’t believe I’m going to grad school  
  18. Upvote
    Warelin got a reaction from AfricanusCrowther in Has anyone been accepted to a history Ph.D program without first being formally interviewed?   
    I think most programs don't interview. Interviews are fairly rare within the humanities. Interviews are much more common in the natural and social sciences.
  19. Like
    Warelin got a reaction from DisplayName44 in 2018-2019 Application Thread   
  20. Upvote
    Warelin reacted to circadians in 2019 Acceptances   
    An email from University of Minnesota's Comparative Studies in Discourse and Society program makes for my first acceptance! Such a feeling of relief!
  21. Upvote
    Warelin got a reaction from The Wordsworthian in Projected Acceptance Dates for English PHD programs   
    These dates can never be 100 percent accurate, but I figured this could be useful for this year's applicants.
  22. Upvote
    Warelin reacted to SomeoneAcceptMe in 2019 Applicants   
    Welp the refresh button on my email is going to break this week lol! I saw today that I missed a call from a 314 number on Thursday, which sparks a bit of hope in me.
    Congrats on the acceptances, it sounds like an amazing program ☺️
  23. Like
    Warelin got a reaction from thismortalcoil in 2019 Applicants   
    Congratulations! That's very exciting!
  24. Like
    Warelin reacted to thismortalcoil in 2019 Applicants   
    I don't know whether this is the place to say as much, but: I think I have a paper accepted to the 2019 Digital Humanities conference in Ultrecht, Nederlands! I say think because while it has yet to be officially accepted, the blind jury gave it an almost perfect score, and apparently—so says my supervisor—the score dictates participation... Very pleased, this Saturday afternoon, especially since the wait period for PhD acceptances has been brutal thus far!
  25. Upvote
    Warelin got a reaction from jusrain in Projected Acceptance Dates for English PHD programs   
    These dates can never be 100 percent accurate, but I figured this could be useful for this year's applicants.
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