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  • Application Season
    2017 Fall
  • Program
    Speech-Language Pathology

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  1. Hey! I was accepted at UMass pretty late in the game. I don't think they have a waitlist there. It seems like they accept a bunch of students in February and wait for some of them to decline the offer before picking individually from the rest of the pile. I think everyone is essentially on an imaginary waitlist until they officially fill their cohort and then send out rejections. That being said, I know they sent out several rejections ages ago, so I think that means you are essentially on the waitlist. If you're really anxious about it, I would just email and ask.
  2. I can totally see this perspective, but how do you know what kind of reputation a school has if reputation doesn't necessarily correlate with ranking?
  3. I put in a deposit for a school that's ranked 120 and just got off the waitlist at a school that is ranked 30. Is this a significant difference in terms of prospective job opportunities and overall experience? I've received a GA at school number 1 (And I'm also very excited about attending for several other reasons), but I would be just as excited about school number two (Which I would need to give a response and deposit to within 5 days. In the email, it said I will also know whether or not I've received funding before then). Help. Haha
  4. I just put in a deposit at Ithaca yesterday, and just now I got an email saying I got off the waitlist at UNCG and I would be notified if I've received funding by April 15th. I realize I am in a very fortunate position right now, but this is still so stressful.
  5. Thank you!! I agree, I believe I made the right choice and that it'll be worth it. Congratulations and good luck to you!!
  6. I mailed my deposit for Ithaca College today!! I'm super excited and pleased with my decision but also super nervous to be moving over a thousand miles away from home!
  7. Here's the Facebook group for Ithaca College that I found on the results page! https://www.facebook.com/groups/201587800332011/
  8. Thank you! Best of luck to you as well!!
  9. They actually emailed me today offering an assistantship and said a letter should be arriving in the mail soon! I will likely be accepting the offer. I had emailed them a couple of days ago asking about assistantships, and they said I was second on the wait list. If you email and ask, I'm sure they will tell you where you are on the list as well! I hope you hear some good news soon!!
  10. I'm also an INFJ! (And a little bit obsessed with Myers Briggs) I also agree that the INFJ's function stack is really suited to the different aspects of speech pathology.
  11. Ahh, okay yeah I can see how that's a huge decision! Maybe try asking yourself if you would regret not going to one school or the other. Is your gut telling you anything?
  12. That's such a confusing position to be in! What at Redlands would cause you to graduate so late? A delayed graduation would be a real downer, but if I were in your position, I would still try to stay as close to home as possible. My situation is Alabama and Montevallo being the cheaper, in state options at roughly 24-26k tuition for the whole program. The main thing that concerns me is that I'm hoping to move up north after graduate school and I'm concerned I won't be able to build strong connections out of state, as their externships and placements seem to be mostly local. If it were between the two of them, I would probably go with Alabama because of their research related to pediatric dysphagia and infants in the NICU, which I'm very interested in. The main thing that concerns me about Alabama is their low employment rate. https://cd.ua.edu/welcome/accreditation/caa-accreditation-data/ I would need to inquire about why it's so low compared to Ithaca https://www.ithaca.edu/gradprograms/slpa/outcomedata/, Montevallo http://www.montevallo.edu/arts-sciences/college-of-arts-sciences/departments/communication-science-disorders/student-outcome-data/, and UMass https://www.umass.edu/sphhs/sites/default/files/SLP Program Statistics_17.pdf. I feel that UMass would be the best fit for me because of its location (relatively close proximity to Boston and NYC) and their emphasis on research especially research related to neurogenic disorders. But their tuition, at nearly 80k????? (what the heck) for an out of state student makes it completely out of the question unless they come through with some funding (highly unlikely). Which leaves me with Ithaca, which I'm very drawn to because of their externship opportunities (many different cities all across the United States, including NYC!! [goals]), and their seemingly very well-rounded program. Also, I'm very attracted to the idea of living in Ithaca in general. I feel like it's a town I would fit in well in, and it seems to have activities and amenities that cater to my interests, more so than any of the other towns I'd be moving to. (Plenty of outdoor activities, decent music scene, farmers markets, WINE TRAILS, etc.) The only drawbacks would be the insane amounts of snow (which I honestly feel I can get over, especially since I'd be going back down south during Ithaca's month-long winter break) and the lack of emphasis on research within their program. Their tuition is around 40k for the program, but there's also the possibility of receiving an assistantship. Plus I don't think 40k tuition would be outrageously unmanageable, but it's still nearly double the cost of my in state options. Whew. That was long. haha
  13. Oh my, that's incredibly interesting! Haha. If you don't mind me asking, what about the school you're waitlisted at makes it potentially worth it?
  14. I don't know what your situation is exactly, but my two best fits are significantly more expensive than the other two, so I don't know what I'm going to do.
  15. Accepted at the University of Alabama!! Now that I've heard from all of my schools, I really don't know how I'm going to make a decision..
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