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  • Application Season
    2016 Fall

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  1. I agree with what everyone has said as far as the role your stats and budget play into the number you apply for. My other suggestion would be to apply to more schools if you want to go to a program in a big city as these are slightly more competitive. Good luck!
  2. Hey everyone, I was accepted, but I'm declining my spot and I'm hoping it goes to you guys! I went there for my undergrad (cognitive science/speech path) and absolutely loved the school. I was super impressed with the facility that they've just built for the health sciences, which will house the new program. UD's physical therapy program has been ranked #1 or #2 in the country for years now, so even though this will be the first CSD class, UD has demonstrated the ability to create a really strong grad therapy program. Feel free to reach out with any questions and I'll be happy to answer them the best that I can!
  3. Definitely follow up. I was rejected from my top choice program last year, followed up, was given feedback, made those improvements, and now I will be attending their program in the fall! Good luck!
  4. I agree with all the benefits of having a pet, but in addition to time constraints, please also keep the costs in mind. There's the recurring costs of food, litter, and routine vet appointments (these can be reasonably priced if you schedule the vaccines or spay/neuter with the SPCA or a similar clinic). However, also be prepared for the emergency bills. I was a veterinarian's assistant in college before turning on to this path and I can't begin to tell you the weird stuff that the vet had to surgically remove from the dumb pets who had swallowed them. Also, beware of the pets you find through Facebook posts. My friend recently adopted a cat that had been left behind by its owners, and then she discovered a week later that the cat had kidney failure. It was a lot of heartbreak and a hefty bill. Go through your local adoption or petfinder.com, since they will have screened the pets for health concerns and are honest about any special needs. Not trying to deter you at all because I know how comforting pets can be, but definitely make sure you're in a place where you can handle those costs that unexpectedly pop up, especially when you're in such a financially unstable time during school!
  5. @copaceticbroad huh, I feel silly! Never seen that done, but the more you know!
  6. Yes, I'm trying to decide now, but I'm leaning very heavily towards their program. Definitely ask that question!
  7. Cool, thanks for the link! I don't understand the placement of the rankings, how can there be two #1's, zero #2's, two #3's, and so on? Why aren't #3's bumped to #2's if nothing ranks between them and the #1's? What am I missing... haha. I wish they also broke down the ranking into different areas, which could be helpful for people choosing a program based off their interest in one specific field. But like I just said in another thread, I've heard from established SLPs that program rankings among ASHA certified programs do not matter because the content is universal!
  8. What I was told was specifically about the teaching licensure since they have a special certification, so you can toss that anecdote since it's unhelpful for you haha.
  9. Absolutely sobbing over here! But for me, going to the program I love the most is absolutely worth the cost of the loan. I will be attending a Boston program (high price tag, high cost of living) over my local NYC programs (also a high price tag potentially reduced by scholarship, but simultaneously save thousands by living at home). And like you said, SLPs make decent money, so it'll be worth it in the long run!
  10. I've been told by two SLPS (one graduated ~10 years ago from MGH and one graduated 20+ years ago from Penn State, for whatever the time difference and ranking difference is worth...) that program ranking doesn't matter because as long as ASHA certifies the program then you're learning the same material as the other programs. The difference is in the program's focus areas and if that fits what you want to do!
  11. Congratulations on getting into two awesome schools! If you are really set on living and working in New York, I would advise going to NYMC. Although you can attend MGH and do an externship in New York like someone said above and then can transfer licensure to NY, it would still be the one placement there vs the several you would get by attending a NY school, and the more contacts you make in the place you want to wind up, the better! Especially when the job market is as competitive as it is in New York, as I'm sure you know if that's your home state. Also, I'm guessing you're looking into a medical focus based off those programs? This may be irrelevant to the area you want, but I was told by MGH that the Massachusetts certification for public schools will not honor reciprocity to other states.
  12. When I spoke to the person at the admissions office today, I kinda pressed the question of acceptances vs. wait lists/rejections, and she said not to worry if I don't hear anything by Friday. Also, looking back at the results page from last year, it seems like people were accepted in two batches nearly a week apart, February 26th-ish and March 4th-ish. I'm totally with you on wishing schools posted all the results at once, but I figure there's still hope based on past trends so I'm going to keep my fingers crossed for all of us!
  13. Just called Emerson's grad admissions office today and was told that they're going to start posting acceptances tomorrow or Friday and continue into the end of next week. Good luck, everyone!!
  14. @Curlylets @ersmith073 I didn't get that email, but I can't remember whether or not I said I was interested in housing Good luck, everyone!
  15. Hi everyone, congratulations! I just got my call today! @thefronge I was worried when my portal wasn't updated after they called me, so I'm glad I'm not alone in this situation
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