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Everything posted by light10491

  1. Do you guys think that more people applied this year that in past years? I'm seeing applications per program in the 100+ range.
  2. Anyone else reach out to admissions committees on when they might get back?
  3. Yea, crazy with what's been happening these past few months, especially these past few days. I wonder if admissions committees are going to take a lot longer this year to give decisions, because of uncertainties on funding, whether to extend funding to certain students, whether to be conservative in the numbers admitted.
  4. I also applied to the Management Track for Harvard Health Policy. Haven't heard back yet.
  5. I applied to Yale HPM PhD and haven't gotten an interview request either.
  6. aj_h when did you receive the Harvard interview?
  7. I haven't heard back from Yale HPM yet. I think this week and next week will be exciting based on history, there are a good number of schools sending decisions between now and the first week of February, like JHU.
  8. Hopefully the decisions come out soon! It's been a while since December 1.
  9. Just curious if anyone has received any offers, or been extended any interviews (JHU, Harvard, Yale)
  10. That is for the Mental Health PhD program. Which is different. The Health Policy & Management PhD response is within 4 weeks of December 1.
  11. Do the PhD it's only 4 years it's not that long. You're just young so you think 4 years is a long time. It goes by very quickly. Without a PhD you won't have the training or credentials to be move up in the workplace. It could happen but would be rare. You have a long life ahead, 4 years is a short period.
  12. Anyone think schools shouldn't host interviews? Shouldn't they accept you based on the quality of your application and ability? And not on subconscious biases.
  13. Why did you not retake your test earlier and 3-4 times? The GRE is an important standardized indicator of your ability. Other candidates with a 163 put in their effort and showed their ability relative to you. You had a year.
  14. Is there a nicer airline or more expensive ticket you can use to max it out? Or something with a cool, long layover?
  15. I am applying to PhD programs in health policy. I applied to around 10 schools. If I am extended an interview from one of these, what are the chances of an acceptance? Q.) Is an invitation to interview essentially an acceptance? What is a typical interview acceptance rate?
  16. rising_star thank you for your reply, I really appreciate it. I am just unsure how my circumstances will impact my graduate school admissions, or how admissions committees will view me. Do you think my research experience and publications will allow me a decent fighting chance, despite my GPA/fail circumstance? I am considering an MPH, or MBA. I think a Masters of Econ is out of reach for me. Would directly apply for a PhD out of line? I've been hesitating to apply because my new publications have yet to be published. Was waiting it out a few year, a smart move, such that by the time I apply my publications will have already been released and mentionable in my application?
  17. Hi everyone, I graduated a year and a half ago from a top 4 liberal arts college where I double majored in Economics and Biology as a first-generation college student. I did Biology research 3 of my years there, which led to a biology peer-reviewed publication where I was first author, and my professor (head of lab) will write me a glowing recommendation anywhere. Here is the problem. I wasn't the best student and had difficulties in my study abroad program in South Africa, especially because one of my friends in the program who I became friends with early on passed away in a freak accident, which was challenging for me to deal with, and also to be truthful I could have focused more on my studies/academics. Overall my GPA was a 3.23, but that doesn't include my 3 study abroad courses in which I passed 1 (C) and failed 2; all in economics and biology. I calculated my GPA today based on that, and it is hovering around 2.94 if I calculated correctly. After college, I ended up in a small healthcare economic consulting firm (which is strongly research based) in the Boston area. I was promoted twice in the past year and a half. Also, for an economic model project with a medical device firm, I was given first authorship in a peer-reviewed manuscript since we are publishing the findings. Besides this publication, I was given first authorship in a statistical analysis methods abstract for a big healthcare conference, co-authorship in another abstract on drug effectiveness for a different conference, and will be co-authored on at least 3 new peer-reviewed manuscripts in the next year. My company's president and my manager offered and would be willing to write strong recommendations. Q.) Do I have any hope in going to a decent graduate school? I'm not sure where I am necessarily applying, but thoughts were a Masters in Econ, Masters in Biostatistics, MPH, MBA, MPA. What types of schools should I be thinking about, or should I avoid grad school altogether. I didn't take many math courses in college (just Calculus II) so will Masters in Econ be especially hard to get into? Q.) Do I have to show my study abroad transcript? Right now on my college transcript, you just see 1.75 credits for the passed course, and 0 credits for the 2 failed courses (meaning you could interpret those failed courses as just non-transferrable ...). I wish they would focus on the 3.23 ... What would happen if I don't send my study abroad transcript? Q.) You guys are more familiar with the application schedule. If I began taking the GRE now and getting in recommendations, when would I have to submit to, and when would I be starting graduate school? I've been so scared to think about graduate school because I messed up my life with study abroad. Sorry for the many questions, any help would be greatly appreciated.
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