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Inez_Only last won the day on November 1 2018

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About Inez_Only

  • Birthday March 6

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  • Application Season
    2019 Fall
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    Clinical Psychology

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  1. I applied to Queens and a lot of other programs for clinical but I'm thinking my application wasn't strong enough for clinical because I've already been rejected by a few but some schools were interested in my application and contacted asking if I was interested in pursuing an experimental program. I received an unofficial acceptance from Queens (non-clincial program) about a week ago and I'm still waiting to hear from UOttawa for clinical and was interviewed by a bunch of other places for consideration for nonclincial programs. Don't know how the timing for interviews and acceptance works differently for experimental or non-clincial programs.
  2. I graduated from UManitoba and interviewed with them last year. PM me if you have any questions about interviews!
  3. @Piagets#1Fan thank you for the update! I emailed my POI too but they haven’t responded and it’s been over a week now... I’m wondering if I should follow-up? @Clinicalpsyc12 good luck! I applied to UOttawa last year with 2 publications and wasn’t even interviewed... but there a lot of factors that go into the application. I’m Anglophone and applied for the English stream. Out of the 3 people I listed, 1 was told they couldn’t accept even though they wanted me, and my second choice really wanted me but I didn’t list them as #1 so they didn’t even get to see my application. And I was told that the rank order is really important too
  4. I applied to UOttawa's English stream and haven't heard anything yet either
  5. I'm pretty sure programs can start reviewing any completed applications before their "hard" deadline while they wait for "incomplete" applications to receive all documents they're waiting on.
  6. I'm interested in both! Adult and youth/adolescent development! Not too interested in child development though
  7. @dougie It was super easy for me to decide which schools I would select for the CGS-M because I'm only applying to 4 that are not in Ontario. All other schools are in Ontario so I only had to decide on 1that I either may not apply to or I will apply without trying for funding.
  8. Absolutely! Last year my background was very similar to what I posted above. The only thing I did differently is increase my GRE score (but not by much) and I have continued working to get more publications. I will also be applying to much more schoools than I did last year (I applied to 5, compared to 12 this year). I do not recommend applying to this many schools unless you have the time to perfect each and every application, and only if you think you have a real chance of being accepted. This year, the only reason I'm applying to so many schools is that almost every POI I contacted has replied to me saying they are interested in my background and research interests, and if my application reaches them, they would be interested in connecting with me for an interview. I'm taking my chance with all of them. I would say as important as GPA and GRE scores are, they are not considered nearly as highly as relationship with POI's and similar research interests. I applied to a school where my GPA and GRE scores were below the program average (and maybe even just below the cutoff), but I still got an interview. I was even told that my interview was excellent, but unfortunately I was still not accepted. The POI I applied to work with suggested I focus more on getting another publication rather than increase my GRE scores or GPA considering I was still interviewed. I decided to work on both. Also, TRY TO GET FUNDING!! This is an extremely important part of the application so I highly encourage everyone to apply for Tri-Council (CIHR, SSHRC, NSERC) if you can, and the OGS for any universities in Ontario. I applied for a CIHR last year and didn't get one at any of the institutions I applied to and I believe this is a major reason why I was not accepted. This year they changed some things too - you can only list 3 schools instead of 5 to receive funding for. The first round of applications is always tough. If you get in on your first attempt then that's great! But if you don't, then it can be used as an excellent learning experience for any attempts made in the future. It takes most applicants at least 2-3 attempts before they are accepted, and I expected this for myself as well considering my GPA and GRE scores are not as high as my peers. But I'm confident I will get accepted now that I learned a lot from my experiences last year.
  9. Hi Everyone! Great to see this thread! I'm also applying to Masters and PhD programs for 2019. Here's my background: This will be my 2nd time applying for MA/MSc and PhD programs. Overall Undergrad GPA: 3.7 / 4.5, final 2 years of study: 4.0 / 4.5 (most schools will only consider your last 2 years of study) GRE Scores: Not great but not bad either, not retaking Research: 2 publications, 2-3 more in progress will be submitted before application deadlines (hopefully). Lot's of volunteer experience in research labs and clinical experience in the community. Didn't attend many conferences: 6 presentations Schools I'm applying to (there's lots): Queens, Ryerson, UOttawa, York, Wilfrid Laurier, SFU, New Brunswick, UBC Okanagan, Dalhousie, Guelph, Windsor, Victoria Good luck everyone!
  10. Already starting to freak out about upcoming applications!!! Just booked my GRE - I write the general on September 5th and waiting on results from the Psych GRE. Best of luck to you all!
  11. Thank you for or the he clarification! I guess I'm not bypassing the Masters
  12. I'm just looking for clarification... I'm very confused by "direct entry" PhD programs. I've seen a lot of people say that they will be applying to PhD programs after doing their undergrad, but most of the schools I looked at said you can only apply "directly to the PhD program" if you've completed a Masters degree. I only have my undergrad degree and will be applying to MA programs this year but I have full intentions of completing a PhD in clinical psych. If I can apply directly to do a PhD and skip the MA then that would be great! However, I also heard that this only really happens for exceptional students... My CV is stellar but my numbers (GPA/GRE) are not super competitive so in the end I'll probably still need to apply to MA programs anyways. Can someone clarify this for me just so I get a better understanding of it?
  13. I keep thinking the same thing, that my application would be great if not for my GRE scores. I'm not very good at standardized tests so I have to put a lot of effort in to do well. The first time I wrote it was even worse. My verbal score stayed the same but my quant and AWA scores significantly improved from a 3.5 and 144 to what I have now. If I keep it up I'm sure I can show at least some improvement but I'm a bit shocked with how bad I did on verbal the second time.
  14. Thank you for the input Right now I'll focus on the psych GRE and then try again for the general after April
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