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Everything posted by songofgallifrey

  1. it seems like it depended on the POI then; i got my acceptance 9 days after the interview weekend
  2. I also applied to McGill's Experimental Psychology track and haven't heard anything from them. I'm not sure what to make of the radio silence, especially since there aren't many posts in the results section to go off of.
  3. @psycphd adding to the other response to your question, it sounds like the faculty haven't even met yet to discuss candidates, based on the quotes you supplied, so i think you're ok! also, does anyone want to claim the university of michigan acceptance posted 2/21? i'm wondering if that was for one of the areas that doesn't do interviews (e.g. developmental, i think), since i was under the impression that decisions wouldn't be out until 2-3 weeks post-interview weekend (it hasn't even been a week yet), or if i should be worried lol
  4. @VVMM thank you, that's helpful to know. the interviews were about two weeks ago, so i am very anxious to hear back!!
  5. @VVMM i'm sorry to hear that. did you interview with your POI at the open house? i was also seeing the rejections (and one acceptance) posted, but i haven't heard anything after interviewing for the cognitive area at the beginning of the month.
  6. this thread has been pretty quiet; how's everyone doing? how are interviews going? i just got back from an open house last week, and i think it went well but i honestly have no idea what my chances are at this point. *sigh* the wait continues
  7. they finally matched my scores manually, thank goodness!!
  8. hey there! i had three post-application interviews at ucsd, umich, and penn state, and i've been invited to the recruitment weekends for all three. ucsd took the longest to get back to me - three and a half weeks - while penn state and umich were both about a week of waiting. i also had a few informal phone/Skype calls with different POIs at maryland regarding NACS (neuro and cog sci program) after emailing them pre-application, but i haven't heard anything about my application yet. i've seen three interview invites go up on the results page this month, two of which went up today, so i'm not sure what to make of that. i hope this helps!
  9. I've seen two Maryland NACS interviews go up today, congrats! If you have any information about whether they've finished sending invites or if you'd feel comfortable DMing me your POI, I would appreciate it. Thanks!
  10. hey there, this happened to me as well. i told my top choice program that i had already committed to attending the recruitment weekend for another program and asked if i could arrange a separate visit. they understand that everyone is interviewing people at the same time, so they were very accommodating for me and scheduled me to come when they have a job candidate coming in as well and some other events on campus. congrats on the invites, and good luck!
  11. thank you for your kind words @GreenEyedTrombonist I hope I'll have good news to report soon
  12. I am currently having this problem with one school, and I am growing increasingly nervous that my application will not be looked at because they still do not think they have received my scores. In November, I sent my scores to several schools. The application portal for one school was still showing their status as not received in the middle of December, but I thought it was just because the application deadline hadn't passed yet. After another week of waiting, I contacted the department's academic coordinator to ask if this was just a processing delay or if there was a problem with receiving/matching my scores. I confirmed multiple pieces of information with the coordinator (registration number, email address, etc.), who seemed convinced that I had done something wrong and had not sent my scores. Since the holiday break I've followed up a couple of times with no reply. They kept saying that they would contact IT to see if it was a problem on their end after I had confirmed each piece of information, but don't appear to have done so. I've contacted IT myself, as well as the IT folks from the company that runs the online platform, and I either haven't gotten a reply or have gotten an entirely unhelpful answer (e.g. applicants must send their scores directly from the testing company using xyz institution code... which is what I already did!). I also contacted ETS directly to confirm that they were sent to the correct institution code and received on x date and everything. I'm getting so frustrated, and I don't know what other options I have other than to sit around waiting for someone from the department to contact me. I may try calling today instead of emailing to shake things up. I have a standard first middle last name combination without any unexpected spaces or hyphens, and I've never changed my name, so I don't understand how it could be so difficult to match my scores to my application. Also, several other schools figured it out with no problems! Thanks for the space to vent, and I hope it will work out for me as it has worked out for all of you.
  13. @j_clapemoji_k_clapemoji thanks!
  14. Was your phone call something you set up pre-application, or was it an interview to inform recruitment weekend invites? I applied to C&P but have not heard anything from them. Thanks, and good luck!
  15. Has anyone had problems with Johns Hopkins Cognitive Science matching their GRE scores to their application? I sent my scores to all my schools in the middle of November and only JHU is having trouble with them. I'm getting nervous that they're not going to look at my application!
  16. I received an email from my POI in the cognitive area at UC San Diego last night inviting me to their open house! I had a Skype interview with my POI last month, and I'm super excited to be going to the next round. School name: UCSD (UC San Diego) Date interview invite received: January 3 Degree: PhD Type: Psychology (Cognitive) Notified via: Email From: POI Open house dates: February 1-2
  17. I saw that someone posted about an interview with McGill for Experimental Psychology on the Results page; would that person mind DMing me their POI? Thanks!
  18. I saw that someone posted about an interview with McGill for Experimental Psychology on the Results page; would that person mind DMing me their POI? I'll cross-post with the DM thread as well, but I know I at least look at this thread more frequently. Thanks! Also @Psychapplica good luck! I would be prepared to talk about how you arrived at your particular research interests, and articulate how the POI you're interviewing with is a good fit for those interests. I've had three Skype interviews, as well as three informal phone chats that I set up pre-application with potential advisors, and I'd say the bulk of the conversations revolved around those topics. If you did an honors thesis, you should be able to walk through that as well. I'm experimental psych focused, particularly cognitive psych, so I think you'll get similar questions.
  19. Thank you!! I do celebrate Christmas, so it was a great gift My invite was sent by my POI in the CCN area, not the department at large. Wishing you best of luck in the biopsych area!
  20. I also found out on Sunday that I've been invited to Penn State's recruitment weekend for the cognitive area! I had a Skype call with my POI about a week and a half ago. School name: Pennsylvania State (Penn State) Date interview invite received: December 24 Degree: PhD Type: Psychology Notified via: Email From: POI Interview date: February 15-17
  21. I had a Skype interview with my POI at University of Michigan in the Cognition and Cognitive Neuroscience (CCN) Program last weekend, and just got an invitation for the recruitment weekend! School name: University of Michigan Date interview invite received: December 22 Degree: PhD Type: Psychology Notified via: Email From: POI Interview date: February 15-17
  22. I've been working at a job for the past two years that is completely unrelated to what I want to study, so I've had this same question for myself. My interviewers have mostly wanted to know about my honors thesis and other lab work as an undergraduate and haven't asked very much about my job, so only saying a sentence or two on the subject has sufficed. I've just framed it as a growth opportunity: I decided to work outside of academe after graduating in order to gain clarity on my career path, and now I can enter a PhD program with full confidence in my decision. And then I've talked a little bit about what shaped my research interests in particular. That's all to say, don't freak out, just have a couple of lines about why your research interests are in a field that's different from where you're working now, and you'll do great!
  23. hey there! given that your program of interest is not in psychology, i would check out the forums in the physical sciences section of grad cafe: https://forum.thegradcafe.com/forum/7-physical-sciences/.
  24. wonderful, good luck to you too!!
  25. @psychonerd @April12345 When I had my Skype interview with a prof from the UCSD cognitive area, he said that he got a list of people who identified him as a potential advisor in that drop-down list in the application, and then he chose the top group of people (sounded like 1/4 to 1/3 of his list) to Skype interview; after that, he recommends a subset of that group to the adcomm to invite to the official interview weekend. The invites are coordinated across the whole department at that point, so it's not 100% up to the profs who gets an interview invite. I hope that helps provide some context for the process! I imagine it's similar for profs in the other areas.
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