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Everything posted by 01848p

  1. I've been checking my email about 4 times per hour and slowly losing my mind!! fingers crossed for the both of us!
  2. Has anyone applied to (and heard from) CPEP at the University of Michigan?
  3. Is the blazer black or patterned/colorful?
  4. What schools have you heard from, if you don't mind my asking?
  5. So those of us who won't be attending SPSP are basically screwed if we haven't heard anything from any POIs yet?
  6. I have a stud as well. I'm south asian so mine is for cultural reasons. I hope they won't mind it :/
  7. Thanks! On a separate note, is it a problem if I have my nose pierced? Is it advised to take the piercing out for the duration of the interview day?
  8. What do people normally wear to the more social events like a diversity brunch or dinner at a faculty member's house?
  9. Best of luck!!! I have my fingers crossed for you!
  10. Has anyone applied to (and heard from) NYU Steinhardt's developmental program?
  11. Aghhhhh....I'm absolutely losing it, I haven't heard back from any of the social programs I applied to yet! How do I make myself stop checking my email seven times a day??
  12. Best of luck! My program at U-M (CPEP) doesn't even do a phone interview, I just have to wait until January to find out ??
  13. Has anyone heard back from Stanford or UMN? I've been looking through the threads from past years and it seems like Stanford professors begin to contact the students they're interested in for a preliminary phone call around this time
  14. Thank you all so much! I really appreciate the advice @psychlife4me @dormcat @fuzzylogician
  15. Hello all, I've been invited to two interview weekends that are taking place on the exact same days in February, and could use some advice. I heard back from School A about a week ago, from the PI that I hope to work with if I end up attending the program. Prior to sending in my application, I had a brief email conversation with the PI in which we exchanged 2 or 3 emails, and I was told that the PI had made it policy not to talk with potential students until the time had come for applications to be reviewed. I feel as though I have good chances at the school, as the PI seems to be very enthusiastic to speak and work with me. However, she has been working in the field for quite some time now and does not seem to be putting research out very often. I'm not sure how established she is/how much of a name she has made for herself. I heard from School B yesterday, again from a PI that I hope to work with if I end up attending the program. I had attempted to contact this PI prior to sending in my application, via email. However, I never heard anything back from her. This email inviting me to the interview weekend is the first contact I have had with any professor at School B. School B is a far better school than School A, ranked in the top 7 for Developmental Psychology Ph.D. programs (School A is ranked in the top 20). The PI is also seems to be up-and-coming within her particular research area, and is much younger than the PI at School B, so I feel as though I may have more opportunity for growth under her supervision. I am very conflicted because I am strongly interested in both schools, and in the research that both of these professors are doing. However, the interviews are on the exact same day, and the schools are on completely opposite sides of the country so there is not even a possibility of attending both weekends. I could really use some advice as to how to handle this situation. I really do not want to eliminate either school at this point. Thanks in advance!
  16. I'm in the same boat as you (applying right now) so I can't really say if it would increase your odds of acceptance or not. If I were to just give my opinion, however, it seems like your statement would be stronger if you just stuck to the two PIs. You could throw in a sentence about how "Among other faculty, I am interested in working with ___ and ___" and that way wouldn't be explicitly limiting yourself to the two PIs you mentioned. I feel like admissions committees and professors know that as applicants we aren't positive about what we want to do/who we want to work with so I don't think they will read your essay, see only two names, and then bind you to working with only those two professors as a student. But what do I know ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  17. I've already submitted most of my apps so mine is good to go but I'd be happy to take a look at yours
  18. I tried not to list any professors if I wasn't really spectacularly interested in their work. If you listed the third POI would it truly just be a list of names, or would you discuss how your research interests fit well with all 3 POIs? When I listed multiple names, I made sure to discuss how my research interests aligned with the work that all of them were doing such that one could foreseeably imagine all of them on my advisory committee.
  19. I applied to NYU, UCLA, UNC, and U of I, as well as some human development programs. Fingers crossed!
  20. I am applying to social programs as well as developmental, as I'm interested in social development and identity formation! The social programs on my list are Stanford, WashU, and UVA. Best of luck to everyone!
  21. Hello! I was pre-med in undergrad as well, and also a Psychology major. My pre-med classes (for me it was physics and bio) royally f***ed my GPA, but my in-major GPA for psych still ended up being just under 3.8 by the time I graduated. Like you are, I was really worried when I was sending in my applications. I knew so much about applying to med school - what pre-reqs I needed, what ECs I needed, what test I had to take and what scores I needed - but barely anything about applying to grad schools and did not even know where to look to find useful resources. My school's career office was no help, and even throughout the application process I kept second-guessing myself despite being told that my GPA was not a large concern by the professors who wrote my recommendation letters. I've heard back from two of the schools that I applied to so far, both with an invite to interview weekends, so I can say with certainty that as long as you do well on the GRE, you will be fine. Numbers are not everything, and doing well on the GRE will compensate for a less than stellar GPA. If you'd like to talk I'd be happy to, I know it's stressful switching over from pre-med to psych and feeling like you don't even know what it is that you're supposed to know.
  22. Hello! Here is some of my feedback I have no expertise in your area of study but I've done my best to clean up grammatical errors. None of what I have given as feedback is 100% correct, as this is just my style of writing. Feel free to ignore any comments you would like to!
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