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Le Chat

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    2021 Fall
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    MEd Special Education Diagnostician

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  1. I think there are some differences in potential leadership with a PhD in Counselor Education, especially in academic or research settings. If you want to be a director of a university counseling or similar center, or research center you frequently need a PhD in Counselor Ed for those types of positions. A PhD in Counselor Ed also opens up more training potential and supervision if that is something you are interested in. I have noticed that more university mental health org are looking for people with a PhD in Counseling or Clinical Psychology, and it does appear that the field of psychology has more flexibility overall in positions you can hold. As far as populations go I don't think that the level of education would limit or expand this very much, other than PhD programs can allow more specialization and experience (especially in psychology.)
  2. It sounds like it would make the most sense for you to only apply to programs that you are serious about attending. Why apply to programs that you have no desire to attend and move to, and feel like are not a good fit. That would end up being money spent without any return for you. I think it depends on whether you really want to attend THIS program or if you feel it is more important to attend any program and begin sooner (sort of weighing the short term and long term outcomes for you.) The counselor in me would also say it is not crazy and seems both logical and high-risk but with some expected positive outcome attached to the risk. I am doing the same whenever I apply again. It is more important for me to have a good fit and meet my research goals rather than start sooner with a program that does not match. I think of PhD programs like marriage in that way. Why marry a program if I know it won't be a good fit for me?
  3. This is very helpful. I can't speak to the Social Work profession, but only to some of the nuances between the field of Psychology and the field of Counseling. In state where I live, you can be licensed with a Master's level program in psychology and work under supervision of a Licensed Psychologist. You can also be licensed as a counselor by completing an accredited program in counseling (CACREP.) My Master's program prepares you to be licensed in psychology as an LPA, and supposedly with proper coursework can prepare you to be licensed as counselor as well. The difficulty lies in the differences between requirements and courses in the state accreditation for psychology and accreditation for counseling. This can cause some confusion and difficulty in internship requirements and the like. I personally would not recommend that someone try to be licensed in one field if the program is not accredited for that field (e.g. licensed in counseling in a psychology program.) It is possible, but not ideal to have to switch back and forth between professional fields.
  4. I am looking at becoming a Licensed Psychologist and completing an APA accredited program. My end goal is to work in the medical field and work/research disability topics (emphasis on diagnosis and assessment of ASD.) When I begin a PhD program I will have completed a Master's in Clinical Psychology and be licensed as a therapist. I am interested in hearing from any other individuals with disabilities that are applying to, currently attending, or formerly attended an APA accredited Psychology program. I feel like there are many considerations and decisions I have to make, and as my disabilities are mainly medically related aspects such as health insurance and schedule are something I have to think about. I have been told that programs cannot discriminate based on disability, but I definitely worry about keeping up with the sequence of courses/practicum etc... and balancing everything. If anyone has suggestions (even if you are attending a program and do not live with disability) they are greatly appreciated! Isn't adulting fun?!
  5. What is your end goal? A PhD in School Psychology would likely offer more specified training in terms of studying/assessment for ASD, as well as the population age focus. The University of Houston's School Psychology program has some research on ASD, depending on what area of ASD you want to focus on. I think it would be prudent to look at Clinical programs, but the time to completion might be longer as well as the potential conflict of career areas (unless Licensed Psychologist or academia is your focus.) I am also looking at School Psych PhD programs with emphasis on assessment of ASD and PDD, so best of luck to you!
  6. I think that any of these would help you accomplish your goals, but it boils down to what you want to prioritize. If earning potential/best rates for private or other practice- a PsyD or PhD in Clinical Psych has the highest earning potential mainly due to ability to administer assessments (which involve more money.) Being a Licensed Psychologist may also allow for more flexibility and variety in the type of work you do (such as contract work, behavior intervention or really whatever interests you.) If psychotherapy alone and not assessment interests you, as well as shorter time in school/less money then either the MSW or Master's in Counseling/Psychology might be the best option. I'm from a different region, but what I understand is that the LCSW on the East Coast is often a very marketable career, more so than being a Licensed Counselor. CACREP is another consideration as many license boards are moving towards those standards for Master's programs. Another consideration related to your background is any interest in research you may have, with the amount of research involved from Low-High being Master's/PsyD/PhD. For what it is worth, I think that PhD and PsyD programs in Clinical Psychology would definitely find your public health experience very valuable. Financial aid can vary widely based on the school itself, I personally look for programs that are forward about their financial aid offerings. I think that typically the PhD or PsyD programs offer some kind of assistant-ship related to financial aid, and it can be difficult to work a more full-time schedule if that is something you need to continue.
  7. I would tag on to Dance Dementia's comment that the main benefit would be supervising LMFT-associates and LPC-interns (or whatever your state calls them.) Also, if you ever wanted to pursue a PhD program you would be able to choose from Counselor Education or Marriage and Family Therapy if that is a goal of yours.
  8. I 100% feel you on that! I would like to think I am resilient, but faaar too empathic and I cry during arguments. My career as a lawyer would be over in an hour. lol
  9. 1. Rehabilitation Counseling researcher and professor. 2. Writer for mental health resources/publications. 3. Running a rehabilitation center for special needs animals (big cats would be ideal.) 4. OBGYN specializing in REI and surgical interventions (if I was able-bodied I'd jump on that.)
  10. Late to this topic, but I was and will be a disabled applicant for 2021 again. It's tricky having medical disability that is so unpredictable and costly. I have noticed that most of the accessible programs/campuses are up-front about it (e.g. it does not take a great deal of work or research to find accommodation services, they have diversity programs that exist etc...) I have had the most success with being upfront about my circumstances with professors/supervisors/housing etc... The feelings of inadequacy, of "being behind" linger but I remind myself of how much I have accomplished in different realms than my peers. My path is going to look different, and I am okay with that.
  11. 1. When is the best time to apply for clinical jobs at the end of a Clinical Master's? 2. Any advice for applying to clinical jobs while in graduate school? Or tailoring my application to therapy jobs and what supervisors/employers are looking for? 3. Did anyone apply for jobs by contacting a potential supervisor? How did that go? I graduate in December and my internship will be over Summer/Fall semesters. I take my licensing exams in the fall. I was thinking late summer/early fall would be a good time to start. My license will be in counseling.
  12. Yes! And possible Rehabilitation Counselor Education.
  13. Sure! My main motivation for graduate education has been 1) To contribute to research on individuals with disabilities and 2) To train future/current mental health practitioners on working with individuals with disabilities. As I progressed through my Master's program I realized some of my personal dislike of assessments and testing and mostly that it didn't help me reach my goals. It's mostly due to the focus on what meets my goals, the accessibility of those programs versus Psych, and the greater ability to train future mental health practitioners at the Master's level. And it is also largely personal logistics that shifted my focus.
  14. Hello all, Now that I have switched from the Psych field to Counseling I wanted to open up a thread for applicants to Counseling Master's and Counselor Education PhD programs. Whether you are studying School Counseling, Rehabilitation Counseling etc... this is open to you!
  15. I wanted to see if anyone here has a Master's in Psychology and has worked in research, and if they enjoyed their experience. I am graduating next year with a Master's in Clinical Psychology (license eligible) and am passionate about psychological research, with the goal of a PhD. I know that I wouldn't be independent, but was curious about the quality of research jobs with a Master's degree.
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