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Some violinist

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  1. Upvote
    Some violinist reacted to gaga1994 in 2018 Applicant Profiles and Admissions Results   
    Does anyone have any insight into whether Harvard BBS/Columbia Integrated program (CMBS) will be doing invites tomorrow or next week?
  2. Upvote
    Some violinist reacted to Archaeodan in The Positivity Thread   
    I know this is my second in a row...but this really hit me. Some stranger cleaned the snow and ice off my car this morning. Just because. I could cry, that was so nice...
  3. Upvote
    Some violinist reacted to Nocturnae in The Positivity Thread   
    I love this thread!

    I finally finished all my applications. I know it's not much, but I feel happy about it.
  4. Upvote
    Some violinist got a reaction from Adelaide9216 in The Positivity Thread   
    @Adelaide9216 Nice! Paris is an amazing city, been living here the last few months. Enjoy it!
  5. Upvote
    Some violinist reacted to krafael in 2018 Applicant Profiles and Admissions Results   
    I contacted several programs. In fact, the Pitt CNUP program already sent invitations to domestic students today, but the staff said international invitations would be sent until mid-Jan. Some other programs, like BU and Columbia, should send their invitations at the same time.
  6. Upvote
    Some violinist reacted to Adelaide9216 in The Positivity Thread   
    I just got a 500$ grant for a conference to Paris in August 2018. The other applications will be done in 2018 but I'm really happy to have a little bit of funding secured!
  7. Upvote
    Some violinist reacted to kittyball in What can I do to make the most of my time during the "waiting game?"   
    How about learning a new language?
  8. Upvote
    Some violinist reacted to Adelaide9216 in The Positivity Thread   
    I had the chance of having amazing discussions with people regarding transphobia, racism, islamophobia, classism, and other forms of oppression that are current in our society. It was a deep and thoughtful conversation. 
  9. Like
    Some violinist reacted to Tigla in The Positivity Thread   
    The first snow of the year!!!!
  10. Upvote
    Some violinist reacted to Nashvillen in A question on the Personal History Statement for UC Berkeley   
    Thanks for clarifying the point. I have a better understanding of the essay now.
  11. Upvote
    Some violinist reacted to Dart123 in 2018 Applicant Profiles and Admissions Results   
    Just got an interview at Northwestern University - IBiS- Interdisciplinary Biological Sciences! They were super nice - did it over the phone  good luck to everyone as we continue to wait to hear back from where we applied to
  12. Upvote
    Some violinist reacted to catsareme in 2018 Applicant Profiles and Admissions Results   
    Got an interview invite for Washington University's DBBS program just now! (Molecular Genetics and Genomics)
  13. Upvote
    Some violinist reacted to kristincas in Positive Thoughts for a Pessimistic Day?   
    This is my second application round, and I don't feel as hopeless as I did back during my first application round in 2014. I feel like I have options if this doesn't pan out. My application is much stronger this year, and I've amassed some great research experience. Still, on a pessimistic day, it seems like nothing will beat out the competition and I'll waste so much energy on anxiety for nothing. What keeps you going during the waiting game? What do you think about instead of comparing yourself to others or scrutinizing your CV? 
  14. Upvote
    Some violinist reacted to daauni in 2018 Applicant Profiles and Admissions Results   
    Just submitted my last application yesterday! Wishing everyone the best of luck through the process and hope to see some of you at interviews!  
  15. Upvote
    Some violinist reacted to Neuro15 in 2018 Applicant Profiles and Admissions Results   
    Wow OSU wastes no time lol. Congrats! 
    And congrats to all who are done with their apps! Now sit back and try to relax!
  16. Upvote
    Some violinist reacted to ChallengerSwimmer23 in 2018 Applicant Profiles and Admissions Results   
    Just got an interview invite from Ohio State Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program! Very excited! I look forward to the interview and meeting everyone there!
  17. Upvote
    Some violinist got a reaction from PokePsych in The Positivity Thread   
    This thread is everything I needed to hear today  y’all are great.
  18. Like
    Some violinist got a reaction from Adelaide9216 in The Positivity Thread   
    This thread is everything I needed to hear today  y’all are great.
  19. Like
    Some violinist reacted to PokePsych in The Positivity Thread   
    After the venting thread, stress, and other forms of despair I've seen at this forum - let's share something positive that happened to you today. I'll start.
    My mum bought me Ben & Jerry's ^^, 
  20. Upvote
    Some violinist reacted to ScienceGeek in Research Interests   
    Hi friends,
    I just posted this in the engineering forum, but I figured it would work nicely here too. I thought I'd start a thread where we could post our research interests and perspective fields, maybe inciting cool discussions. I'm currently applying to a few different departments (biophysics, chemical engineering, biomedical engineering, chemistry etc) with the hope of doing computational disease modeling. Right now, the goal is to focus on a system of autoimmunity, incorporating quantum mechanics as well as bench science. If you couldn't already tell, I super love multidisciplinary research :). What are you all interested in?
  21. Upvote
    Some violinist reacted to Archaeodan in Moving Somewhere New Alone   
    Coming from the perspective of someone who spent their life moving to far-flung parts of three different countries (US, Italy, UK), moving always sucks. The month leading up is stressful, the first day there is exhausting, the first week lonely. However, people get how you feel and want to help you love their home. Because of the wonderful people I've met, I have NEVER lived somewhere I didn't hate leaving at the end. Culture shock exists, but as long as you approach every new situation as a chance to learn and experience another group's perfectly valid different way of doing things, you're going to have a really good time. Just take every day as it comes, say yes to as many events/hang-outs as you possibly can, and jump straight in as fast as you can. Actually move into your new place as close to the start of the first scheduled thing for school as possible. I've found it's better to have less time at the beginning to mope and be alone.
    Also, pro-tip. People will know you're not local. Don't try to hide your accent or change the way you speak to sound local. You will probably end up confusing or offending people. I've found people really get a kick out of my obvious "not from here" accent/word choice. Don't over-exaggerate your accent, but embrace it, roll with the lighthearted teasing, and enjoy.
    Seriously, moving somewhere new is hard, but it's rarely ever a bad thing.
    PS: Skype/Facetime is your friend. Actually seeing your people from home will make you feel way less homesick than just calling or texting.
    PPS: Keep the things that are part of your routine. For example, I have always spent a lot of time in coffee shops. They feel like home to me. So, every time I move somewhere new, I make sure to case out the coffee shops within the first week. Really can help you settle into a place if you keep your routine things. Bringing your dog should super help with this. 
    PPPS: Unpack and go grocery shopping as soon as possible. You'll be tired and just want to crash, but trust me, the sooner you do the little things to feel more in place, the less you'll feel like your world's been turned upside down. 
    PPPPS: Enjoy. This will be really good. Just go for it. 
  22. Upvote
    Some violinist reacted to GeorgeC07 in What's your craziest backup plan?   
    I would go back to my university and sell barbecue to the students. Can't stop a foodie from doing what he likes.
  23. Upvote
    Some violinist reacted to ScienceGeek in What's your craziest backup plan?   
    I think it would be neat to work on a national park and be some sort of ranger/biologist. Spending a year or two appreciating the beauty of the outdoors couldn't be all that bad
  24. Upvote
    Some violinist reacted to TakeruK in Love, Academia and Success   
    I don't have any helpful stories about my own romantic life, but I can say this: As I have gotten older, the men I meet/encounter are less and less of the type that would feel insecure being with a woman who is educated and successful. However, as I have gotten older, I meet more and more people in academia so the correlation may be with being a researcher rather than with age (but probably both). Whatever the case may be, I would say that it may not be a good idea to "extrapolate" past experiences with the future, since if/when you are looking for a partner, you will likely be meeting people older and more experienced and these people might be more interested in who you are as a person instead of who they want you to be.
  25. Upvote
    Some violinist reacted to Sigaba in Love, Academia and Success   
    TL/DR In the U.S. an educated black woman will likely have a harder time finding a romantic partner who is compatible.
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