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  1. Upvote
    Noctiv reacted to BeezKnees in Fall 2017 CANADIAN clinical psychology   
    I was! I was interviewed, and my prof actually put me forward for acceptance, and then I was rejected by the admissions committee. C'est la vie, haha.
  2. Upvote
    Noctiv reacted to StudentofPsych in Fall 2017 CANADIAN clinical psychology   
    For any of the Ottawa U applicants who were notified simply by the word "refused" on uozone, I feel you. What a demoralizing process at Ottawa U. I hope that you don't let this get you down too much. It is ironic that a program that should be centered not only around research and academia, but empathy and compassion also, cannot even treat its' hard working applicants with dignity and respect. Congratulations to you all on your hard work preparing your applications. You should be proud and I sincerely wish that your best path becomes clear for you soon enough. 
  3. Upvote
    Noctiv got a reaction from Psych.kitty in Fall 2017 CANADIAN clinical psychology   
    Me too. Saw it yesterday. Not even a rejection letter filled with the usual platitudes! :/
  4. Upvote
    Noctiv reacted to FluffyPancakes in Fall 2017 CANADIAN clinical psychology   
    Thank you so much for the information!!!
    I feel exactly the same about the 15th.  I really want to know my results so I can plan my future, but I am also not in a hurry to have my dreams crushed. <(o^_^o<)y
  5. Upvote
    Noctiv got a reaction from LuciFir in Fall 2017 CANADIAN clinical psychology   
    Crickets from both.
  6. Upvote
    Noctiv reacted to Clinpsyc01 in Fall 2017 CANADIAN clinical psychology   
    I don't know anyone personally, but if you look at the admissions stats for most schools you can see that pretty much all of them extend more offers than there are available spots. Like at Ryerson in 2015 they had to make 15 offers for an incoming cohort of 9, and I've seen similar numbers at other schools. Don't give up hope yet  
  7. Downvote
    Noctiv got a reaction from PhDPLZ in Fall 2017 CANADIAN clinical psychology   
    Imposter syndrome to the max! No, I'm pretty sure the vast majority of people starting out in clinical programs do not have an MA (and looking at program stats for certain universities that provide enough information, most people are entering from the BA level). You're worrying too much, and it seems to me if anything getting in from the BA level would be more impressive than from the MA level
  8. Upvote
    Noctiv got a reaction from Neposydko in Fall 2017 CANADIAN clinical psychology   
    Imposter syndrome to the max! No, I'm pretty sure the vast majority of people starting out in clinical programs do not have an MA (and looking at program stats for certain universities that provide enough information, most people are entering from the BA level). You're worrying too much, and it seems to me if anything getting in from the BA level would be more impressive than from the MA level
  9. Upvote
    Noctiv got a reaction from Neposydko in Fall 2017 CANADIAN clinical psychology   
    Thank you for the info. That is very weird. Maybe they've wasted so much time on the technical problems that they've just given up on doing anything else admissions-related XD
  10. Upvote
    Noctiv got a reaction from lockman86 in Fall 2017 CANADIAN clinical psychology   
    Sorry to hear  I know positive thinking only goes so far (and it's only natural to have some lapses), but I do think we need to try and keep things in perspective - being waitlisted means you are a good candidate. I learned earlier today that my honours thesis adviser attended her university after being admitted off a waitlist, so there definitely is still hope!
  11. Upvote
    Noctiv got a reaction from PhDPLZ in Fall 2017 CANADIAN clinical psychology   
    Sorry to hear  I know positive thinking only goes so far (and it's only natural to have some lapses), but I do think we need to try and keep things in perspective - being waitlisted means you are a good candidate. I learned earlier today that my honours thesis adviser attended her university after being admitted off a waitlist, so there definitely is still hope!
  12. Upvote
    Noctiv reacted to prospectclin in Fall 2017 CANADIAN clinical psychology   
    I would start by trying the grad secretary and if they don't know, Id advise emailing your POI. Be really dipolomatic in your email, tell your POI that you're excited to have made it this far and you would appreciate any info they could give you on your rank on the wait list and/or when you might hear for sure. I would pose it less as a direct question and more of a 'if you could give me any further info it would be greatly appreciated.'
    Sorry you're feeling so disappointed. This process is really gruelling
  13. Upvote
    Noctiv reacted to krystasonrisa in Anyone else feeling hopeless?   
    Well, I'm here to say don't be hopeless. On Monday I got an admit to UPitt, and today I got one to FIU. There is still hope! Hang in there! 
  14. Upvote
    Noctiv reacted to MaytheSchwartzBeWithYou in Anyone else feeling hopeless?   
    I just came to say I've been where you are, and do NOT give up! I am on my third application cycle, and last week received my very first acceptance. Getting into grad school is unbelievably competitive - most schools take less than 10% of applicants - so not getting in the first time is by no means an indication of your "fitness" for graduate school. Getting rejected across the board two years in a row was really disheartening, and there were times I said I wasn't going to go through this whole grueling process again just to try to prove I can hack it to a group of strangers based on a few pieces of paper and an online form.
    HOWEVER, after the devastation subsided, I realized changing my viewpoint about the application process to that of a learning experience helped me move forward and try again. Each time I have gone through this, I have learned how to present myself just a little bit better, how to describe my work and my research interests more clearly and succinctly, and how to gracefully handle rejection - which we are going to get a lot of in academia.  Giving up after one cycle, if this is something you really want to do, seems a little premature when you consider how few applicants actually receive acceptance. Also, this cycle is far from over!!
  15. Upvote
    Noctiv reacted to EvelynD in Anyone else feeling hopeless?   
  16. Upvote
    Noctiv reacted to hexaninja in Anyone else feeling hopeless?   
    I'm with you. Even though I haven't received anything yet, I know that I'm rejected from the first three schools I've applied. It seems I'm going to get the same result from my 4th school too. Rejection is hurting me a lot. I can't concentrate on anything all day and I feel like I'm falling into crippling depression.
  17. Upvote
    Noctiv reacted to lockman86 in Fall 2017 CANADIAN clinical psychology   
    It is amazing when I rethink about the coming weeks would be soooooo pivotal to our future career! No matter our applications are successful or not, it is no failure by any means. Preparing a completed application for these graduate programs are no easy tasks that are done by a flick of a wand! Hold our heads high!
  18. Upvote
    Noctiv reacted to SFUFTW in Fall 2017 CANADIAN clinical psychology   
    It's so crazy how our lives could change (or not) over the next few weeks! I've been reflecting on that, and realize that I should be more grateful for the opportunities afforded to me to even apply. Regardless of what happens, it's important to keep things in perspective and recognize how privileged we really are. Hoping we all get good news over the next little while, and if not, hoping we all remain focused and positive as surely something better is in store for us
  19. Upvote
    Noctiv reacted to researchjunkie in Fall 2017 CANADIAN clinical psychology   
    It's unreal! There is so much that would change for me if I got an offer from my first choice program. Moving to a new city, away from my family, but on the road to the career of my dreams! I go through these weird waves of just wanting to hear one way or the other.... just so I know and can move forward!  
    FYI If you've applied to BC Schools (UBC, SFU, UVic), they are in reading weeks this past week (SFU, UVic) and next week (UBC), so that might affect wait times.. not sure though! Thought I'd pass it along regardless.
    Hope everyone is coping ok and managing the stress of the wait!  Feels weird to be waiting/stagnant... but hopefully that means good things are coming for all of us! Fingers crossed for everyone over the next couple weeks. 
  20. Upvote
    Noctiv reacted to Generic_Applicant in Fall 2017 CANADIAN clinical psychology   
    Recommended for admission for the CCP at OISE. Phew.  
  21. Upvote
    Noctiv reacted to Sabr_Shukr in Fall 2017 CANADIAN clinical psychology   
    Yes, it was UBC Vancouver. 
  22. Upvote
    Noctiv reacted to FacelessMage in Fall 2017 CANADIAN clinical psychology   
    I just got recommended for acceptence at UNB!!!!!!! I'm going to go cry now. 
  23. Upvote
    Noctiv reacted to Generic_Applicant in Fall 2017 CANADIAN clinical psychology   
    I think we all need to keep our ambition that we clearly have and keep applying and working away the way we do, but also keep in mind that there is more to us and to our options than this. Let's always try to look at the whole picture every time we get caught up. For our own sakes. Things will work out regardless. 
  24. Upvote
    Noctiv reacted to Generic_Applicant in Fall 2017 CANADIAN clinical psychology   
    I know this is a stressful time for many people here and I was in the same boat many times over and over (still haven't gotten in lol). But I just want to remind everyone that at the end of the day- this is just a graduate school program. I know it means a lot and may get you started on your career path, but all of you have the capability already there. Find what gets you fired up and makes you happy and follow it. Do it whether you get in or not and you will be happy anyway. This is just one option but what's needed to have fulfiling careers is already in you so try not to make this into more than it is- just one more option of making your career dreams come true. You will make it happen either way if you really want to and it will be just as amazing when you do  
  25. Upvote
    Noctiv reacted to spg5552000 in Clinical/Counselling Psychology Applicants Canada 2017   
    Hello! Somehow, this year, no one seems to have started a Canadian Thread for applicants for Clinical and Counselling Psychology. I figured, I would start!
    Applied to: University of Manitoba (Clinical), Queen's (Clinical), McGill (Counselling), New Brunswick (Clinical) and Wisc-Madison (Masters/PhD - Counseling)
    No, news yet except for Wisc-Madison PhD - rejected, but one of my referees didn't put in my reference in time (a week after the deadline)
    Let's start talking because I think we all need an outlet and to find out from each other what is happening in the world of invites, acceptances and rejections.
    (PS, if someone does know about another link - 'cause I cannot find my fellow applicant peers)
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