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Everything posted by Adelaide9216

  1. Desperate Housewives
  2. I have found funding Thanks everyone!
  3. Planning to live in Gatineau. It's definetly less expensive than living in Ottawa I have been told!
  4. ❤️❤️❤️
  5. Feeling low (again) tonight because of this.
  6. Research Net website is down. Let's hope it is because they are preparing to release the results?!
  7. Good attitude !
  8. I don't know. ResearchNet info says April 4th. But my university says March 31st on their website, I think it's based off last year date of release of the results. I tend to believe it's going to be in April...
  9. I believe it is the case. That's also my understanding.
  10. I try to keep myself busy. But as the date approaches, it's hard not to not feel anxious. But one thing's for sure for me, I have put 100% effort into this application. If I don't get selected, I will be disappointed but I know as a matter of fact that I could not have done "more" at this stage to get the scholarship, I gave my 100% effort. At this point, I think it's just a question of who's the reviewers and luck.
  11. Oh wow, it's sad that they did not notify you that you did not get selected.
  12. Good luck!
  13. Congrats to @high_hopes and @ttwi for making it this far! I did not get selected this year by my university, but I plan to re-apply next year. Keep us posted on the interview process, I'd love to hear more from you both. Congrats again
  14. Can someone email them? I already did a few weeks ago but they did not give me an exact date.
  15. I hope they release results next week. I prefer knowing that I didn't get it instead of waiting so long for an answer.
  16. I had a research assistantship meeting today. I thought it was tomorrow. My supervisor emailed me really surprised because I missed it. I'll do my presentation as planned, but tomorrow. I feel bad but I guess these things happen
  17. Hello everyone, I will start a PhD next September and my goal is to turn a few of my coursework papers into publishable articles as soon as possible during my PhD journey. Any tips on how to do that? I have never written non-empirical articles for peer review before.
  18. Hello, I am a MSW Candidate. I turned in my thesis a month ago. I have submitted one article based on one half of my results (in peer review right now), and am working on another article based on the second half. Its two different journals. So to answer your question, yes, it's possible to publish, especially if you want to pursue a career in academia.
  19. Good luck! I had SSHRC for my master's studies, and I remember how surprised I was when l learned the news. Good luck!
  20. I feel loved and appreciated. Life is good to me.
  21. Oh I see! Yeah I was telling myself that is very early! Thanks for your answer. congrats roram!
  22. Today, I submitted another article (this time, one that I have been working on with multiple authors) to a journal. Fingers crossed!
  23. Wow, that’s early! Where do you live? I did not get any news for now.
  24. My university wants to nominate me for a convocation award!
  25. I was really productive today! I really enjoy academic writing (for real!) It's the best anti-depressant ever, On top of that, I learned to day that although I did not make the cut amongst the 25 finalists for a contest, the jury gave me an "honorary mention" and I will get 1000$ as well. So surprised but yay!
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