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Everything posted by 14SLP14

  1. Anyone know a good way to memorize the rancho levels? I've looked up stuff on youtube and elsewhere and haven't found much so I thought I'd ask and see if anyone had any suggestions! :)
  2. I know people that did this and they were totally fine!! I think the requirement is typically that you only need two from professors anyways I would say to ask super early though!! Good luck!
  3. I also was thinking about this! I barely used my books freshman year in undergrad so I just never bought them after that and was completely fine! I wonder if I would be able to get away with not buying them in grad school as well or if it's actually necessary now. I did take a graduate level course in my undergrad and did not read the required book so I wonder if it varies course to course or by instructor? Or if we just dont need them!
  4. I also emailed a private practice near my university to volunteer! They ended up letting me observe a lot for an entire summer and ended up giving me a job as well! Before them, I had emailed nursing homes to see if they needed volunteers and in exchange I could shadow. I didn't end up doing it but some places were down!
  5. I used a lot of the websites free practice tests. Every site has a free one or multiple. Kaplan, Magoosh, princeton, review, manhattan review, and ETS. That way you don't have to pay but they can analyze your results and tell you where you need to improve. I also found it helpful to just get used to taking such a long test, get used to the types of questions, and build the stamina. I also used the free magoosh vocabulary app! It's really helpful and you can verse other people which makes it competitive and fun! I used this app after I took the GRE a first time! I used it a bit everyday and increased my verbal score by 5 points! I also used the Kaplan book which was really helpful. If you're short on time there's also a princeton review GRE crashcourse book that still has a lot of helpful info!
  6. It was sooo hard for me to decide! I had a mix of really expensive, cheap, and in the middle schools. I ended up picking a school in the middle even though the really expensive one was my dream school. I couldn't bring myself to pay so much when your salary is basically the same no matter where you go to school! I picked the middle priced school over the cheaper priced ones because I also factored in being in a location that would make me happy
  7. I feel similar except I'm lie did I make the right decision? And am second guessing myself!! but I think you shouldn't be nervous about your choice!! be happy yes!! Any school is lucky to have you and if they accepted you they def wanted you
  8. Thats super nice to hear!! Grad students at where I go to my undergrad always say they feel overwhelmed! Have you committed? I'm still struggling with my decision haha
  9. It was nice! The faculty was really friendly! The clinic is in their basement and it was decent! It's pretty dark but has lot of rooms and supplies!
  10. Yeah that's a much better size haha! I really like that they offer the different tracks per semester because I've never heard of that before! But I'm hesitant to commit without having seen the clinic
  11. This is super helpful, thank you!!! Did you/anyone also happen to ask about the large cohort size?
  12. Did anyone visit? Did you like the clinic? I cant find any pictures or anything online!
  13. I did my undergrad at UIUC and also was accepted here! Personally, I hate the weather here and wish I could move to California! I've heard schools there are extremely competitive! With the cheaper cost, the weather, and the support system you already have there I think I would stay there if I were you!! UIUC does have a great program but it's really hard to get assistantships in the department!
  14. Declining at George Washington University, UIUC, UW-Milwaukee, St. Xavier, Governors State. Deciding between SLU and Northwestern but will be declining one of those once I decide! Hope this helps!
  15. we're supposed to tomorrow!
  16. Sure! My stats were 3.83 GPA, 154 verbal, 150 Quant, 4.5 writing. I was worried my GRE was a little low compared to their stats but I'm also in 2 research labs and work at a private practice. I know everyone says this but I would really recommend taking the summer to study a lot for the GRE. I slacked on studying originally and ended up taking it twice. When I studied a little bit every day for my second go at it, I went up 5 points! The magoosh vocab app was my favorite thing for that!!
  17. I feel the same! The clinic was jaw dropping and the campus is gorgeous! The faculty is also amazing too! I just don't want to be in debt for so long! I'll have to listen to my gut too
  18. I know a lot of people babysit or nanny! And I've heard waitressing is a good one too. $21 is a lot though wow!
  19. I ended up being able to go to the open house so that was helpful! Has anyone heard back about the assistantship yet?
  20. I know one of my universities said that if a student that was offered a scholarship declines, that money can be reallocated to another student! I know that doesn't help much because it would most likely be after the April 15th deadline though so sorry about that! But this is super interesting I would also want to ask for additional funding as well but really have not heard anything about it. It might be awkward or something haha but with the price of some colleges how can they blame us for asking for money!!
  21. Really want to accept my offer here too but the cost is making me nervous. Any advice on how you decided?
  22. hi! I also am unable to attend the open house. Online it said that if you were an undergrad in CSD, the program would probably take you 5 semesters including summers. But that would just be one semester, correct? Because a summer is considered a semester? I know it's 42 credit hours total but that seems a bit low compared to other schools!
  23. You can look on ASHA to see what schools to see which ones have high acceptance rates. However, I was accepted to every school I applied to except my safety school!! I know a bunch of people that had this experience too! So I'd say apply only to schools that you're interested in because I'm sure you'll get in especially with your stats and experiences
  24. You can but if there is a non-refundable seat deposit you would lose that money! I had a friend who did this last year!
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