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  • Location
    Kitchener, Ontario
  • Application Season
    2019 Fall

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Decaf (2/10)



  1. Does anyone know if more acceptances to Waterloo's MPS will be going out? It's my top choice, but I haven't heard anything from them yet and my other offers expire if I don't respond by the end of the month. Also... would it be bad form for me to accept my offer to Munk but pull out if I get an offer from Waterloo? I realize I'd lose the deposit...
  2. Edit: Received an offer of admission to Munk earlier today.
  3. Got an official email of acceptance from Munk / University of Toronto earlier this afternoon! With a 3K entrance scholarship. Still waiting to hear back from the Waterloo MPS - it's likely my first choice as I currently live in Kitchener so I wouldn't have to move. Stats: BA in Psychology from Laurier, research specialization. 3.93 overall GPA, likely something similar for the last two years - I don't think I've ever calculated that specifically. No relevant work experience (worked in farm labour throughout high school and one administration summer job). Lots of volunteer experience relating to health but nothing specifically policy related. Lots of research experience in psychology, multiple conference presentations, and one publication in review.
  4. Received the informal offer of admission for Queens this morning. As for Munk, my Acorn Degree Registration Status has changed to "Invited" but I haven't heard anything from them - hoping it's indicative of an offer of admission.
  5. Received the informal offer of admission for Queens this morning. My Munk Acorn status has also changed to "Invited" but I haven't heard anything from them - hoping it's indicative of an offer of admission.
  6. Hi everyone! Who else has applied/is applying to public policy programs in Canada for this fall?  So far, I've applied to the MPS program at University of Waterloo, the MPA program at Queens, and the MPP program at Munk.
  7. I'm applying to at least two, potentially more Clinical Psychology programs through PSYCAS. Does anyone know if, when I request my references through PSYCAS, they will have to submit one letter that will be then sent to each program, or if they will have to submit a letter per each school applied to? Asking because it will potentially impact how many schools I apply to. I don't particularly want to burden my references with having to go through 15 different reference letter links through PSYCAS if I decide to be ambitious and apply to that many - but if they only need to submit one, then it's just more work for me and not them.
  8. Hi all. Just received notice that I am offered CIHR for a clinical program that I was interviewed/rejected from (Western). Would it be crude of me to email the POI that rejected me and say something around the lines of "Hey, would you reconsider now that I have funding?"
  9. Hi everyone! I have a couple questions. 1) My status on the CGS portal is "Alternate". I expected it to be "Not Offered" since I was rejected after all of my interviews - Is Alternate another way to say Not Offered? 2) Has anyone heard from Western's Counselling MA? I interviewed there a few weeks ago and haven't heard anything.
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