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  • Application Season
    2019 Fall
  • Program
    Clinical Psych

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  1. I have been working as a behaviour technician in ABA services for children with autism for about three and a half years. I work for The children's Center in Michigan and they are pretty amazing and supportive especially in a job with high burnout rate. You can find jobs on indeed.com and there are many companies I see on there. I would be careful though and make sure you check out the company. You want to make sure they are providing ethical and high standard services. The experience is definitely life changing and you learn alot that you can use both at work and outside of work. I cannot speak to how good this looks on your resume but I do know that alot of companies that provide ABA services also have SLPs that you can shadow to get hours.
  2. Hey, I am planning on starting at Umass(Darthmouth) Research Psychology Masters program. I just wondered if anyone has experience with this program that can provide me with their thoughts about the program. Basically, anything you can tell me about the program would be appreciated. Thanks all
  3. Hi! I'll be joining the Fall 2019 cohort in the Research Psychology Masters program. Anyone else out there joining Umass in the fall?
  4. Hi all, If you have attended any of these programs and can offer any advice that would be helpful too. These are all masters programs that prepare you for PhD programs. Augusta university- Graduate Assistantship offered with full tuition waiver and very small stipend. Does not cover living expenses Western Carolina university- Graduate assistantship offered with more than enough to cover living expenses but no tuition coverage. Very close research match with lots of great opportunities. Scholarships available during the next semester. Umass(dartmouth)- offering assistantship with 12,000 per semester year and some tuition coverage(amount not specified) Least closest research match
  5. I applied to both PhD and Master's programs but since I did get into my first choice PhD, I am going with the Masters option. I got an interview with Western Carolina University and Augusta University which both offer funding. If anyone has any information on both programs, I would love your input.
  6. Hey all, I thought I would create a group for those applying/interviewing for any Masters program in Psychology. Feel free to talk about the schools you are applying to and any interview questions. I know alot of the interview advice given majorly talks about PhD but feel free to share tips or questions.
  7. School: University of Toledo Type: Clinical Psychology, PhD Date of Rejection/Method: Dec. 18th, 2018, via e-mail (official letter to come) How are you coping: Felt dreadful pit in my stomach but I am hopeful that I will end up in the right place for me
  8. Hey all, https://teamup.com/ks952632ef38687f3e I found this information on the University of North Texas website. It has a bunch of interview dates for different schools but the website also says not to depend entirely on this. Hope this helps!
  9. This happened to me today and my heart could not stop beating for like 10minutes straight. I might need therapy after this.
  10. I have my email open on my computer and for some reason I keep refreshing it and waiting for something to happen. I know it is way too early but I am not the most patient person at all. I have been watching grad school vlogs on youtube, even if they are not Psychology PHD student. Hope you are all holding up well!
  11. I am currently trying my best not to panic. I think you should be fine though as long as you spoke to them and they told you to send it
  12. One of my schools say I have a bunch of incomplete items which I have already submitted. I was hoping to call the school today but no one picked up. Does anyone know if schools are open during the weekend for me to call them.
  13. If you can, submit both. If you want to pick one to submit, I wold go with the first score as you scored highest on that for both Verbal and Quantitative.
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