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  1. I'm sure you will hear back very soon, fingers crossed for you! I just heard back on 2/12 that I was admitted to a program with a Jan. 15th deadline. Good luck! Keep us posted.
  2. In the future, this is a much better response to someone who is in the position of the OP.
  3. Thanks for your comment! I've been in your shoes and have stayed there for far too long based off of Reddit or people online in very specific situations, sometimes we let those comments box us in a little. I was only put at ease when I voiced my concerns in the real world to SLP colleagues and some of them shared how much they've been able to make in certain settings/niches. It's daunting picking a career but it sounds like you have some good options lined up. Even if you choose one thing and decide it's not for you it's never too late to switch gears.
  4. I'm happy that @roseyelephantis seeking additional answers as well! You can't believe everything you read online, which is where my comment was stemming from. I still stand by what I said, it would be childish for anyone to take one statement from one person on the internet and run with it as truth. It's mature to look at all aspects such as the fact that not all SLPs will end up on food stamps and struggling to make ends meet. Also, it is not out of touch for me to suggest that the particular struggling SLP in question seek financial advice. Free resources can be found online if you look up keywords regarding budgeting and personal finance. I was referencing the free info anyone can find online, not the $400/hr financial advisors you are mentioning that typically work with wealthy folks seeking guidance with their investment portfolios. I was also concerned about the low pay in this field when I worked as a Bachelor-level clinician in the schools earning $40K on the teacher pay scale. I was turned off by this field for years based off of what I read on Reddit from SLPs regretting their career choice due to the low pay. I have since taken the time to compare what I've read online, to what I have heard from SLPs I personally know and have worked with in real life. I won't waste my time throwing out numbers and figures since we all live in different areas with different standards of living. At the end of the day, everyone knows the pay in the schools can royally suck depending on which school district you end up working for and in what area of the country if thats the path you choose. However, I don't believe that should entirely deter anyone away from this field! Especially if they feel passionate about this career. As a Latina immigrant, I know what it's like having to send money to your motherland, however it's smart to be aware that there are other options in this field if you are willing to be open to it and that this particular struggling SLP's scenario is not always the case for everyone. Also, anyone reading this should know that the stylized "medSLP" is not a term used in this field in normal conversation. It is only used by Washington State University in reference to their two track master degree program. Any licensed SLP, with a masters degree from any accredited university can work in the variety of settings this field offers. The terms regularly used in the field would be "school based" and "medical based".
  5. And to answer this question, yes I have considered RD among other allied health fields(including nursing). I decided against RD because it was not an available major at my undergrad university and decided on CSD. If you look at job postings and do some research you'll find that the field is known for having a pretty low average salary even though it requires X amount of training, however there are also some happy RD's out there as well! Regardless, you should consider taking a career aptitude test and look at your options but also I wouldn't be completely driven by income. I have friends with bachelor degrees in other fields making $80K, have nice cars/homes but are miserable. Then I have personally met and am friends with SLPs who work in the schools and make $50-58K and are happy with a decent living wage and work-life balance. As someone else said before, any career is what you make of it. Why not read up on success stories in SLP? Especially since you've already stated you don't see yourself doing anything else. With COVID it's been nice to see that for the most part, SLPs have not had their jobs cut or are being laid off like some of these other fields. Keep in mind there's a variety of salary ranges in this field depending on setting (SNF, private practice, schools, hospitals) and where you live. At the end of the day, choosing a career can be daunting but I wouldn't mull over it too much. Sometimes it is best to make a decision and stick with it to improve your quality of life. Not all of your life satisfaction has to come solely from a career. You can have side passions or dabble in other things as well. Sometimes a career/job helps you achieve that. Also, I want to point out there are career counselor therapists that exist and can help guide you in making a decision you ultimately feel comfortable with. At the end of the day make a choice and apply yourself so you can move forward! Good luck.
  6. I'm sorry but I'm just going to point this out... do not base your entire career/life decision off of some random person on the internet. Finances are a VERY individual and unique subject. We do not know all of the pieces of that particular SLP's puzzle. I have so many questions: did she already have a crap ton of student loan debt from undergrad? Did she attend an expensive private university or pay out-of-state tuition? Does she have irresponsible spending habits such as never saving a dollar of her monthly income, thus living paycheck to paycheck? Does she live in an expensive luxury apartment in a wealthy neighborhood that she has no business living in? Does she own a luxury car payment that she can't afford? It's very easy to blame a career and not look at how someone got into their particular situation. I'm definitely not trying to victim blame or make assumptions but the list goes on... That's very unfortunate that she had to seek help from a food pantry, but we literally do not know why or how she got into her particular situation. I've worked in this field for YEARS as an SLPA in the schools and in private practice. I have met and worked side by side with SLPs in the real world that were definitely not struggling like that particular SLP you mentioned. It would be silly and no offense immature to completely change your career aspirations based off of one stranger on the internet. Off of a single Instagram comment. At the end of the day, in MOST cases, obtaining a master degree in any professional field will increase your quality of life substantially and allow you to be financially independent. Everyone should do their own due diligence when deciding what pay they are willing to accept for their particular life and situation. In my state, if you're willing to drive a little further out to a neighboring school district, you can get a $5-7K difference in salary. It just depends on what each individual is willing to sacrifice. There are so many options in this field, so do not let one person's experience on the internet deter you. Also not everyone is aware that you can change your 10 year student loan payment plan to one that is income based. So for all we know she has high student loan debt and is on a shorter payment plan leaving her with no wiggle room to afford her lifestyle. It sounds like that person is probably just in need of some financial advising.
  7. smarieSLP2b

    St. Louis, MO

    I applied for Fall 2021 and I am taking the CASper test soon. Does anyone know how long they give to accept/decline admission if it's offered? I'm hoping to have a chance to hear back from all of the programs I applied to before making a decision. Also, I wanted to add this for anyone considering the ENMU SLP program and searching all over the internet for more info, several weeks ago I reached out to a few current students in the program regarding their experience. This is some info I was able to grab from them: The program is very rigorous/time consuming, extremely affordable, heavily research based, and overall a high quality program with great professors. Mandatory on campus residency (based off a campus map it seems like everything is within walking distance, still not sure though) One student said "be prepared for a research course every semester" Another student said "The professors are great, each have their own teaching style. Courses are all well taught. Exams involve a lot of critical thinking so understanding the information is crucial" Another student said the quality is great, and that she felt like she was getting a well-rounded education and that ENMU prepares you for a variety of settings, not focused mainly on students becoming school based slp's. As for the clinical placements in your area, you create a list of possible placements in your area, and the program will contact/secure the placements for you.
  8. ? How easy is it to sit behind a keyboard and anonymously tear someone down who is clearly overwhelmed and hurting? You must feel so great about yourself, congratulations on being a bully, just what our field needs! Another miserable SLP I see, I've met quite a few like you.
  9. I appreciate the warning! Not many are willing to speak out about these programs. I know the Council of accreditation takes feedback on programs from students when it is time for them to go through their review. You should look up what your program's date is or even if they accept anonymous complaints on their website. On another note, I'm sorry you are having a hard time with your program, lack of diversity is common in almost all SLP programs. The field is 96% caucasian. It's just something that you have to deal with temporarily, however once you practice in the field or live in certain areas it is easier to be amongst a diverse group of SLPs. As for the lack of opportunities, not to defend the program but with Covid-19 alot of programs are struggling to place students ANY where. I wouldn't stress placements so much as long as you are completing the hours required for graduation. There is always a way later on to get into your niche in this field. If you're willing to move I'm sure you can find a CF in your area of choice. Good luck and hang in there! Getting your degree is all that matters at this point. I would also look into the free services the school provides if you feel unsupported. Also if you have any "out there" interactions with a professor you can report them to the dean. Just because a person holds a certain position that doesn't allow them to get away with mistreating students.
  10. I applied to ENMU and I'm applying to WKU, both online programs. Emerson has been on my radar and I've heard nothing but good things. I really appreciate that they have rolling admissions and seem organized. I haven't submitted an application yet because I can't get over their price!
  11. Does anyone know if online programs help with securing or finding clinical/externship placements for their grad students? I'm considering applying to some online SLP programs but I am concerned if I will have to cold call 50 places on my own when it comes to the clinical portion of the program. I've heard of situations where some grad students have to temporarily relocate due to not being able to find placements.
  12. Well, Emerson College does not use CSDCAS for their online Speech@ Emerson program, I assume that's the online January 2021 cohort you applied to? I am pretty sure if the admissions counselor told you directly that everything was received/fixed in their system that they will still be considering you for their Jan. '21 cohort. Otherwise they would've let you know if it was incomplete and not being considered. If I were you, I'd consider finding another back up recommender for your CSDCAS apps. Deadlines on CSDCAS are more harsh/strict and the last thing you need is this professor submitting their rec late. I would begin gently reminding him 2-3 weeks before your CSDCAS deadlines are due. But yeah overall I don't think you should feel overly anxious about this situation. I wouldn't bother reaching out to the admissions counselor anymore, at this point the school just has to make their decision or they may allow you to resubmit your app for the May 2021 cohort.
  13. Yep, salary always depends on location, years of experience, and speciality (schools/SNF/hospital/private practice/tele-therapy etc.). Regardless of location, it is a common misconception that becoming an SLP means earning a high salary, while it is definitely possible it's not the reality or the norm in our field unfortunately. That's why I advised the OP and anyone looking specifically for a high paying career to understand SLP is a field where you definitely don't enter it for the money or you'll be in for a rude awakening. Across the United States, SLPs working in school districts are typically paid on the teacher pay scale. Here in Central FL, the salary of a school SLP would be around $43K. Down in Miami or rural areas here in FL the salary varies of course which is why it's so important to zero in on the areas you'd want to practice in! Like South FL/Miami pay is higher, but of course the salary has to make sense for the high cost of living in that area.
  14. Coming from someone who worked as a school SLP (bachelor level- we get a 2 year temp license) you may want to rethink the school SLP thing because we aren't any more respected then teachers are in the public school system. There's a TON of paperwork as someone else mentioned before but it is definitely possible to not bring work home if you have good time management skills. Being creative in school therapy can become exhausting, real therapy in the schools doesn't look like what you see from IG and FB therapists. Cutesy stuff can be fun, but saved for holidays or as a treat to keep kids engaged. I recommend checking out masterclinician.com to watch therapy sessions or contacting a local school district SLP to see if you can shadow for a few hours to ultimately decide if you want to pursue a career in this field. Taking a look at the day to day work may help you make your decision. Also contrary to what Google says, SLPs do not make a ton of money on average... In the schools, SLPs are on the teacher pay scale, so google whatever school district you would possibly work in, check out the "pay schedule" for what teachers with master degrees make and that is what you'll be making as a school SLP. Of course there's private practice and other niches and variety, but ultimately this isn't the career to pick if salary is a big deal for you.
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