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  1. Hi NeitSLP! Happy to help, hopefully CSUF has some more options available now that they have switched to a cohort model. That's exciting that you applied to Chapman! I think Chapman is an excellent program and has allowed for many opportunities that have helped me pursue my chosen area of expertise in the medical setting. It has of course been a challenge with COVID, but I think all programs are struggling with that. The classes are generally late afternoon to early evening first semester and then are all evening classes after that so that you can have practicum during the day, and are generally Monday-Thursday. If you have any other questions or want to discuss further just let me know, am happy to arrange a phone call if you'd like. Good luck, I remember how stressful it is waiting to hear back from places you've applied!
  2. Hi there! I was put on their final waitlist and emailed by their dean personally, so I likely was going to be admitted once the registration deadline came to a close, but I withdrew my application before finding out as I accepted a spot at Chapman’s CSD program instead. Fullerton said they would have allowed me to take the classes during the grad school program but it would have added to their already long grad school program and it would not have allowed me to be part of the cohort because of this. Some of the classes are only offered at certain times of the year, so it also depends on availability to determine how long that might take. They had just started switching to cohorts at that time, so I am not sure if they have fixed this problem since then, but it does make it trickier. But they were definitely willing to admit me regardless, so you’ve absolutely got a shot!! Best of luck to you, hope this helps!
  3. Off this list. I applied to CSU Fullerton and CSUSM. I was accepted at CSUSM and did my post Bach there, really down to earth program but competing against SDSU for limited medical placements (my focus) and far from where I live, so I ultimately declined. I was rejected to SDSU, CSULA, and CSULB. I was waitlisted at Fullerton and got an email from the head of the program on 4/14 that they expected spots to open on 4/15, but I withdrew before finding out if I would be accepted (getting that email leads me to believe that I likely would have been) since I had actually been accepted to Chapman off the waitlist and preferred their 2 year program over Fullerton’s 3 year program. 3.97 CSD and overall GPA, Summa Cum Laud at UCI for undergrad in English, and over 300 GRE.
  4. Did anyone make a Facebook group for this cohort? Someone on the results forum mentioned making one for cohort 11, but I lyrics to find it yesterday and was not successful.
  5. Finally got my long expected denial to Long Beach last night. Still waitlisted at Fullerton. Went ahead and accepted at Chapman today!!
  6. I’ll be joining you in the cohort in the fall, just accepted and put down my deposit!!!!
  7. Nice! I’m touring the campus tomorrow then will almost certainly accept I did get a waitlist email last week.
  8. I just accepted off the waitlist as well!!!! So happy my number one choice! Have 2 days to decide to accept my grant Currently accepted to San Marcos and waitlisted at Fullerton.
  9. I hope it doesn’t fully fill up - I got a towards the top of the waitlist email and Chapman is my number 1 pick any idea how many spots are left?
  10. Got waitlisted!!! Here is to hoping I get admitted later
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