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    United States
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    Speech-Language Pathology

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  1. I wouldn’t worry about retaking the GRE. Save that money! Grad school apps are expensive. I unfortunately took the GRE twice and basically got around the same score…
  2. Question! I’m interested in taking the survey, but there isn’t an option for CF. I operate under my supervisor’s license, so let me know what I can place myself under. Thanks!
  3. Happy to read anyone's as well! Feel free to de-identify it if you want.
  4. I started working towards the end of my first semester of grad school. I wanted to get a feel for how school and clinic were in terms of the commute and workload before committing to something else. Luckily, I was able to get a GA position at my school (clinicals were at my school's clinic), but I do know some people in my cohort who work around where they live and some who commit solely to grad school. See how the first few weeks of grad school goes if you are able to!
  5. I'm a current first year at IHP too (HELLO @musicalmini) and I'm interested in joining that group!
  6. MGH IHP is transitioning into online courses for the rest of the spring semester. We are currently on spring break and we just got word that our client sessions at the in-house clinic will be cancelled next week. No word on what it will look like for the rest of the semester for sessions, but I can only imagine that even if the school decides to reopen the clinic, it will ultimately become the family’s decisions. I know it really is a bummer especially for our clinic hours...
  7. There are a few people in our cohort who live together and it works out fine for them! I think we have a mix of interests, but honestly the majority of people in my class come into grad school with no specific populations they want to work with (I really know of maybe two people who are interesting in swallowing disorders). Also, don’t count on getting medical placements and/or placements at specific sites you really want! The only time a medical placement is guaranteed is if you take the medical concentration. But that should not be the only reason you go for a concentration!
  8. Hi! I'm at my second semester at IHP. I was choosing between BU and IHP (and some other schools) when I was making my final decision last year. I ultimately decided on IHP because of the focus on interprofessional education, the option for a medical concentration, and to expand my professional network. Anyway, I have some answers to your questions! Some people opt to live in Charlestown, which is very close to school (can be a 10-15 minute walk depending on where you are) and others commute in. I take the T into North Station, which is about a 10-15 minute walk to campus depending on which building I have to go to. If you time it correctly, there is also the Partners shuttle that cycles between MGH (the hospital) and the Navy Yard (where IHP is) and those run early/late (convenient for the evening classes). I haven't run into any issues with my commute tbh. My commute is about an hour from when I leave my place to when I get to school. The first semester is pediatric-heavy, but you start getting into adult stuff in the second semester. I started grad school really wanting to do adult stuff, so I just had to push through the first semester and remind myself that it's better to get the ped stuff out of the way haha (the classes/professors were fun in the first semester!). In terms of CFs, I don't think it actually makes it "harder" to get one because of the extra semester. I believe you don't have to start your CF as soon as you graduate. It's just like applying for a job - you can do it any time.
  9. Yup! There will be an accepted student open house I believe at the end of this month. Keep a look out in your emails! If anyone here attends, perhaps I’ll see you there.
  10. I heard from MGH via call on March 6th last year and then received an acceptance letter via email the next day. For TC, I received an acceptance letter via email on March 11th. Good luck!
  11. I didn't get any funding and unfortunately don't know the actual numbers. I'd say you can make living in Boston work, depending on the neighborhood and your roommate situation. Many people make it work through GA positions, work, etc. You should call the IHP finance office and see if they have any info on scholarships/funding. Good luck!
  12. I second @musicalmini’s response. IHP does a great job with looking at students/applicants as a whole. There are many ways you can make a rockstar application that don’t involve numbers. Good luck!
  13. I’m a current student at IHP and my personal statement was very similar. The school really does well with inclusivity and cultural competency. Our professors are open to all kinds of feedback so they can ensure that everyone learns and grows in a safe environment. I feel very safe and happy to be surrounded by a great cohort!
  14. I'm happy to take a look at it too!
  15. I applied to 9 and that honestly feels like a lot now that I look back. Save your money! I think 3 schools is a solid number.
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