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Everything posted by i.am.me

  1. i.am.me

    Madison, WI

    What are some economical internet options for grad students? My place has just informed me that tenants pick their own service. Any suggestions for speed and affordibility?
  2. ^ It's true. At my last school, there were so few available single men (that I'd want to date)...the pickings are slim in Education. Go for it, girl!
  3. If he's just introverted and not shy, then that is a different case. Personally, no one believes that I am either, but I am VERY introverted. EXAMPLE: I also taught for two years and am known to be quite socially active...but I always look for exit signs when I enter a social event and have to remind myself to engage other people at the table I am sitting at in conversation. So, maybe he's like that? If he is, maybe you can try being his friend in addition to being his...research-interested-talking-person...I mean, outside of school and school related topics. I've never been friend-zoned by a guy before, but I was recently told that some girls must look out for this type of categorization.
  4. Well, I have a 30 minute commute to work everyday now and I despise it. Despise it despite the fact that I am commuting to go make money. In my MA program, the commuter students rarely had time to interact with others. One or two of them told me afterwards they regretted living so far away because they didn't make the same kind of networks as students who lived closer (like me). Perhaps, you can try living closer to schools for the first year at least to see if you can acclimate?
  5. Aw, you are so sweet, wildviolet. Personally, as an introverted woman, I'd bolt at the earliest and slightest hint of romantic interest from someone I am not attracted to physically. Yeah, that's shallow. But anyway.... What's your girly intuition tell you? You think he likes you? Has good feelings towards you? If you answer yes to the last 2 questions, then I would commence girlish flirting...because he might not get it. For someone shy, I am always under the impression that they need to be comfortable in your presence or have some kind of bond with you to want to pursue something further. I am not a expert or anything, but I slowly invade the personal space of people I like (men or women, romantic or friends). How do you think he'd react to that? You know, considering you got to sit next to him and all lol PS: An official date is too formal...and scary.
  6. When I dressed too casually in my grad program---ppl judged me for it. I got told so when I started making friends in my first semester. It probably didn't help that I have a young looking face (although I was older than a good majority of my cohort). It wasn't that I was sloppy or too juvenile, but my taste is not "American" they said. That was also because I just returned from a long stint working overseas ::shrugs:: I am now a Researcher in a governmental consulting firm, and my clothes generally align towards lots of fitted blazers, crisp vests because of the atmosphere/clientele. Now, when I go out with friends after work, I get told I look too dressed up/formal. Sometimes, you just can't win. Personally, I will probably maintain my current wardrobe since I think it's better to be over-dressed than under-dressed. I got the impression that I was over-dressed for my university visit. And, yes, I also think cleanliness is the most important thing you can "wear" lol esp if you will be teaching and must stand in front of a classroom. Pick something you feel good in to wear to avoid being overly self-concious in front of your students.
  7. I have mixed feelings about LDRs. I am in between semesters for school. People keep telling me to date while I have time now since when I start school it might be harder. I normally don't reply to this piece of advice though. I travel so much and spontaneously that it's hard for me to remain emotionally attached to someone in this short period. Also, I don't like dating in general and don't really care for casual dating or casual relationships all that much...I wonder if people really took the time to consider my preferences when suggesting that I start the beginnings of an LDR. I just am not interested in starting anything with anyone when I know I am going to leave soon. It just doesn't seem fair. Of course, I'll be leaving room for "fate" too...you never know who just might drop in or out of your life between now and September.
  8. Smartphone cyber witches. Well, that doesn't sound flattering at all.
  9. Smartphones will change your life, true story. I have a Virgin Mobile HTC EVO. I pay about 50 a month (that is plus insurance) for unlimited texts and data with 1200 minutes (i believe, but nobody calls me except my family...and I hate making phone calls) It is fine. I use it to read reviews of makeup when I am at Ulta, Sephora, or CVS lol and look up restaurant reviews. Also, I track my eating and body measurements, do online banking, check my various emails, stalk FB, and take food pictures, read ebooks, and play word games. All apps I use are free My brother has used my GPS many times on the phone and it has been helpful getting to places.
  10. Be realistic about FIT. I feel that if I had to reach too far to "fit" with the program and the scholars, I probably wouldn't get in (proven lol)
  11. Higher Education and Student Affairs? I heard Colorado, Boulder has a good program. I went UMCP, but not in HE/SA but I was told that we had a very good program (I guess these could be hearsay) Who do you want to work with in the field? Where are they and where did they come from? I find these are helpful questions to ask when looking for schools.
  12. In my home, and to some extent in the homeland, coffee is drank as a part of...eating...because it's warm and tasty, and if you add ice, its cold and tasty. I grew up drinking coffee for taste so I drink it for comfort rather than for caffeine. I also drink lots of tea, but I only like jasmine green tea daily. I tend to stay away from juices and carbonated beverages because those are calories I don't need. I am not a coffee snob---I love instant coffee and lots of different kinds. In fact, when I travel overseas, I alway make sure to sample the variety of instant coffee and ramen noodles lol (that's why I worry about excess calories).
  13. I have an ultrabook...its either and Asus or an Acer (lol) All I can add is that owning one has immensely improved how fast, easy, and light I can pick up my work and move around. I cannot study at home....and sometimes need to walk around to clear my mind and meditate so...I guess I am the target user for this type of work book.
  14. Real questions: How come? Can someone elaborate. Personally, I think of my friends who are phenomenologists (sorry, if spelling is off) and I find their methodology extremely laborious and time consuming.
  15. I've waited a long time for the opportunity to study at this level...so I will be trying to get the best experience that I can out of my PhD program.
  16. I must also echo, thanks for sharing! My advisor in my MA program also told me that I had to prove to her with my thesis that I could write at an academic level before she would write my recommendation. This was after she told me that I was a nice person but didn't seem fit to pursue a PhD program ::shrugs:: I also showed her a list of schools I wante to apply to which she glanced at and said they were too competitive...and began to ramble the names of other schools I should apply to...none that fit my interests (but she didnt ask). Who can know what our advisors are thinking? I will start a PhD program in a different school than my MA though...but I don't think your chances are tarnished because your advisors peers probably know his attitude better than you, and he won't be the only one sitting on a committee, right?
  17. I would also recommend maintaining a distance. This is because I sort of had a friendship like this---my friend loved to ask questions and know about my business---me being me, I answered them all lol Unfortunately, I am not an "asker" nor did she want to tell me stuff...so imagine that...was really awkward when people thought we were really close...but when they asked me what she was up to, I'd have no idea, but if they asked her what I was doing, she'd report that and then some...and sometimes belittled my achievements behind my back (never do this, cohort is small, people told me about it). Needless to say, I've removed myself from that friendship. Collaboration is positive and even invigorating when you find yourself in a slump. But you gotta be really careful not to build expectations from it...like of friendship or even loyalty, unfortunately. In time, friends will prove themselves that, or something else.
  18. Oh noes...I didn't know I was supposed to plan to do something ('cept take care of moving plans, shopping for a new wardrobe, and my health) academic to get ready for graduate school.... lol, i just plan on taking it easy...hahaha
  19. The schools that I got accepted to thought I had a pretty compelling personal story where I explained why I wanted to do what I do, and also a good spirit of perseverance. My grades before my MA were...on sub-par...and test scores...well, I cirnge whenever I hear people complain about their "low" scores.... The Asher book helped me a lot though! I looked at it more for style and tips on how to start writing. Also, when writing to schools (they have an uncanny ability to weed out students that don't "fit) if you can't figure out something awesome to say about the school or the professors you want to work with (where they might REALLY be exceptional but not relatable to you and you KNOW it) then that is not a good fit for you. If only I had written my "fit" paragraph earlier, then that would spared me lots of grief over spending money on sending my GRE scores lol I also wrote my SOP first, in my own style of writing, before sharpening it out to be sent to peers for review, and professors for recommendation letters, and then the schools I applied. I was very straightforward in my SOP also. That is, one of my peers who read my SOP thought it translated well into who I was as a person and seemed "real". I am mentioning that because I heard it a couple of times from my peer reviewers and professors.
  20. i.am.me

    Madison, WI

    Hm, I am afraid I will not be useful Hadouken because I was not aware that there were dorms for graduate students. I think the areas that you've listed might be your best guesses. Personally, I looked for good landlords, reasonable price, and access to public transportation.
  21. i.am.me

    Madison, WI

    Well, just an update, but I have secured housing One of my more senior cohort members offered to look at places for incoming students...she looked at 4 for me and I decided on the last one lol I am renting from McBride Company (very nice, helpful, and responsive landlord), a studio + parking spot with most utilities (except electricity and internet). I am forking over a good amount of money to live by myself with a well reviewed landlord. I guess now...I must look for a GA lol
  22. I have to move half way across the country...quite literally. Before moving out, I've decided to start a new exercise regiment where I strength train 4-5 times a week. Well, I look good at least lol I found a place to live and my family has decided to help make the move with me so we're planning a road trip
  23. All the POIs I contacted got back to me!! I was SOOO SURPRISED! Actually, I only emailed 4 people and I got into 2 out of the 4 schools, referred to an MA at 1, and then the other one rejected me (they lost my GRE scores, i am broke and couldnt follow up). Unfortunately, so was everyone around me. Surprised, I mean.
  24. I am late to the game...and I don't know you...but I AM JUST SO HAPPY AND RELIEVED FOR YOU! CONGRATULATIONS!
  25. I was just going to drive my family's two cars and enlist my mother, father, and 2 strong brothers. But then again, I don't have a lot of stuff to bring it seems...just half of a one bedroom.
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