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Everything posted by i.am.me

  1. i.am.me

    Madison, WI

    I have a car but she's going back home in the summer cause I don't really know how to drive in this weather and parking/looking for parking is problematic near the UW-Madison campus. Currently, I rent a studio with a parking spot for $600 a month + whatever utilities I pay = $700 (generous). I should not that I rarely eat out but do have car payment and credit card bills to pay and I've lived pretty decently off a $1600 stipend. The only thing I'm dealing with is the odd silence at night here in my neighborhood. And its really cold but you get used to it...sort of..might be because I walk a mile to school and a mile to the gym in this weather.
  2. You will be perfectly fine. Maybe even better than fine. I've got a smaller stipend and can afford to live by myself (studio), eat real food, have a fancy gym membership, and still make car payments. However, to be sure, I have no money left over at the end of the month.
  3. I think you could learn how to cook lotsa different types of food on a grad student budget...just budget accordingly. Right now, my pantry is full of Japanese food staples since I bought a couple of new cookbooks... But mostly my current diet consists of lotsa tofu LOL - kimchi and tofu stew; miso and tofu soup; watercress, pork, and tofu soup; braised egg and fried tofu dish...I'm sorta all tofu-ed out. I'll be going for a short trip back to the homeland this summer and will take the opportunity to learn a couple of dishes from the street cart vendors like chive pancakes or beansprout stir-fry...for some reason the recipes here are not the same...wondering if the air pollutants + dirt give the dishes a special flavor...
  4. I have worked very hard to be where I am today...and I'm here...and I don't want to be here. So, I know how you feel OP. I've become unbearably lazy and a time waster in regards to school work and...whatever. I am trying to stay motivated by remaining in contact with friends, family, and students that make my research important to me...since I'm so far away...it's easy to get lost in everything. Especially when classes don't focus on my research focus, and...no one in my program shares my focus. I'm trying to keep the big picture in mind. I have not been able to connect with people who share a similar cause that I do (research topic), and that is what I will be seeking out with the traveling that I plan on doing. I'm also trying to connect with people in different disciplines that have a similar population focus. Because...well, you just gotta talk to other people. EDIT - Oh, I'm sorry, I think I misread the topic. I've already started grad school. so....
  5. Why do people answer in a socially desirable way on "personal"ity tests? Always been curious bout that. My introversion has been described as "not cute"...and "oddball" by ppl who think they're my friends, so I def would not brag about being an introvert to anybody. So...are we still talkin' bout the MBTI?
  6. I always test as INFJ - am inclined to think that there are lots of introverts in grad school...
  7. I can write at home but cannot read at home. I only like to write on grid paper. I need to have eaten before I do anything at all. I need to have at least 2 beverages within reaching distance. Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, I need to be wearing my "study pants". If it's too quiet...I just fall asleep. And I am extremely found of Sharpie pens
  8. i.am.me


    I own many blazers from my previous job - currently 10+ are in rotation. I believe they come from a range of places such as JCPenney, F21 Limited, Macy's,Target, H&m, Kohls, Ross, Zara, TJ Maxx, and local thrift stores. JCrew is where I get dress shirts from because the often boxy frames of the blazers don't work with my curvy frame. Oh, my weight unfortunately fluctuates a lot so I spend quite a bit of money on clothes - if you are like me, hit up the second thrift stores first!
  9. I make time to exercise because it is one of my stress relieving habits...I find that I meditate best when on a machine. Also, I like taking care of myself which includes health and physical appearance. I am pretty sensitive to environment, so since I hate the ratty school gym, I recently signed up for a 24 hour gym membership. When I don't look good, I don't feel good. When I don't feel good, everything else suffers.
  10. I am also a single person in a PhD program (and also in my MA) and have actually found it helpful to cook in a large batch, separate into single or double serving sizes, and freeze and reheat later. I wouldn't mind having a dutiful spouse if they are like Loric's colleague's lol but that type of relationship, dedication,and communication of needs takes a long time to build.
  11. ^LOL yeah I am I been dealing with the cold okay...it's the snow that's leaving me cloistered. I've learned that I need to schedule my holidays more accordingly to spend as little free time alone as possible when I'm outside of school - I haven't talked to another human being...in like...two weeks since all my friends went home. I think I need to fall in love with something, like a hobby, or maybe a person haha to make times like these more bearable.
  12. Oh my gosh - Tall Chai Latte! I moved from MD to WI! I didn't really enjoy my first semester either...especially since I've never had to clean snow off my car...and now my car is stuck in the parking lot because I don't feel like shoveling snow...and I'm told to expect more. My new friends..well, I just don't share the same interest (i.e. beer and football, maybe house parties) and they don't share mine ( hm, makeup, gym, and foreign films).
  13. I did sent mine after I finished applying and the whole process was complete. I sent a follow-up on the schools (there was only 3) and then emailed again to let them know where I am going. My program was small, and the profs made it clear they wanted to know where I ended up and to keep in touch since graduates end up all over the world lol
  14. That depends on your city ^ I am in a college town and have already signed a lease for the next rental school year that starts August 2014. I'm sorry I don't know what's in...Ohio (?), but it's always best to start early. If you need help from Mom n Dad you can still get it now ( I did!).
  15. I sent a gift with card to my letter writers - 3 followed up telling me they loved it; 2 no response (I sure hope they got it!) My gift was unique to my cultural heritage for them to remember me. I mainly gave them the gift because my parents wanted to thank my letter writers also - so it was a family gift to show how much we appreciated their help.
  16. Anyone moved from a place with lots of ethnic food options/grocery stores to a predominantly white town-ish city? How did that go?
  17. Well, this is not the first time I've lived far from home. I live alone with no roommates. It is quite nice cause I work on coursework and papers at all hours, and I also watch movies at all hours ::shrugs:: Starting over is hard cause I don't know where to hang out, how to get there, and friends are made cause we're all in grad school - not because of family connections or similar friends (who normally have similar interests). I think it's getting around that I don't go anywhere, so the groups of friends that I came in with in the program have stopped inviting me to their outside of school activities. At first, that hurt my feelings but then again...that was my fault because I kept refusing to go LOL mainly because I don't drink and grad students for one reason or another love to peer pressure others. Also, I have to walk home alone late at night...since no one is offering to walk or take me home after inviting me out, I don't go cause I need to take care of myself. Also, I been hit on the past couple of times I've been out and that bothers me since I'm not looking...so I don't go out. Next semester, I will start taking some outside of school courses to meet others...they are not that exciting LOL lol sewing, cooking, maybe...knitting LOL You know, Pinkster, starting over in a new place may be just the thing some people need for greater clarity towards viewing priorities. EDIT: Oh, I wanted to mention that my experience might differ from yours cause I'm the type of person that doesn't mind eating alone and regularly catches movies by myself - happily.
  18. That's not very nice ^ You got offered a freebie with a compliment. Should just take the compliment and move on even if you didn't accept the services offered. By the way - where does one find themselves on the street on Christmas Eve that a lady of the street pops up offering you her goodies?
  19. Wait, what? I don't get it. What fields are the OP referring to in this post? I guess, something peripheral to their field (which is what)?
  20. :: Shouldn't you be spending more time on one of those dating sites geared towards people...uhm, dating for graduate students? One of those specialty dating sites or something? I think I just got spam in my email for something like that.
  21. Uhm..ROFL! Well, can't tell where Loric is from, but I sure hope some of the younger stalkers on the forum are Pm-ing (insert appropriate pronoun) with interest. Just try to refrain from being the object of gossip by being discreet. Gossip about hooking up with another graduate student spreads quite easily. If that matters to you, anyway. If it doesn't ::shrugs:: I'd care, personally. I'd really be worried about gossip concerning a student in my TA section!
  22. My department is also female dominated ^ but there is a decent male presence also. I've never felt that people have tried to put in a box more than I have been in the past couple of months - I think it's mostly because I look really young..like a sophomore in college when I will be turning 30 soon. I dress appropriately but the huge winter coats really mess up my game lol (15 F feels like -3). I've never been under the impression that I've needed to balance fashion and professionalism though - most of the profs in my dept are...oddly well put together.
  23. I feel a little bit late as 5 pages have gone by...but perhaps it is because this thread went by really quickly. I'd like to echo the sentiments and advice of the posters that mentioned that getting married, having children, and basically...creating your own family...well these events unfold contrary to whatever plans we might have in life. Most people think that I'm headed down my academic career path because of great focus and avoiding distractions i.e. men. That's silly. I wanted to pursue a PhD, so I am. If there was someone I wanted to marry and have babies any time between the past and near future, I would. That's all, really. Congratulations to the OP I can't imagine a better time in your PhD program than where you are actually. Edit: I forgot - Oh darn, that whole getting preggers on birth control has got me scared now!!!!
  24. I am struggling to come up with original research that's...um compelling? Yeah, I think that is the correct word. I also would like to get to know the ppl in my program more, but like pears - i am introverted and talking to people can be exhausting. The toughest part for me is trying to get started on stuff - I have no problem finishing up once I do...but the beginning is agonizing.
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