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    crying, programming, computational drug design
  • Application Season
    2020 Fall
  • Program
    Biomedical Sciences/Computational

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  1. Might be because people are reporting their results under BME, but IBSC BME is a pretty small sub-population of BME. I was not assigned an advisor in the admissions letter, but had an assigned faculty host for the interview/visit. With regards to rotations, I'm pretty sure that there is no formal rotation system.
  2. Hi! I kind of "interviewed" at Purdue last winter as part of their Graduate Diversity Visitation Program, and was looking at Biochemistry/PULSE/IBSC and associated faculty, although I only interviewed with one faculty member in BME. I was accepted in early January and flew out last weekend for their interview weekend for students that were nominated for internal fellowships, so I got the chance to interview with a few more faculty members in the program! This was for both BME and IBSC students, but all the other prospectives I talked to were BME -- IBSC is much smaller in comparison. I am not sure if they have sent out all acceptances, or are waiting for the results of the fellowships to determine how many other offers to extend. Either way, best of luck!
  3. Undergrad Institution: UC Santa BarbaraMajor(s): Chemistry and Biochemistry Minor(s):GPA in Major: 3.8 Overall GPA: 3.8Type of Student: Domestic, female, minority (LGBTQ+ and disabled)GRE Scores:Q: 163 V: 161 W: 4.5 B: N/A Research Experience: (At your school or elsewhere? What field? How much time? Any publications (Mth author out of N?) or conference talks etc...) 3 yrs Computational Chemistry Research Group (ongoing): Independent project with a notoriously "difficult" professor, 1st author pub in progress, 5+ poster presentations, 3+ associated fellowships/grants Summer 2019 Neuroscience Research Group: Worked with a respected prof in Boston, 2+ poster presentations, 2+ poster presentations, 1 associated grant, potentially a 4th author pub someday LOL 0.5 yrs Scientific Programming work for Ecology Centre on campus Awards/Honors/Recognitions: (Within your school or outside?) Summer Research Programs 2018 (McNair @ UCSB), 2019 (Tufts) Summer Research Programs 2019 (3 @ UCSB, declined due to other offer) Summer Research Fellowship 2019 (UCSB) GRE Scholarship & Course 2019 (McNair) Travel Award to ABRCMS 2019 Research Internship Grant 2019 (UCSB) Pre-App Graduate Visitation Programs (PSU, Purdue, RPI, GaTech) Pertinent Activities or Jobs: (Such as tutor, TA, SPS officer etc...) Board Member of UCSB ASBMB Chapter 4 yrs part-time exam proctor and course notetaker 2 yrs part-time graduate research storeroom assistant (shipping and distributing chemicals, glassware, etc.) Developed high school programming for scientific outreach program Mentoring students in STEM via 3+ orgs Any Miscellaneous Accomplishments that Might Help: Well-maintained personal website, GitHub, etc. Special Bonus Points: (Such as connections, grad classes, famous recommenders, female or minority status etc...) Minority in STEM, participated in lots of programs/mentoring positions that focused on diversity in STEM Took way more physics classes than I needed Any Other Info That Shows Up On Your App and Might Matter: Lots of programming experience, but no formal coursework Results: UCB Chemistry - Accepted January 17th, 2020 UCSF Chemical Biology - Rejected December 24th, 2020 (**My PI never submitted his LOR because he thought UCSF was ONLY A MED SCHOOL smh) Scripps Chemical Biology - Interview December 20th, 2020 UW Seattle Medicinal Chemistry - Interview January 15th, 2020 Purdue Biomedical Engineering - Accepted January 15th, 2020 Penn State Bioengineering - Accepted January 15th, 2020 MIT Computational & Biomedical Sciences - Rejected January 24th, 2020 MIT Bioengineering - Rejected Febuary 1st, 2020 UCSD Biomedical Sciences - GHOSTED LMAO ?
  4. I am still waiting for UCSD BMS ? They sent rejections this time last year
  5. People who were accepted to MIT BE, were you given a deadline to reply by?
  6. None here (((((: I am considering emailing the adcomms, but I'm lowkey scared to because when I emailed the adcomm at UCSF I got rejected a day later Random aside - I guess in 2013, UCSD BMS sent out waitlists/rejections at the end of January, so hopefully we will hear soon! "I am writing on behalf of the Admissions Committee for the Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program. Due to the overwhelming number of exceptional applications we received this year, we are unable to offer you an interview at this time. However, because you were ranked very near our cutoff, we would like to place your name on a short waiting list of qualified applicants.This year the BMS program received over 300 applications for fewer than 30 places, so competition was fierce. The committee was impressed by your research and letters of reference and scored them highly. This score and your GPA and GREs are taken into account to generate the final ranking of students. Students are invited to interview according to their rank order. We are sorry we are unable to offer an interview to all qualified applicants, but we will add students to the interview pool from the waiting list if and when space becomes available. Based on previous years, it is likely that we may make further invitations from this waiting list, so there is still a possibility of a place in the BMS Program.With your impressive background, I'm sure that you will receive offers from many other programs. If you decide to accept any of those offers, please contact the BMS Program so that we can take your name off the waiting list."
  7. Still hoping for a positive result from MIT CSB....but their interview dates conflict with UW so I hope they notify us tomorrow! Honestly I'll be happy if I get an interview with CSB or BE because I want to go visit my summer PI and thank her for dealing with me..
  8. Same here! I can't answer for Berkeley specifically, but I find it to be a pretty decent offer as I'm currently surviving in SoCal on a similar yearly budget -- but the biggest costs for me are definitely tuition and rent.
  9. Someone posted a rejection from UCSD BMS via the postal service?! Meanwhile my portal still says "Your application is complete and under review!" ((((:
  10. Thoughts on whether MIT BE will send out any more invitations to interview? I applied to CSB as well, and they were supposed to release decisions today...but I guess not LOL
  11. WOIEOJIFEWIOJEFWJIOSDHFHSDOIFHSODF I want my rejection people!! ?
  12. Got acceptances from Berkeley Chem and unofficially from Purdue BME/IDGP! Still waiting for my rejection from MIT CSB WHERE IS IT LOL
  13. I applied to Purdue BME (through IDGP) as well. They asked for my official transcript today ASAP (oops), so I am guessing that they are working on reviewing apps and we should hear soon!
  14. Waiting for my MIT CSB and BE rejection letters now ? But hey, I got an invite from UW Medicinal Chem!
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