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  1. Like
    eternalwhitenights reacted to teasel in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    Thank you so much!!! Even if I don't get off these waitlists this year, I think I feel much better prepared for the next round at least 
  2. Like
    eternalwhitenights got a reaction from mrvisser in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    I saw they had over 1000 applications this year. That's an incredible accomplishment in and of itself. Congrats, dear!! ❤️
  3. Like
    eternalwhitenights got a reaction from largeheartedboy in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    I saw they had over 1000 applications this year. That's an incredible accomplishment in and of itself. Congrats, dear!! ❤️
  4. Like
    eternalwhitenights reacted to teasel in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    Waitlisted at U Michigan for poetry!!!! 
  5. Like
    eternalwhitenights reacted to cecsav in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    Just received an email from University of Alabama letting me know I've been waitlisted. 
  6. Like
    eternalwhitenights reacted to dogeared in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    Sending you all some positive energy this Monday. You are talented regardless of rejections/acceptances. And you are pretty amazing for working so hard for something you care about. I am hoping for the best for you all!
    I haven't posted in this thread yet, as I applied to both Creative Writing PhDs and Literature PhDs this round.. I've mostly been in the other thread. But I am currently in the final semester of my fiction MFA program. This year my MFA program decided to pick one student from each genre who is in their final year and add them to a sort of admissions review committee. Since I was chosen as the fiction representative, I get to look at incoming fiction applications and give my feedback to the department. I won't say which program I'm in (confidentiality and all that), and I wanted to stay away from this thread because I didn't want to accidentally stumble upon someone applying to my program. But I wanted to say that there are so many talented people applying. Rejection doesn't mean you aren't talented...from what I've seen it just means that the people in the department at the time just aren't a good fit for your that year. And of course...funding is limited. I've worked with literary journals and have similar things to say with that...there are amazing stories that we reject because they just aren't a fit for the journal, or because the Editor just isn't feeling it (it sucks lol). 
    Saying all this doesn't change the fact that rejection doesn't feel good. I got rejected from every MFA program I applied to except the one I'm in now (and even then I barely made it off the waitlist). I have no publications in any literary journals. Rejection doesn't feel good at all and it is okay to feel disappointed. You're allowed to have feelings. You aren't wrong for your feelings. I just wanted to send you some encouragement from someone on the other side who is very familiar with rejection. 
    I am sincerely hoping for the best for everyone. And I hope you get into the programs that would nurture your talents the best. ❤️ 
    If anyone has questions about MFA programs, feel free to message me. I won't talk about my current experience with admissions review because it is confidential and I would never talk about someone else's submissions, but I'm happy to talk about anything else!
  7. Like
    eternalwhitenights reacted to spacedumpster in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    You guys, gals, and nonbinary pals! I had a story accepted to a magazine and they're going to pay me for it!
    I get to work with an editor on revisions! It's a real thing! Someone values my work! ?
    This was a much needed boost to my self-esteem with all the uncertainty surrounding MFA apps. 
    Anyway, I just want to let you all know that YOU. CAN. DO. THIS. 
    No matter what happens this MFA cycle, please keep writing, and please keep submitting. Your work matters to someone.
  8. Like
    eternalwhitenights got a reaction from aheather in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    Fyi it's University of Iowa, CNF track, NWP (I'm assuming that means New Writers Program?). Not sure what everyone applied to, or if this applies to any fiction applicants here on our forum, but wanted to let y'all know! P.S. BREATHE. You are a great writer regardless if you get into Iowa.
  9. Like
    eternalwhitenights got a reaction from aheather in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    My instincts were right!! Marshall, how you doin', babes? 
  10. Like
    eternalwhitenights got a reaction from purgatoryparadise in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    My instincts were right!! Marshall, how you doin', babes? 
  11. Like
    eternalwhitenights got a reaction from CanadianKate in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    Fyi it's University of Iowa, CNF track, NWP (I'm assuming that means New Writers Program?). Not sure what everyone applied to, or if this applies to any fiction applicants here on our forum, but wanted to let y'all know! P.S. BREATHE. You are a great writer regardless if you get into Iowa.
  12. Like
    eternalwhitenights reacted to Ydrl in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    It has begun.
  13. Like
    eternalwhitenights reacted to Ydrl in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    Tbh I think it’s boredom. There wasn’t anyone like this in the 2019 or 2020 season. Now the pandemic hit and suddenly we have a troll with infinite faces.
    Also I like your new profile picture.
  14. Like
    eternalwhitenights got a reaction from JPReinhold in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    I'm not sure it's malevolence as much as nefarious boredom. Ah well. 
  15. Like
    eternalwhitenights got a reaction from woweezowee in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    My instincts were right!! Marshall, how you doin', babes? 
  16. Like
    eternalwhitenights got a reaction from arden in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    My instincts were right!! Marshall, how you doin', babes? 
  17. Like
    eternalwhitenights got a reaction from fishfish24 in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    My instincts were right!! Marshall, how you doin', babes? 
  18. Like
    eternalwhitenights got a reaction from mrvisser in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    My instincts were right!! Marshall, how you doin', babes? 
  19. Like
    eternalwhitenights got a reaction from bettedavisthighs in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    My instincts were right!! Marshall, how you doin', babes? 
  20. Like
    eternalwhitenights got a reaction from aheather in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    Congrats!!! I hope you get to live out all your Oregonian dreams and write till the cows come home.
  21. Like
    eternalwhitenights reacted to aheather in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    Waitlisted at Oregon State University!
    The waitlist email truly couldn't have been kinder, and now I'm in the nicest back and forth with one of the professors. I'm hoping beyond all words that other poets accepted to OSU get into their dream programs with all the funding they could ever wish, leaving me an open slot so I can go live in Corvallis like my little Oregonian heart desires
  22. Like
    eternalwhitenights reacted to teasel in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    I was also rejected by Amherst! It was a tough one for me. I haven't seen any numbers, but I wonder how many applied this year in poetry. It will be interesting to see how this year shapes up compared to previous years... would love to see actual numbers at some point! 
    I don't even know which programs I'm most anxious to hear back from at this point because I've somehow trained myself to be impartial...  Getting waitlisted at one of my schools gives me hope, but I'm trying to go about my life as though I'm not waiting. When things got difficult and I found myself obsessing, I took a break from this forum and started leaving my phone in another room haha. It's been great for my writing practice at least!
    One thing that gives me hope is that two of my poems are going to be published in a top 30 publication this summer, and I'm hoping that's a good sign. Even if I don't get in anywhere, it's nice to know that someone appreciated my work enough to include it. I'm even getting paid! *gasp*  Basically unheard of in the poetry world.  I really hope one adcom sees what this editor saw in my poems 
  23. Like
    eternalwhitenights reacted to funfettuccine in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    Don’t know if anyone else applied to Alabama in fiction, but I just got an email and I’m on the waitlist! So glad that my first (official) notification of the season was a good one after presumed rejections from WashU and Vandy. Keep your heads up! ?
  24. Like
    eternalwhitenights reacted to cecsav in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    Just received an email accepting me to UMKC! 
  25. Like
    eternalwhitenights got a reaction from mrvisser in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    Congrats, y'all. I am so proud of this group.
    Also, I'm not sure if University of Iowa is in Bloomington (?), but someone just posted in Draft that they got an email about being waitlisted for poetry at "IU Bloomington," if there are any people who have applied to that particular school, just as a heads up.
    EDIT: Haha, just googled and realized she must be referring to "Indiana University--Bloomington," not something with Iowa!!! I didn't want to freak out people on here because I know so many of y'all applied to Iowa! If anyone applied to Indiana University in Bloomington, though, hopefully that tadbit of info helps you in some way.
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