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    psychsci reacted to mphxpsych in 2021 Clinical Psychology Applicants CANADA   
    Hi everyone! This is super late because I wanted to wait until I got my official notice. 
    School: OISE
    Type: CCP
    Acceptance/Waitlist/Rejection: Acceptance
    Type of Notification: Email to check portal
    Date Notified: Unofficial notice from POI on March 24 and official acceptance email April 8
    DM for POI: Yes!
    Just for some perspective, this is not my first time applying. I ended up doing a totally different Master's in between and learned so much. This time around, I only applied to this one program because it was the research I'm passionate about and I'm super grateful it worked out!
  2. Like
    psychsci reacted to hopefulcandi in 2021 Clinical Psychology Applicants CANADA   
    Does anyone know the likelihood of being admitted if waitlisted? 
    Is everyone who received a formal interview waitlisted if they do not receive acceptance? Or is the waitlist further narrowed down? 
    Do you only get offered admittance from the waitlist if the potential supervisor listed on your application has a spot become available? 
    I've noticed when looking at stats for these programs that sometimes they offer 8-12 people spots but then have finalized cohorts of ~6 people. So I was unsure how their waitlists worked.
  3. Like
    psychsci reacted to cpsych2021 in 2021 Clinical Psychology Applicants CANADA   
    Unfortunately, you should probably assume rejection from McMaster as well. They have already send out offers and emailed those on the waitlist. 
  4. Like
    psychsci got a reaction from Tinzzy in 2021 Clinical Psychology Applicants CANADA   
    I haven't heard back from QueensU either, and I would assumed it is a rejection. They already sent our their offers in March, and I think they also interviewed waitlisted candidates. 
  5. Like
    psychsci reacted to Plzletmein in 2021 Clinical Psychology Applicants CANADA   
    I would email them! I did and while I hadn't received my rejection yet they essentially told me that my application was not recommended for a placement (which I had assumed, but it was nice to know for sure so that I could plan accordingly). 
  6. Like
    psychsci reacted to PsyDuck90 in Competitiveness of Clinical Psychology Research Areas   
    Honestly, the whole field of clinical psychology is so competitive in general that the differences in subfields are so minute. I would say I've heard that neuro, child, and eating disorders research tends to be a bit more niche and exclusive. However, that's in the US. I'm not sure about Canada. 
  7. Like
    psychsci reacted to Edge98 in 2021 Clinical Psychology Applicants CANADA   
    I got SSHRC for 2/3 programs I applied to, one being a counselling psychology program and it's also for the school I was accepted at! I hope my decline for the other school opens up for someone else on here! I was so surprised I burst into tears! Congrats to everyone else who got offers/alternates! 
    The only thing I'm a bit confused about, since I'll have it for my first year I assume it okay if I don't start my research till winter/spring 2022? 
  8. Like
    psychsci reacted to UroboroS in 2021 Clinical Psychology Applicants CANADA   
    I received a CGS-M award this year for a school I had not interviewed with, but had not yet been rejected from. For me, it was a no. I still encourage people to reach out as this may differ across programs.
    Good luck to everyone in the last week or so ❤️ 
  9. Like
    psychsci reacted to higaisha in 2021 Clinical Psychology Applicants CANADA   
    So happy to see folks getting alternates and offers! I was rejected by all 3 of the schools, so I need to go back to the drawing table with my proposals and craft a better application.
  10. Like
    psychsci reacted to criticalthinker in 2021 Clinical Psychology Applicants CANADA   
    Yeah, that was my understanding too - wait until it's offered to you and then put it on your CV! As for your question, I would say it's never too late to shoot your shot. The way I thought about it last year was I really had nothing to lose e-mailing the program that already rejected me to let them know I had secured funding at their school. Worst case scenario they say "good job but we still can't accept you", best case scenario they re-evaluate things and accept you into the program!
  11. Like
    psychsci reacted to sharingxn in 2021 Clinical Psychology Applicants CANADA   
    thanks so much!! this gives me some hope. im alternate for NSERC, so here's to the waiting game... thankful to have even gotten this far that's for sure.
  12. Like
    psychsci reacted to carlrogersfan98 in 2021 Clinical Psychology Applicants CANADA   
    Sweet, well I will keep checking if I eventually get the SSHRC because then that way I can put it on my CV! I've been talking to some profs and they said it's usually not really a thing to put "alternate" awards on CV's, only if you've actually been offered the award and then declined it.
    Also, question for everyone: even if I eventually get the SSHRC, how late is too late to inquire about possibly being squeezed into the program? Even if it comes over the summer or so, should I still email and ask? Obviously I'm not holding out hope and am currently just looking for jobs instead but if there would still be a chance I definitely want to take it lol.
  13. Like
    psychsci reacted to Sabr_Shukr in 2021 Clinical Psychology Applicants CANADA   
  14. Like
    psychsci reacted to criticalthinker in 2021 Clinical Psychology Applicants CANADA   
    Last year I received SSHRC from the alternate list! However, I wasn't able to accept it because the school had already rejected me. I did e-mail the school to see if having SSHRC would change anything and unfortunately it didn't. I will say that after getting rejected by all of the schools I applied to last year, getting SSHRC was the glimmer of hope that I was a still worthy applicant! haha
  15. Like
    psychsci reacted to Wanderingmind in 2021 Clinical Psychology Applicants CANADA   
    Hi all! I was just wondering if anyone knows of any profs doing research focusing on child/adolescent mental health who may be accepting volunteer RA's from other universities? I don't have any opportunities in my current city, so I'm hoping I can find a lab that I can volunteer with online! Thanks  
  16. Like
    psychsci reacted to PsychGiraffe in 2021 Clinical Psychology Applicants CANADA   
    Checked this morning, and received SSHRC for Windsor Child Clinical. Too bad I got rejected from there already almost a month ago... And all other schools to follow.
    And yes I already contacted the school to ask if they could make an exception and they said "lol nope". So yea, gonna decline. On the bright side, when I told the POI that rejected me, they asked to have a zoom chat in late April, so I've got that going for me which is nice.
  17. Like
    psychsci reacted to psychedaboutgradschool in 2021 Clinical Psychology Applicants CANADA   
    Yes! At this point, I figure it's probably a rejection. It would still be nice to hear back, though! 
  18. Like
    psychsci reacted to broski in 2021 Clinical Psychology Applicants CANADA   
    Got SSHRC CGS-M at UNB and McGill. I was rejected from the UNB program so declined the offer, hopefully that frees up space for alternates ? 
  19. Like
    psychsci reacted to clinpsychhopeful2021 in 2021 Clinical Psychology Applicants CANADA   
    for anyone on the waitlist at lakehead: I emailed to ask about when we might hear back, and they said that the second round of offers will likely go out after April 15 (if any). they said to keep checking your lakehead email. hope this helps a little bit with this loooong waiting process
  20. Like
    psychsci reacted to VanessaB in 2021 Clinical Psychology Applicants CANADA   
    It happened for me!!! I got the award offer and I've accepted!!!
  21. Like
    psychsci reacted to carlrogersfan98 in 2021 Clinical Psychology Applicants CANADA   
    Disclaimer: I am like 95% sure about all this, if someone sees this and I am wrong with something please correct me ASAP lol 
    To my understanding, the people who award CGSM's and the people who evaluate grad school applications are separate and don't influence each other. The CGSM people give awards solely based on what is included in each application, regardless of whether or not that person was accepted to the school. So it is entirely possible students don't get in to the program yet still get offered the award; however, if the student is unable to attend the program, they obviously cannot accept the award because you need to be enrolled the graduate program that awarded the money to take it.
    Apparently, there have been many instances where a student would get a CGSM at a school after not getting in and then being squeezed in after the fact if they got CGSM. I'm presuming this is because programs have such a limited amount of spots because there's only so much funding they can give, so if a student is coming in with their own funding, then that relieves the pressure of the department to find funding for that student - so if the student is otherwise a very strong applicant, they may be let in. 
    IMO it's so weird that grad school decisions are made before the CGSM results are out, I feel like it would save everyone so much time if decisions were made after CGSM results are released. That way, whether or not the student actually has funding would be factored into the decision, and grad schools wouldn't have to deal with rejected students who have nonetheless gotten CGSM contacting them to inquire about being squeezed in to the program after the fact.
  22. Like
    psychsci reacted to xtrahotlatte in 2021 Clinical Psychology Applicants CANADA   
    STILL have not heard anything from OISE. When I emailed the APHD department a couple weeks ago they copied and pasted an e-mail to me essentially saying that I would hear back by the end of March. I also followed up a few weeks ago with the POI I interviewed with and NO reply. I honestly am really turned off and upset by how inconsiderate, non-transparent, and unresponsive OISE is. Maybe it's for the best that I won't be going there.
  23. Like
    psychsci reacted to carlrogersfan98 in 2021 Clinical Psychology Applicants CANADA   
    I'm assuming that's the date you can first begin viewing awards. One of the schools I listed still hasn't posted results so my guess is that results for some schools might come in after April 1 depending on how backlogged they are.
  24. Like
    psychsci reacted to carlrogersfan98 in 2021 Clinical Psychology Applicants CANADA   
    Welp, I was indifferent about CGS-M given that I didn't get in anywhere but now I have an ever-so-small glimmer of hope ? 
  25. Like
    psychsci reacted to gumbaline in 2021 Clinical Psychology Applicants CANADA   
    Just an update that I got my UTSC rejection. I knew it was coming but still a bummer. I heard somewhere (maybe here) that if you get a scholarship after rejection you might be able to contact the school and let them know? And they might find space for you? Anyone know if this is true?
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