utley24 Posted February 22, 2019 Posted February 22, 2019 (edited) 11 minutes ago, sociopolitic said: At this point, it really seems as though you're looking for reasons to get angry with people's comments. This thread is not supposed to be the locus of conflict, although you seem intent on making it such. Can we go back to, y'know, being friendly and helpful? We're rapidly approaching the point of toxicity here. Yeah, I should probably just stop checking this, I'll see myself out. I just hope that you all realize that the vast majority of people (most of whom don't comment or engage in any way) come to this forum in a negative headspace in the midst of disappointment and rejection. The insensitive comment that started all this, and subsequent defenses of it, are in no way helping those people, and are likely in fact making them feel even worse. Please try to be more conscientious. Good luck to everyone--and if you've been following all these messages, feeling like crap after being denied from your dream schools (or safety schools!), just know you're far from alone. Edited February 22, 2019 by utley24
markhame Posted February 22, 2019 Posted February 22, 2019 Rejected from princeton ! I appreciate the early morning notification. Done-zo!
sociopolitic Posted February 22, 2019 Author Posted February 22, 2019 (edited) 20 minutes ago, utley24 said: Yeah, I should probably just stop checking this, I'll see myself out. I just hope that you all realize that the vast majority of people (most of whom don't comment or engage in any way) come to this forum in a negative headspace in the midst of disappointment and rejection. The original comment that started all this, and subsequent defenses of it, are in no way helping those people, and are likely in fact making them feel even worse. Please try to be more sensitive. I'm sorry, but I think that the effort to make this thread a place where only a certain subset of applicants are allowed to vent is also rather insensitive. I posted this thread for everyone. And until now, I think everyone has felt welcome to share on this thread. But when someone posted in this thread, looking for support -- and even being careful not to dominate the thread's conversation by requesting PMs -- you called her annoying and callous. This thread and this site are a place for everyone who's looking for support to find it. Not for ad hominem attacks and "turf wars" over who's allowed to express emotion here. The poster you originally became so upset with has to think about not only what's best for her but what's best for her children. With information about departments' culture/attitude towards families not being readily available, I'd absolutely be stressed out of my mind too, were I in her shoes. Everyone in this thread needs to be more conscientious. Edited February 22, 2019 by sociopolitic SgtDonut 1
bandanajack Posted February 22, 2019 Posted February 22, 2019 A rough morning to Princetown and Brown applicants. Sorry, gang. Stay strong! gradgirrrl, artvandaley and NReken 3
NReken Posted February 22, 2019 Posted February 22, 2019 Just wanted to send a few words of encouragement to those people facing rejections--I was there last year, and it sucked. I applied to 7 programs (not Sociology, but something similar) and got rejected by 7. I felt embarrassed. I felt lost. I felt let down by my recommendation letter writers who had given me way too much confidence. I was angry with the schools who had rejected me. Don't let it squash your passions. You might need to readjust slightly (like I did), you might need to apply to a wider variety or programs (like I did), or you might just need to do it again to get a better roll of the dice (like I did). You're not defined by these applications. And whether or not you have the degree, you're all sociologists. KLMN0701, MSilves, nomadicotter and 4 others 1 6
TheBunny Posted February 22, 2019 Posted February 22, 2019 11 minutes ago, bandanajack said: A rough morning to Princetown and Brown applicants. Sorry, gang. Stay strong! I got rejected from Brown but it is fine, I do not get sad anymore
jriveracal Posted February 22, 2019 Posted February 22, 2019 I genuinely never meant to upset anyone and I sincerely apologize that I did. For what it's worth, I'm not having a quarter-life crisis because I "don't know if I should go to Harvard or XYZ". Rather, I am honestly feeling a lot of sadness and anxiety in trying to navigate what the most feasible option is for myself as a mother with two children. I am finding that the institutional supports for low-income student parents at many of these institutions is simply non-existant. It's not like I'm expecting luxury, but things like having an institution willing to cover my children's healthcare for less than 6k a year would be cool...Maybe subsidies to help with the $2600/month childcare tuition... All of this has really got me thinking a lot about how low-income and self-supported mothers and WoC are undervalued and are not seen as a priority to support in virtually every sect of society...even at these "world-class" institutions...It has me thinking about how resources are allocated within universities...and how in their choice to not invest in support policies and programs for disenfranchised students, institutions are able to silently weed out the "undeserving", effectively reproducing their privilege. I'm sure that some will read this and think OH BOO-HOO and not understand, but it's a pretty upsetting process to have all of these doors slapping me in the face after what for most would seem to be a done deal. I was just hoping to find someone who is also experiencing worry or disappointment to talk with. Although we are strangers I have really come to value and appreciate all of you and would never intentionally want to hurt anyone. SgtDonut, sosociology, NReken and 11 others 12 2
utley24 Posted February 22, 2019 Posted February 22, 2019 10 minutes ago, jriveracal said: I genuinely never meant to upset anyone and I sincerely apologize that I did. For what it's worth, I'm not having a quarter-life crisis because I "don't know if I should go to Harvard or XYZ". Rather, I am honestly feeling a lot of sadness and anxiety in trying to navigate what the most feasible option is for myself as a mother with two children. I am finding that the institutional supports for low-income student parents at many of these institutions is simply non-existant. It's not like I'm expecting luxury, but things like having an institution willing to cover my children's healthcare for less than 6k a year would be cool...Maybe subsidies to help with the $2600/month childcare tuition... All of this has really got me thinking a lot about how low-income and self-supported mothers and WoC are undervalued and are not seen as a priority to support in virtually every sect of society...even at these "world-class" institutions...It has me thinking about how resources are allocated within universities...and how in their choice to not invest in support policies and programs for disenfranchised students, institutions are able to silently weed out the "undeserving", effectively reproducing their privilege. I'm sure that some will read this and think OH BOO-HOO and not understand, but it's a pretty upsetting process to have all of these doors slapping me in the face after what for most would seem to be a done deal. I was just hoping to find someone who is also experiencing worry or disappointment to talk with. Although we are strangers I have really come to value and appreciate all of you and would never intentionally want to hurt anyone. I know I said I would stop checking this, but I'm glad I did, because these sentiments are both well-articulated and depressingly true. So many people are blocked out of this world altogether because grad programs don't offer anywhere close to adequate financial supports. There are so many barriers in place because universities see PhD students as disposable cheap labor, and it perpetuates the systematic inequalities we see throughout academia. Good luck.
thedudeabides Posted February 22, 2019 Posted February 22, 2019 I'm on the verge of a breakdown right now, and I can't tell you guys how sick I am of trying. Last year, I applied to 6 places in the US (I'm an international student with an MA), and to 6 other places in my own country. I got rejected by all 12 of them in the end, despite being waitlisted at one US institution, and being interviewed by several domestic ones. This year, I've applied to 10 places (9-US, 1-EU) - and all I've gotten so far are about 6 rejection letters, with an implied 7th one on the way. It's only my safety schools that are yet to get back to me. What makes things worse is that I've been unemployed for two months, and none of the applications I've sent out for contractual positions seem to be working. People around me (friends, family) are constantly asking me what my "Plan B" is, and I have no answer for them, because I don't want to settle for anything lesser than a university-level academic career. I know that anything other than this would just make me feel very frustrated. I feel like I've let my references down. I feel like I'm burning stacks of money on applying time and time again (and international exchange rates don't help). And I've never had a worse case of impostor syndrome than I'm having right now. I've faced terrible depression and anxiety in the past, and it's taking everything I've got to not pick up a couple of bottles of alcohol, or start smoking again. To make things worse, I'm also sick right now (I've had a terrible case of food poisoning over the past two days), and I had an accident about three days ago that really messed up my car as well. Having to move back in with family has been limiting - and though I'm grateful for accommodating my parent has been, it's frustrating in its own way to be moving back in as a 28-year old. I feel like I'm getting nowhere. And I'm sorry if I sounded like I whined a lot - I didn't have any other space where I could vent and have people understand me. Pretty sure many of you are experiencing similar/worse situations. Hugs to those of you who are - I'm with you in solidarity. artvandaley, msers, NReken and 2 others 5
ErikaFate Posted February 22, 2019 Posted February 22, 2019 11 minutes ago, jriveracal said: I genuinely never meant to upset anyone and I sincerely apologize that I did. For what it's worth, I'm not having a quarter-life crisis because I "don't know if I should go to Harvard or XYZ". Rather, I am honestly feeling a lot of sadness and anxiety in trying to navigate what the most feasible option is for myself as a mother with two children. I am finding that the institutional supports for low-income student parents at many of these institutions is simply non-existant. It's not like I'm expecting luxury, but things like having an institution willing to cover my children's healthcare for less than 6k a year would be cool...Maybe subsidies to help with the $2600/month childcare tuition... All of this has really got me thinking a lot about how low-income and self-supported mothers and WoC are undervalued and are not seen as a priority to support in virtually every sect of society...even at these "world-class" institutions...It has me thinking about how resources are allocated within universities...and how in their choice to not invest in support policies and programs for disenfranchised students, institutions are able to silently weed out the "undeserving", effectively reproducing their privilege. I'm sure that some will read this and think OH BOO-HOO and not understand, but it's a pretty upsetting process to have all of these doors slapping me in the face after what for most would seem to be a done deal. I was just hoping to find someone who is also experiencing worry or disappointment to talk with. Although we are strangers I have really come to value and appreciate all of you and would never intentionally want to hurt anyone. This is all totally what my undergrad research project was about. Mothers are being denied an education because the university system is actively excluding them, *plus* our fellow students deny our realities. I was accepted in several schools, and I'm most likely going to choose the one that has a mix of benefits for my family. I have to factor in the cost of living, the area's school system and policies on autistic children, the stipend amount, and if they are offering healthcare. And for what it's worth, I'd recommend ignoring anyone who is trying to be the tone police. We can all be as happy or as mad as we want about this whole process. Demanding that others follow your idea of norms seems to be antithetical to being a sociologist, but what do I know? I'm just an autistic woman who thinks tone policing is akin to ableism.
bandanajack Posted February 22, 2019 Posted February 22, 2019 12 minutes ago, jriveracal said: I genuinely never meant to upset anyone and I sincerely apologize that I did. You don't need to apologize. I understand where everyone is coming from because each sentiment has spoken to me. Let us all remember this is a trying and frustrating time, and let us not assume we know what challenges others are facing regardless of where they got accepted or rejected. @jriveracal you shouldn't have to explain yourself, but now that you did I hope we can all see that people have grave obstacles in their own lives. Let us not take our frustrations out on others. This is soc 101. We have one group of people all struggling, but status differences are turning us against each other. Again, I feel the frustrations of the other camp who has not been granted such acceptances, but now is not the time to be spiteful, especially to someone who only had good intentions. artvandaley, sociopolitic and socquant 3
tobe_newbee Posted February 22, 2019 Posted February 22, 2019 (edited) 9 hours ago, SocFresh said: Sorry for cutting off the discussion but I have several issues to ask (or discuss) here, and I hope who are still in the "result-waiting" process but not the "result-picking" process can discuss with me about the following questions regarding three schools that I am really like but still keeping silent to me: 1 ) I've seen a UC San Diego rejection on the board, but I still haven't heard anything from them (so I might assume that I am rejected by them). Could anyone please claim the rejection (or share some information about this school) and indicate how would they inform us about the decisions? 2 ) (haha I am a super fan of UVA lmao) I assume UVA conducts interviews every year, but I still haven't got any feedback from them (but now the end of the Feb is coming...!!!). Have anyone heard from them? If yes, could you please inform us via the result board or via this thread? It would also be great to let me know I've already been rejected by them in advance in this way. Or, if none of us have heard from UVA until now, I think I will write to them soon to know a bit more about their progress. I know I may get a rejection signal in advance but I am ready to face it! 3 ) If anyone has any ideas about UC Davis's status and "decision-informing" styles (e.g. normally when will they release rejections, how do they deal with waitlists), could you please share that with me? PS: Congratulations to all the applicants who have got their dream schools' offers. I really hope I can also have such life experience several weeks later! Edit: I forgot to thank you all in advance!! Sorry!! Hi, friend... I'm also waiting for USSD and UVA and didn't receive any of them yet.. Personally, I'm curious if USSD actually sent out all of their decision letters (including rejection), cause there was only ONE rejection posting in result page... and it doesn't seem to make sense to me. Of course, well, it would be still possible only one of them posted there. I feel you. Getting used to being rejected is so sad.. Edited February 22, 2019 by tobe_newbee
markhame Posted February 22, 2019 Posted February 22, 2019 (edited) 33 minutes ago, jriveracal said: I genuinely never meant to upset anyone and I sincerely apologize that I did. For what it's worth, I'm not having a quarter-life crisis because I "don't know if I should go to Harvard or XYZ". Rather, I am honestly feeling a lot of sadness and anxiety in trying to navigate what the most feasible option is for myself as a mother with two children. I am finding that the institutional supports for low-income student parents at many of these institutions is simply non-existant. It's not like I'm expecting luxury, but things like having an institution willing to cover my children's healthcare for less than 6k a year would be cool...Maybe subsidies to help with the $2600/month childcare tuition... All of this has really got me thinking a lot about how low-income and self-supported mothers and WoC are undervalued and are not seen as a priority to support in virtually every sect of society...even at these "world-class" institutions...It has me thinking about how resources are allocated within universities...and how in their choice to not invest in support policies and programs for disenfranchised students, institutions are able to silently weed out the "undeserving", effectively reproducing their privilege. I'm sure that some will read this and think OH BOO-HOO and not understand, but it's a pretty upsetting process to have all of these doors slapping me in the face after what for most would seem to be a done deal. I was just hoping to find someone who is also experiencing worry or disappointment to talk with. Although we are strangers I have really come to value and appreciate all of you and would never intentionally want to hurt anyone. Sorry I don't really pay attention to user names and forgot to consider how much of a challenge this would be if an applicant were a parent. That certainly would be extremely stressful. I would agree that characterizing this life change as a choice between good schools is wrong when considering these things. Sorry about that! I was completely wrong. This is kind of a good lesson to whoever -- just because you are hurt by something (which you are entitled to) does not always mean that it's because someone else did something wrong. Emotions do be that way... Edited February 22, 2019 by markhame
sociopolitic Posted February 22, 2019 Author Posted February 22, 2019 3 minutes ago, bandanajack said: You don't need to apologize. I understand where everyone is coming from because each sentiment has spoken to me. Let us all remember this is a trying and frustrating time, and let us not assume we know what challenges others are facing regardless of where they got accepted or rejected. @jriveracal you shouldn't have to explain yourself, but now that you did I hope we can all see that people have grave obstacles in their own lives. Let us not take our frustrations out on others. This is soc 101. We have one group of people all struggling, but status differences are turning us against each other. Again, I feel the frustrations of the other camp who has not been granted such acceptances, but now is not the time to be spiteful, especially to someone who only had good intentions. I agree completely. Nobody should be accusing anyone of being cold-hearted or callous until they've walked a mile in that person's shoes.
Vldksh Posted February 22, 2019 Posted February 22, 2019 7 minutes ago, bandanajack said: This is soc 101. We have one group of people all struggling, but status differences are turning us against each other. got goosebumps.... markhame and sosociology 2
bandanajack Posted February 22, 2019 Posted February 22, 2019 10 minutes ago, thedudeabides said: I'm on the verge of a breakdown right now, and I can't tell you guys how sick I am of trying. I'm truly sorry to hear this and I cannot imagine how hard that is. Please hang in there and give yourself some slack whenever you can. PM me if you want to chat.
socquant Posted February 22, 2019 Posted February 22, 2019 9 minutes ago, bandanajack said: This is soc 101. We have one group of people all struggling, but status differences are turning us against each other. Exactly. Struggle is struggle, and you'd think the people on this thread would be very aware of that. Compassion and understanding to all of you sosociology 1
tobe_newbee Posted February 22, 2019 Posted February 22, 2019 20 minutes ago, thedudeabides said: I'm on the verge of a breakdown right now, and I can't tell you guys how sick I am of trying. Last year, I applied to 6 places in the US (I'm an international student with an MA), and to 6 other places in my own country. I got rejected by all 12 of them in the end, despite being waitlisted at one US institution, and being interviewed by several domestic ones. This year, I've applied to 10 places (9-US, 1-EU) - and all I've gotten so far are about 6 rejection letters, with an implied 7th one on the way. It's only my safety schools that are yet to get back to me. What makes things worse is that I've been unemployed for two months, and none of the applications I've sent out for contractual positions seem to be working. People around me (friends, family) are constantly asking me what my "Plan B" is, and I have no answer for them, because I don't want to settle for anything lesser than a university-level academic career. I know that anything other than this would just make me feel very frustrated. I feel like I've let my references down. I feel like I'm burning stacks of money on applying time and time again (and international exchange rates don't help). And I've never had a worse case of impostor syndrome than I'm having right now. I've faced terrible depression and anxiety in the past, and it's taking everything I've got to not pick up a couple of bottles of alcohol, or start smoking again. To make things worse, I'm also sick right now (I've had a terrible case of food poisoning over the past two days), and I had an accident about three days ago that really messed up my car as well. Having to move back in with family has been limiting - and though I'm grateful for accommodating my parent has been, it's frustrating in its own way to be moving back in as a 28-year old. I feel like I'm getting nowhere. And I'm sorry if I sounded like I whined a lot - I didn't have any other space where I could vent and have people understand me. Pretty sure many of you are experiencing similar/worse situations. Hugs to those of you who are - I'm with you in solidarity. I am with you too. I am so sorry to hear your all suffering.. I cannot imagine all difficulties that you're in, but as a person who is going through multiple difficulties in my life as a whole, as well (sorry, these are not something that I wanna share here though), I can understand parts of what you described. I deeply feel you. Please, and let's, hang in there.
sociopolitic Posted February 22, 2019 Author Posted February 22, 2019 43 minutes ago, TheBunny said: I got rejected from Brown but it is fine, I do not get sad anymore Will you be going to Boston University then? Maybe you can apply to transfer to Brown in a couple years (after the Masters perhaps?) if your heart's still set on going there!
thedudeabides Posted February 22, 2019 Posted February 22, 2019 4 minutes ago, bandanajack said: I'm truly sorry to hear this and I cannot imagine how hard that is. Please hang in there and give yourself some slack whenever you can. PM me if you want to chat. Thank you. Just really trying to shake all of this negativity off and get back up. This monologue by Schwarzenegger is the one thing that's keeping me going - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MY1AXIGeMGg Venting here helped. I hate the results page for the anxiety it causes, but I'm glad that this forum has been as supportive and reflective as it has been, especially when people have disagreed with each other. I don't expect the rough days to end anytime soon, but I have some hope left for now. bandanajack 1
TheBunny Posted February 22, 2019 Posted February 22, 2019 Just now, sociopolitic said: Will you be going to Boston University then? Maybe you can apply to transfer to Brown in a couple years (after the Masters perhaps?) if your heart's still set on going there! My heart is at Boston University, and with political science. This application cycle taught me that I love political science more than sociology (no offense). I am still interested in the cultural effects of politics and identities, but I feel like I am a better candidate for political science.
socsoc19 Posted February 22, 2019 Posted February 22, 2019 (edited) I see a few rejections from Brown on the board, but I haven't received anything from them, neither by email nor portal. Any ideas of what that could mean? Would you recommend inquiring on the status of my app? Edited February 22, 2019 by socsoc19
bandanajack Posted February 22, 2019 Posted February 22, 2019 1 minute ago, TheBunny said: My heart is at Boston University, and with political science. This application cycle taught me that I love political science more than sociology (no offense). I am still interested in the cultural effects of politics and identities, but I feel like I am a better candidate for political science. This spoke to me. I majored in journalism and sociology in undergrad. All of ug I spent prepping to be a journalist. During my last semester I realized I loved sociology and academia more. It's great when you can figure out what you are really passionate about, but not always an easy process. I wish you the best!
sociopolitic Posted February 22, 2019 Author Posted February 22, 2019 (edited) 4 minutes ago, TheBunny said: My heart is at Boston University, and with political science. This application cycle taught me that I love political science more than sociology (no offense). I am still interested in the cultural effects of politics and identities, but I feel like I am a better candidate for political science. I'm really glad to hear that you're happy with where you're headed! I actually have a background in political science as well, so our interests might be pretty similar (in terms of being interested in the role culture plays in politics) but I found that political science programs don't allow for as much focus on culture as I'd personally prefer. Sociology is great about allowing interdisciplinary work though, so maybe I'll see you at conferences one day! Best of luck! Edited February 22, 2019 by sociopolitic
thedudeabides Posted February 22, 2019 Posted February 22, 2019 5 minutes ago, tobe_newbee said: I am with you too. I am so sorry to hear your all suffering.. I cannot imagine all difficulties that you're in, but as a person who is going through multiple difficulties in my life as a whole, as well (sorry, these are not something that I wanna share here though), I can understand parts of what you described. I deeply feel you. Please, and let's, hang in there. Thanks, buddy. I'm gonna try my best. And I hope you do too. At the point that I'm at right now, I doubt I'd feel any real "joy" from getting an acceptance - it'd probably just offer some relief, and that's it. But i'll take that over getting nothing at all.
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