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2020 Religion Application Thread


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Also accepted into Harvard's MTS Program (Comparative Religions)! Couldn't be more excited!!!! After being offered a full tuition scholarship and a 10k a year stipend from Wake Forest I'm very hopeful for some good financial aid from Harvard.

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Rejoice, too, Harvard Mdiv waitlisters! I will be turning down Harvard for Notre Dame too.

Congrats to everyone receiving good news today, and to those with less positive news, hang in there!

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11 hours ago, relsidk said:

Hello! Can any PhD admits or current students here shed some light on the MA/MTS to PhD process? How guaranteed is it really for one who does all the "right" things in a MA program (good grades, published articles, good recs, etc.) to ultimately be admitted to a top PhD program? It seems like there are quite a few people rejected from PhDs coming from MA programs with very strong CVs. It also seems, however, that most PhD admits have an MA in Religious Studies. Obviously there is no such guarantee, but I am curious to what extent the MA really supports a PhD applicant. Even with generous funding, I'm trying to gauge the pros/cons of investing even slightly in an MA program if the PhD application process is going to be the same lottery as always. Feel free to DM me as well. 

There is definitely no guarantee. In fact, the lottery odds get much worse -- from forty percent acceptance rate to five. 

On the other hand, another way to look at it is that the masters is fast becoming a virtual requirement to getting into the PhD. 

Therefore, it is a (almost) necessary but not sufficient condition of admission to the PhD.

Edited by Averroes MD
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1 hour ago, PonderingPerson400 said:

Decisions for UChicago are up!

Looks like only some of them are up? I haven't heard from them - not sure if that's worrying or encouraging. 

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PTS is in a bit of a lockdown as everything is switching to an online format for the rest of the semester. I’ve also heard that non essential staff have been asked to work from home - all of which could delay admissions decisions.

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On 3/11/2020 at 1:02 PM, Averroes MD said:

Congrats! That's a great problem to have. Both are top notch programs.

I'm biased to Georgetown but I don't know based on your stated interests.

Thank you for your congratulations! I think I am leaning towards UPenn more at this point due to the presence of Jamal Elias, who has done a lot of truly inspiring work on Islamic visual culture. Georgetown seems to lean more towards Islamic law and Arabic Linguistics, but I could be mistaken. Plus, UPenn's manuscript collection and focus upon material studies in general seems like something rarely put to the forefront by schools, and I really would love the opportunity to gain strength in that field. Let me know if this seems like an accurate appraisal of Georgetown though, it's so close to home for me that it'd be a very convenient place to attend.

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