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4 hours ago, lilacbread said:

I really appreciate it! And I understand what you mean. I think I should probably think about how much I need and go from there. Your job history sounds so eclectic—I agree that every experience colors the writing you do.


Ahh I wish I could do that! I would love to find a situation that allows for that. What do you do?


Woah, your previous writing schedule sounds intense. I definitely understand your feelings; it's really hard to step away from a situation that requires so much involvement. What you said about stress is so true! I often feel guilty because my work is usually only ~45-50 hours at most, but it's a real energy-zapper. I'm glad you were able to find a balance that works for you :)  I'll keep what you said in mind as I figure out my next steps.

I noticed you're from Maryland; are there any local workshops here that you've taken?

I hope everything works out for you! ?? I  haven’t taken any local workshops, but I sought the feedback from two former coworkers who hold MFAs, and they were kind enough to offer me really constructive feedback! 

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I've been accepted to Miami University in Oxford, OH (residential MFA - poetry)! The graduate college updated my applicant status and provided a letter on Thursday, then an email with attached details came through from the department on Friday. I wasn't expecting to hear back from anyone so soon and it took me by surprise. I even sent the letter from the graduate college to one of my recommenders for verification. It was, indeed, a legitimate acceptance. 

I'm now waiting on word from five other schools. If I somehow end up with options, I've got no clue what I'll do. Until now, I hadn't thought to plan for it! 

Edited by NLake
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6 minutes ago, NLake said:

I've been accepted to Miami University in Oxford, OH (residential MFA - poetry)! The graduate college updated my applicant status and provided a letter on Thursday, then an email with attached details came through from the department on Friday. I wasn't expecting to hear back from anyone so soon and it took my by surprise. I even sent the letter from the graduate college to one of my recommenders for verification. It was, indeed, a legitimate acceptance. 

I'm now waiting on word from five other schools. If I somehow end up with options, I've got no clue what I'll do. Until now, I hadn't thought to plan for it! 

Congratulations!! ?

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On 1/28/2021 at 11:15 AM, JPReinhold said:

I just got accepted at Miami of Ohio (poetry)!

My little ones and I just popped open the bottle of sparkling Welch's that has been sitting in the fridge door. I told them I got into an MFA and my daughter (3) ran to the fridge. I was really worried we weren't going to get to open it this year. 

SO GLAD to have an acceptance. I only applied to fully-funded programs that I'd be proud to attend, so this is big for me. I wanted to share the good news!

(And check your email if you applied!)

Congratulations! Me too. I suppose this means we could maybe possibly be classmates come fall!

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17 minutes ago, NLake said:

I've been accepted to Miami University in Oxford, OH (residential MFA - poetry)! The graduate college updated my applicant status and provided a letter on Thursday, then an email with attached details came through from the department on Friday. I wasn't expecting to hear back from anyone so soon and it took my by surprise. I even sent the letter from the graduate college to one of my recommenders for verification. It was, indeed, a legitimate acceptance. 

I'm now waiting on word from five other schools. If I somehow end up with options, I've got no clue what I'll do. Until now, I hadn't thought to plan for it! 

Congrats! Must feel great to get that first acceptance out of the way so you know you don't need to stress!

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6 minutes ago, mrvisser said:

Congrats! Must feel great to get that first acceptance out of the way so you know you don't need to stress!

Thank you! It's definitely reassuring. I hadn't let myself get too hopeful, so I'm feeling especially grateful right now. 

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1 hour ago, NLake said:

I've been accepted to Miami University in Oxford, OH (residential MFA - poetry)! The graduate college updated my applicant status and provided a letter on Thursday, then an email with attached details came through from the department on Friday. I wasn't expecting to hear back from anyone so soon and it took me by surprise. I even sent the letter from the graduate college to one of my recommenders for verification. It was, indeed, a legitimate acceptance. 

I'm now waiting on word from five other schools. If I somehow end up with options, I've got no clue what I'll do. Until now, I hadn't thought to plan for it! 

I'm so happy for you, congrats!! Man, this group is rolling with it! :D

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Hi everyone! Super late to posting on here but I applied to 4 MFA programs and figured I would share. I'm a writer from California and also applied to several journalism programs. I just really love writing and figured while getting into an MFA program is a long shot, it doesn't hurt to try. I'm wishing you all good vibes and crossing my fingers for you!! :)

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9 minutes ago, anna23 said:

Hi everyone! Super late to posting on here but I applied to 4 MFA programs and figured I would share. I'm a writer from California and also applied to several journalism programs. I just really love writing and figured while getting into an MFA program is a long shot, it doesn't hurt to try. I'm wishing you all good vibes and crossing my fingers for you!! :)

Welcome, and good luck! Which programs did you apply to?

I did journalism for my undergrad and then worked in the industry for a couple of years afterward before deciding it wasn't for me.

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4 minutes ago, mrvisser said:

Welcome, and good luck! Which programs did you apply to?

I did journalism for my undergrad and then worked in the industry for a couple of years afterward before deciding it wasn't for me.

Thank you so much and good luck to you as well!

I applied to Hunter College, University of San Francisco, University of Notre Dame, and Brown all for poetry!

Do you mind sharing why you did a pivot from journalism? I know the job market is tough right now so that was definitely in the back of my mind when applying to several journo programs but I'll see what ends up happening. :)

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I have a new theory. There is a college teacher advertising MFA application help and card reading. (katherinestandefer.com)

Now, in any academic discipline but writing, a teacher will be afraid to admit she does card reading. It will end her career. But not in writing. Why?

What is card reading? You’re basically writing a story. And it is always in the nature of “your writing life in 2021 will have up’s and down’s.” The story will always have some contradiction to mimic the contradictions of inner thought. This is exactly what all creative writing has.

If there is contradiction, everyone can agree with a claim, and even believe it is specific to them: “How could you have known?” Oddly most people believe they are the only human with contradictory thoughts.

So the believer will believe. And in a sense, all fiction is creating a fake story that everyone can agree and relate to. Even if it turns out one day that card reading is proved fake, it could be a useful writing exercise. It is speculative fiction, like Shakespeare writing about the witches in Macbeth. 

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17 hours ago, lilacbread said:

Ahh I wish I could do that! I would love to find a situation that allows for that. What do you do?

At the time, I was working an admin position in an office. Pretty dry,lots of spreadsheets, but it was a relaxed environment.

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7 hours ago, anna23 said:

Thank you so much and good luck to you as well!

I applied to Hunter College, University of San Francisco, University of Notre Dame, and Brown all for poetry!

Do you mind sharing why you did a pivot from journalism? I know the job market is tough right now so that was definitely in the back of my mind when applying to several journo programs but I'll see what ends up happening. :)

Good choices! I also applied to ND.

The job market was a tough thing. I had a good reporting job at the time, but I was disillusioned with the way that a lot of it was becoming a kind of "in" club (at least in Seattle) with who got which jobs where. And I also have some questions about the direction of journalism in general. I saw a lot of unprofessionalism in some of the kids coming out of UW. 

But most of all, I just left because I always wanted to write fiction, and I figured it was time to invest in my real passion.

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2 hours ago, Ydrl said:

Really hoping there’s a bunch of decisions tomorrow like I’m predicting. This is so draining.

Don't waste the next month of your life telling yourself this every day. Iowa is the worst because they don't send out the rejections until well after they sent all the acceptances. You'll cling to hope until the last hour. 

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Hey all--

I've mostly just been quietly grateful for the company since joining this group, but I thought I'd chime in briefly...

A lot of people seem to be experiencing some degree of agony over the fact they haven't heard back yet and/or are expressing the expectation that they'll be hearing back really soon. (For whatever reason, I've been feeling that with each passing day my chances of being accepted are somehow declining, which I have to remember to laugh at myself for because this belief has zero ties to logic!). Anyway, I just wanted to gently remind people the same thing I'm reminding myself: it's actually too early to be hearing back from most of these programs. I'm sure the info below isn't perfect, but here's the data I put together by combing through the past 3-4 years or so of gradcafe and other forums where applicants have posted about receiving offers for programs I've applied to. (It also includes the dates I was waitlisted at Michener, Minnesota, and Madison-Wisconsin last year). Just hoping the extra info might bring some of you a little peace of mind! The programs are ordered by earliest date of earliest documented acceptance:


     Earliest acceptance: January 26*

     My waitlist 2019: January 29, 2020

*It seems worth mentioning that Minnesota extended their deadline this year and has had to recalibrate their entire funding program due to covid, so I suspect their responses will be late...


     Earliest acceptance: January 29


     Earliest acceptance: February 3

     My waitlist response: February 18

Florida (Miami) :

     Earliest acceptance: February 12


     Earliest acceptance: February 13


     Earliest acceptance: Feb 14

     My waitlist: Feb 18, 2020

New Writer's Project:

     Earliest acceptance: Feb 14

Helen Zell/ Michigan:

     Earliest acceptance: February 15

Florida (Gainsville):

     Earliest acceptance: February 15


     Earliest acceptance: February 17

Notre Dame:

     Earliest acceptance: February 22


     Earliest acceptance: March 5


Wishing everyone good luck and peace of mind. 

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44 minutes ago, fishfish24 said:

Hey all--

I've mostly just been quietly grateful for the company since joining this group, but I thought I'd chime in briefly...

A lot of people seem to be experiencing some degree of agony over the fact they haven't heard back yet and/or are expressing the expectation that they'll be hearing back really soon. (For whatever reason, I've been feeling that with each passing day my chances of being accepted are somehow declining, which I have to remember to laugh at myself for because this belief has zero ties to logic!). Anyway, I just wanted to gently remind people the same thing I'm reminding myself: it's actually too early to be hearing back from most of these programs. I'm sure the info below isn't perfect, but here's the data I put together by combing through the past 3-4 years or so of gradcafe and other forums where applicants have posted about receiving offers for programs I've applied to. (It also includes the dates I was waitlisted at Michener, Minnesota, and Madison-Wisconsin last year). Just hoping the extra info might bring some of you a little peace of mind! The programs are ordered by earliest date of earliest documented acceptance:


     Earliest acceptance: January 26*

     My waitlist 2019: January 29, 2020

*It seems worth mentioning that Minnesota extended their deadline this year and has had to recalibrate their entire funding program due to covid, so I suspect their responses will be late...


     Earliest acceptance: January 29


     Earliest acceptance: February 3

     My waitlist response: February 18

Florida (Miami) :

     Earliest acceptance: February 12


     Earliest acceptance: February 13


     Earliest acceptance: Feb 14

     My waitlist: Feb 18, 2020

New Writer's Project:

     Earliest acceptance: Feb 14

Helen Zell/ Michigan:

     Earliest acceptance: February 15

Florida (Gainsville):

     Earliest acceptance: February 15


     Earliest acceptance: February 17

Notre Dame:

     Earliest acceptance: February 22


     Earliest acceptance: March 5


Wishing everyone good luck and peace of mind. 

Thanks for putting this together. Really helpful, and a nice reminder not to rush the days along. They’re getting here sooner than I expected - I feel like I just submitted my applications! 

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