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MFA 2022 Freak Out Forum

Michelle Santa Cruz

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22 minutes ago, katfude5 said:

Hmm, now I'm a bit confused (I'm so sorry I'm not sure if that is 2020 or 20 years out)! Just by the fact that you mentioned your thesis, it sounded like you were fresh out of school meaning maybe they think you have fantastic potential but just need some time to develop your practice outside of the guided structure of school. But if you have been out of school for 20 years, I'm curious how much of your portfolio was from the last 3 years like most schools request. 

20 years out of school.  My entire portfolio was work from the past two years.  Sorry, not my first masters so "thesis" is nothing new to me.

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50 minutes ago, AlyPet said:

Silly question (because frankly it is now too late), but I am curious:  In portfolio reviews what was the general consensus?  I got rave reviews on my portfolio from SAIC and RISD, but got rejections from both schools.  Makes me think that either they were lying to spare my feelings or I have got to be the unluckiest person applying for an MFA.  For the record, I asked a butt-ton of questions about what they are looking for and anything they felt I could improve or experiment with and none of them felt I needed to change anything.  They loved my thesis and my body of work and recommended I not change anything...especially RISD.  So now I'm up a creek feeling like the worst painter on the planet.

RISD said the fact that I am a deaf artist painting the feel of sound was "exceptionally powerful" so now I'm calling bullshit on all of it.

I had the same thing happen to me in the past with SAIC in particular. I went to a portfolio review and they really seemed interested in my work and artist statement and gave me a fee waiver for the application to encourage me to apply. Then I applied and didn't get in or even asked for an interview. I felt really frustrated and confused too. This year, I applied again without doing any portfolio reviews, and got an interview with them. 

I think the only thing I can say from the experience is that we have to take those reviews with a grain of salt because they're only with one or two people (at least this was the case for me) who may represent the school, but may be just one person on the committee or may not even have anything to do with the actual selection process. There are also a lot of other factors to take into account that are out of our hands, like who else is applying, whose work someone on the selection committee really happens to connect with for whatever reason, the spot in the line up that your portfolio happened to be in when they were reviewing portfolios, the cohort they're trying to build in that moment, etc. Everything is subjective and I think all of those things can tip the scale in favor of one person over another when there are so many qualified applicants vying for so few spots. Some aspects of applying really are left up to luck, chance, and timing, and it absolutely sucks. But that's why there are so many people who end up applying for more than one round of apps and then end up going on to get in to a bunch of places the next year and having successful careers. 

I'm certain you're not the worst painter just because of a few rejections. I think the person you reviewed with was honest about liking your work. We all have room for growth in our practices, though, and can always build on them and explore new things for the next time, so rejections are just more time to do that. Even if they're not what we wanted. And I say all this as someone who has experienced a ton of rejection, but took that time and am now getting some of the interviews I'd hoped for in previous years. I also know I'm in a better position to do well in grad school than I would have been when I first applied and will get way more out of the experience now, so I look at it as a positive thing now, even though I definitely felt pretty bad about it at first. 

Anyway, that was really long, but I hope it helps you feel less alone in it! And I'd be super happy to look over your application materials if you wanted to share them, to see if I could offer any specific insight. ❤





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3 minutes ago, Strawberrycat said:

I had the same thing happen to me in the past with SAIC in particular. I went to a portfolio review and they really seemed interested in my work and artist statement and gave me a fee waiver for the application to encourage me to apply. Then I applied and didn't get in or even asked for an interview. I felt really frustrated and confused too. This year, I applied again without doing any portfolio reviews, and got an interview with them. 

I think the only thing I can say from the experience is that we have to take those reviews with a grain of salt because they're only with one or two people (at least this was the case for me) who may represent the school, but may be just one person on the committee or may not even have anything to do with the actual selection process. There are also a lot of other factors to take into account that are out of our hands, like who else is applying, whose work someone on the selection committee really happens to connect with for whatever reason, the spot in the line up that your portfolio happened to be in when they were reviewing portfolios, the cohort they're trying to build in that moment, etc. Everything is subjective and I think all of those things can tip the scale in favor of one person over another when there are so many qualified applicants vying for so few spots. Some aspects of applying really are left up to luck, chance, and timing, and it absolutely sucks. But that's why there are so many people who end up applying for more than one round of apps and then end up going on to get in to a bunch of places the next year and having successful careers. 

I'm certain you're not the worst painter just because of a few rejections. I think the person you reviewed with was honest about liking your work. We all have room for growth in our practices, though, and can always build on them and explore new things for the next time, so rejections are just more time to do that. Even if they're not what we wanted. And I say all this as someone who has experienced a ton of rejection, but took that time and am now getting some of the interviews I'd hoped for in previous years. I also know I'm in a better position to do well in grad school than I would have been when I first applied and will get way more out of the experience now, so I look at it as a positive thing now, even though I definitely felt pretty bad about it at first. 

Anyway, that was really long, but I hope it helps you feel less alone in it! And I'd be super happy to look over your application materials if you wanted to share them, to see if I could offer any specific insight. ❤





I really appreciate you sharing your experience.  Thank you.  In all honesty, I created too much for a portfolio and too little from what I really wanted to paint.  This year I'm going to hit it hard and paint what I want to.  I know grad school is going to be difficult as this is my first time being in school hearing impaired and so far even auditing local college classes have been rough.  I think you are right. I really do need another year to prepare.

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9 minutes ago, Strawberrycat said:

I had the same thing happen to me in the past with SAIC in particular. I went to a portfolio review and they really seemed interested in my work and artist statement and gave me a fee waiver for the application to encourage me to apply. Then I applied and didn't get in or even asked for an interview. I felt really frustrated and confused too. This year, I applied again without doing any portfolio reviews, and got an interview with them. 

I think the only thing I can say from the experience is that we have to take those reviews with a grain of salt because they're only with one or two people (at least this was the case for me) who may represent the school, but may be just one person on the committee or may not even have anything to do with the actual selection process. There are also a lot of other factors to take into account that are out of our hands, like who else is applying, whose work someone on the selection committee really happens to connect with for whatever reason, the spot in the line up that your portfolio happened to be in when they were reviewing portfolios, the cohort they're trying to build in that moment, etc. Everything is subjective and I think all of those things can tip the scale in favor of one person over another when there are so many qualified applicants vying for so few spots. Some aspects of applying really are left up to luck, chance, and timing, and it absolutely sucks. But that's why there are so many people who end up applying for more than one round of apps and then end up going on to get in to a bunch of places the next year and having successful careers. 

I'm certain you're not the worst painter just because of a few rejections. I think the person you reviewed with was honest about liking your work. We all have room for growth in our practices, though, and can always build on them and explore new things for the next time, so rejections are just more time to do that. Even if they're not what we wanted. And I say all this as someone who has experienced a ton of rejection, but took that time and am now getting some of the interviews I'd hoped for in previous years. I also know I'm in a better position to do well in grad school than I would have been when I first applied and will get way more out of the experience now, so I look at it as a positive thing now, even though I definitely felt pretty bad about it at first. 

Anyway, that was really long, but I hope it helps you feel less alone in it! And I'd be super happy to look over your application materials if you wanted to share them, to see if I could offer any specific insight. ❤





My friend who got highly praised in their portfolio review also got rejects. I am also really confused ? 

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Just now, AlyPet said:

I really appreciate you sharing your experience.  Thank you.  In all honesty, I created too much for a portfolio and too little from what I really wanted to paint.  This year I'm going to hit it hard and paint what I want to.  I know grad school is going to be difficult as this is my first time being in school hearing impaired and so far even auditing local college classes have been rough.  I think you are right. I really do need another year to prepare.

No problem. That exact thing is something I tried to do too and I think you're totally right. Paint for you first, and the rest will follow. 

I hope that whatever school you end up at is warm and accommodating and makes the challenges that come with it more manageable. You deserve nothing less. 

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50 minutes ago, javpppppp said:

I got an interview request for cmu as well and saic (art and technology). In regards of cmu, I heard something similar to what you heard about it from someone who goes there.  The particular experience of the user against it is extremely disturbing and sad and speaks really bad about it though...

Do you know what they might ask in the interviews?

My friend said they just asked some basic questions about your body of work. 

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18 hours ago, slickjaketheruler said:

Same, studio practice has been more or less not as productive.

Print faculty at Tyler were really engaged in my practice and the reasons I was doing things. They started the interview by me asking questions first (which is a first for me, probably trying to break the ice). We went into talking about the conceptual nature of my work along with the history of printmaking. For once, I felt like I really could see how conversations with these faculty could go in a grad critique or a studio visit. We also discussed logistical things like how the university funds their students.

What has me spiraling though, is that they did disclose they are considering taking on 2-3 students in the print department this semester, and that the interviews are a shortlist of applicants they wanted to talk about. So I’m not sure if I’m competing against 5,10,..20 or so shortlisted people. I guess I’m going to have to sit here and wait.

That all sounds so wonderful. Thank you for sharing, and these are valuable things to look for in our own interviews. The tiny spaces in the programs we want are difficult to come to terms with. One of my programs I really want to go to only takes on three painters a year.. so I feel you.. wishing you the best, and crossing my fingers for you.

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15 hours ago, Faxma said:


Hi, Great to see a fellow graphic designer here :D ! 

congrats on your interviews, I also have an interview with Yale. Regarding the works to be presented during the interview, I’m planning to choose 5 pieces from my submitted portfolio since I feel those are the ones that best represent me. 

 Do you have an idea if the informal interview (with a current student) will be part of the final decision? Or is it for asking questions about the program, their experience etc. 


best of luck!    

Congrats to you too!! I guess I will be talking about projects from my submitted portfolio as well. Are you in the preliminary program or the 2 year program?

Tbh i have no idea about how the informal interview will go, if you learn something lemme know. :)

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16 hours ago, tomatoriot said:

I am. Spent my entire winter break on applications and now I’m working on my thesis/show while biting all my nails off waiting. It made the most sense for me as well. Plus I am in my 30’s and had a practice before I went back for the bfa, so I though they might not frown so much at me personally. 

So yeah, same boat. I am struggling pretty hard to stay focused tbh. How are you?

I'm also having trouble staying focused, haha. And yeah, I'm sure that you having experience before your bfa might bode well. I'm not opposed to taking more time and applying again as I'm still in my early 20s and haven't taken a break from education yet, but we'll see how this goes.

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12 hours ago, Strawberrycat said:

I had the same thing happen to me in the past with SAIC in particular. I went to a portfolio review and they really seemed interested in my work and artist statement and gave me a fee waiver for the application to encourage me to apply. Then I applied and didn't get in or even asked for an interview. I felt really frustrated and confused too. This year, I applied again without doing any portfolio reviews, and got an interview with them. 

I think the only thing I can say from the experience is that we have to take those reviews with a grain of salt because they're only with one or two people (at least this was the case for me) who may represent the school, but may be just one person on the committee or may not even have anything to do with the actual selection process. There are also a lot of other factors to take into account that are out of our hands, like who else is applying, whose work someone on the selection committee really happens to connect with for whatever reason, the spot in the line up that your portfolio happened to be in when they were reviewing portfolios, the cohort they're trying to build in that moment, etc. Everything is subjective and I think all of those things can tip the scale in favor of one person over another when there are so many qualified applicants vying for so few spots. Some aspects of applying really are left up to luck, chance, and timing, and it absolutely sucks. But that's why there are so many people who end up applying for more than one round of apps and then end up going on to get in to a bunch of places the next year and having successful careers. 

I'm certain you're not the worst painter just because of a few rejections. I think the person you reviewed with was honest about liking your work. We all have room for growth in our practices, though, and can always build on them and explore new things for the next time, so rejections are just more time to do that. Even if they're not what we wanted. And I say all this as someone who has experienced a ton of rejection, but took that time and am now getting some of the interviews I'd hoped for in previous years. I also know I'm in a better position to do well in grad school than I would have been when I first applied and will get way more out of the experience now, so I look at it as a positive thing now, even though I definitely felt pretty bad about it at first. 

Anyway, that was really long, but I hope it helps you feel less alone in it! And I'd be super happy to look over your application materials if you wanted to share them, to see if I could offer any specific insight. ❤





Piggy backing off of strawberrycat to say that often times these portfolio reviews are really meant for faculty to give feedback on a complete body of work and advice on how to give a full and strong application. They are often looking for what’s missing or what needs to be worked on with your application, and not necessarily looking for who they are wanting to take on next year. They have no way of knowing who is actually going to be applying and how many people and what type of work. The same thing happened to me with SUNY Purchase last year where I thought bc of my portfolio review that I would be a really strong candidate, and I ended up getting rejected. It doesn’t mean that you aren’t making relevant work or that you are the worst. It just means you might not be what they are looking for.

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23 hours ago, hibiscusleaves said:

Hey all! A graphic designer here.

I have gotten interview invitations from following programs:

Yale, SAIC, Umass Amherst

Do you have any advices for the interview or an idea of what to expect? Would really appreciate any input. :)

Also, anyone heard back from Parsons? Specifically from MFA Design and Technology.



Re: Parsons D&T - Not yet

Congrats on the interview invites, esp. with Yale. They didn't offer one to me. But maybe the post below from years back may help.

I have an interview for RISD's 2 YR GD track soon. Anyone have any pointers? 

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1 hour ago, Font said:

Re: Parsons D&T - Not yet

Congrats on the interview invites, esp. with Yale. They didn't offer one to me. But maybe the post below from years back may help.

I have an interview for RISD's 2 YR GD track soon. Anyone have any pointers? 

Hi there! I have an interview with RISD GD on Feb. 8, nervous and excited at the same time! I wonder how many students were selected for the interview.

Haven't heard back from Parson's neither.

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I just saw on VCU's website that they conduct interviews in February, but also got an email a few weeks ago that they extended the application deadline from Jan 15th to Feb 1st.

So, I emailed them today asking if the application deadline extension would have any effect on interviews/admission timelines really just as a sneaky way to hear back from them on something ? 

Now I'm worried they're going to think I'm annoying for emailing them lol 

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12 minutes ago, Frank14 said:

I just saw on VCU's website that they conduct interviews in February, but also got an email a few weeks ago that they extended the application deadline from Jan 15th to Feb 1st.

So, I emailed them today asking if the application deadline extension would have any effect on interviews/admission timelines really just as a sneaky way to hear back from them on something ? 

Now I'm worried they're going to think I'm annoying for emailing them lol 

I hope they respond!  I'm also waiting on them and hoping that the deadline extension won't effect the timeline.  They did mention in that extension email that if you still got your applicatoin in before the 15th you would be revieiwed first.  Please report back if you hear anything!


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5 minutes ago, artcat said:

I hope they respond!  I'm also waiting on them and hoping that the deadline extension won't effect the timeline.  They did mention in that extension email that if you still got your applicatoin in before the 15th you would be revieiwed first.  Please report back if you hear anything!


They extended the deadline last year, so you could probably do some digging on the 2021 forum to get a better idea of their interview timeline :)

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26 minutes ago, artcat said:

I hope they respond!  I'm also waiting on them and hoping that the deadline extension won't effect the timeline.  They did mention in that extension email that if you still got your applicatoin in before the 15th you would be revieiwed first.  Please report back if you hear anything!


I saw that too! So I'm definitely glad I got my application in before the initial deadline! I'll be sure to post their response! 

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3 hours ago, Frank14 said:

I just saw on VCU's website that they conduct interviews in February, but also got an email a few weeks ago that they extended the application deadline from Jan 15th to Feb 1st.

So, I emailed them today asking if the application deadline extension would have any effect on interviews/admission timelines really just as a sneaky way to hear back from them on something ? 

Now I'm worried they're going to think I'm annoying for emailing them lol 

I am currently a post-bacc there and also waiting to hear back on mfa admission but just talked to some grads in my department today and they said last year they were accepted by the 22nd of Feb so the interview was earlier than that, they remembered it being about two weeks after the deadline before hearing anything (deadline was extended last year too so i assume its around the same).

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