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SSHRC CGS -D & Doctoral Fellowships 2023-2024


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My results just came in at 11:00pm (CST). I am a second year student (sociology); I applied in 2021 and did not receive.
I was awarded CGS-D (not a fellowship). For frame of reference for other applicants (attached).  Wishing everyone else luck, and keep applying even if you don't receive first time around ❤️


Edited by AlexandriaPav
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1 hour ago, pillowcaserutabaga said:

Could someone say a little bit more about the CGS-D/SSHRC Doctoral difference? I'm at an American institution, but I was just awarded a CGS-D and I'm having a bit of a panic wondering if I accidentally applied to the wrong thing or something. What's going on? 

Hey! I am in the same situation as you... I have emailed them, but it says it can take up to 10 days. Could you let me know if you find out more? Thank you!! 

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I was not funded :P committee 3 was mean haha.  My (much stronger) application was marked 2.3 points lower than last years with committee 5.

The joys of interdisciplinary work :)

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2 minutes ago, Trusting_God said:

Thanks for sharing. Did you get your results less than an hour ago? Wondering if we could still hope to get ours today.

Yup, got them an hour ago or so. Keeping my fingers crossed for you!

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Currently abroad and received my email. I was able to change my password and proceed to login, but the website is taking a long time to load (using Chrome)...haven't been able to access yet.

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17 minutes ago, chicha3maddy said:

Any luck getting in? 

Finally got in to a page with 4 separate PDF documents--maybe this is the regular page? Anyways, unfortunately didn't get it. First time applying, directly from abroad. Luckily I still am funded by my French contract so not in *total* financial ruin, but definitely a blow to self-esteem. I know my application wasn't perfect, but I felt a little stifled by the selection committees. I'm from a Philosophy background, but working on AI ethics. I chose committee 7522 as it's the only one with philosophy and thus related to moral theory, but was also filled with experts from dead languages, classics, history...

Committee 752-2A

Total score: 8.23, 88 with 62 offered among 128 applications. Score of last funded is 9.12. So, not on the waitlist clearly (unless many of you decline! haha)

Thanks everyone for the support through this channel. Excellent work and congratulations to everyone who succeeded. They're simply ins't enough funding in Canada (by the way, support the strikes for increased research funding as 20K is hardly enough for anyone to survive). Despite rejection, our research is worth it--at least, that's what I'm telling myself ;) ha

Edited by JB9797
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2 minutes ago, JB9797 said:

Finally got in to a page with 4 separate PDF documents--maybe this is the regular page? Anyways, unfortunately didn't get it. First time applying, directly from abroad. Luckily I still am funded by my French contract so not in *total* financial ruin, but definitely a blow to self-esteem. I know my application wasn't perfect, but I felt a little stifled by the selection committees. I'm from a Philosophy background, but working on AI ethics. I chose committee 7522 as it's the only one with philosophy and thus related to moral theory, but was also filled with experts from dead languages, classics, history...

Committee 752-2A

Total score: 8.23, 88 with 62 offered among 128 applications. Score of last funded is 9.12. So, not on the waitlist clearly (unless many of you decline! haha)

Thanks everyone for the support through this channel. Excellent work and congratulations to everyone who succeeded. They're simply ins't enough funding in Canada (by the way, support the strikes for increased research funding as 20K is hardly enough for anyone to survive). Despite rejection, our research is worth it--at least, that's what I'm telling myself ;) ha

Thank you so much for the update and I'm sorry it didn't go the way you were hoping. I hope you can take some time to decompress and reward yourself for surviving such a long and disgusting process! 

I'm still waiting on an email, so the updates are especially appreciated. 

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1 minute ago, dogmom said:

No luck either. It says Error 404 here. We have a new variation! 

Have you received your official email yet @dogmom? My research is education-adjacent so I imagine we'd be on the same subcommittee, but I still haven't heard anything! 

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1 minute ago, chicha3maddy said:

Have you received your official email yet @dogmom? My research is education-adjacent so I imagine we'd be on the same subcommittee, but I still haven't heard anything! 

I have !!! Results aren't loading although. I am now in the portal, but results are taking forever to load...

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2 minutes ago, dogmom said:

I have !!! Results aren't loading although. I am now in the portal, but results are taking forever to load...

I'm crossing my fingers and toes for you!! 

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