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How will you celebrate?



In the spirit of being positive and keeping the glass half full, how do you plan on celebrating your first acceptance?

I plan on taking a personal day off work to take some time to enjoy the freedom from the anxious purgatory that I've been living in. I'll also take that day to share the good news with others and to obsessively start researching the school, program, city, etc. My day will probably involve guilt free chocolate too!

How will you celebrate?

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I got excited for a couple of seconds, and then started reflecting upon why I decided to pursue a career plagued with long hours, low wages, and bureaucratic mishaps. Meh.

hahahaha! so true!

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I got excited for a couple of seconds, and then started reflecting upon why I decided to pursue a career plagued with long hours, low wages, and bureaucratic mishaps. Meh.

Because it sure beats pursuing a career plagued with more money but even longer hours and a total lack of respect... been there, got the T-shirt and the scars.

If I get in, here's how I plan to celebrate:

1. Re-read the acceptance letter to make sure it really does say that I was accepted.

2. Have my wife read the letter to make sure I didn't misread it.

3. Shout like a lunatic.

4. Kiss my wife.

5. Thank my God.

6. Run out to the liquor store and buy a bottle of rosa rosato, put it on ice until I come back from dinner.

7. Eat prime rib at a steak house.

8. Pop the bottle and savor it with dark chocolate.

9. Get a good night's sleep.

Alas, we can all dream of what could be and mourn for what might have been. sad.gif

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1) Tell my wife.

2) Email my immediate family.

3) Family group-hug with my wife and 2 boys.

4) Sit alone for a little while to soak it in a bit.

5) FB it to my friends.

6) Take my wife out to dinner for the first time in much too long.

7) Not stress as much during the last semester as I have for all before it.

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This, sadly, was not the plan but the reality:

-Jump up and down for half an hour

-Inform boyfriend, cats, parents, recommenders, facebook

-Crash from adrenaline rush

-Go to bed and get the first good night's sleep in awhile

-Wake up

-Go to work

-Receive phone call of second acceptance

-Start freaking out over how to choose between two acceptances, with possibly others to follow

-Return to grad cafe

Why do I feel like even once I've chosen a program, I'll then be freaking out about whether it was the right choice...


Still stoked, though... good luck everyone!

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Let me start off by saying I have not yet received an acceptance, but I already celebrated (sort of). My mom was in town last night and asked me to go out to dinner with her. We went to a nearby restaurant we'd heard good things about, and had a fantastic time. We also indulged by ordering appetizers and desert, which is something we never do. The food was INCREDIBLE (goat cheese and figs, anyone?), but the place was far fancier (and more expensive) than we'd known. I offered to split the cost with her, but she declined, saying "I'll pay. Just call it an early celebration for you getting accepted somewhere." Then, when the check came and she saw the final tally, her eyebrows shot up and, as she signed the credit card receipt, said, "You damn well better get in!" :blink::rolleyes:


In all seriousness, though, I will probably:

  1. Reread the notification to make sure it says I'm admitted.
  2. Reread it again to make absolute sure.
  3. Reread it a third time to make sure I'm not missing anything.
  4. Look frantically for an associated funding offer to make sure they're not asking me to pay my own way.
  5. If 1-4 check out, frantically try to think of a creative way to tell my mom.
  6. Immediately fail at thinking of something creative, and end up just calling her.
  7. Try not to get frustrated when she says, "There. Do you feel better now?" instead of squealing with excitement.
  8. Indulge in something sweet/fattening/greasy/delicious.
  9. Immediately start worrying about when I'll hear back from other schools.

That sounds about right. But who knows what will really happen! I think it would be interesting for posters to come back after they do receive their first acceptance and tell us what really happened with their celebrations!

Edited by jaxzwolf
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I received my first acceptance last Thursday from one of my top choices while I was in my university computer lab trying to print several copies of my undergraduate thesis because I will stand it's oral defense in about a week.

So I opened my email to download my thesis file and I saw something about "Congratulations from XXXX school". I was not expecting it so fast (the deadline is next week). I tried to keep calm, but I couldn't. I left the building almost bouncing. I called my mom, then met with a couple of friends that were in the building, called one recommender and emailed another... I got so exited I forgot to print my thesis.

Forgot to say: I am now really anxious about other acceptances and especially about financial aid from the school that has already accepted me.

Edited by mcbecerril
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Since first decisions will come around the time I'm going to Copenhagen to visit a friend, it will certainly involve having a really good time in the Danish way! But I won't get too drunk considering how $$$$ Copenhagen is... If nothing yet, then it will certainly happen in Munich when my family and I get together for a few days. Oh, yes, in an indoor biergarten!

But the real party will happen in Paris at a later time... my mother's promise. :D

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This is what I think will happen: "Congratulations, Christina! You just got into graduate school. What are you going to do next?"

Me: "I'm going to Disney WORLLLLDDD!!!!!!"

Seriously, my parents want to take me to Disney World this summer after I finish my research position, and go to grad school in the fall.

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as a Part B to my "how you will mourn" post ...

WHEN *being positive here* I get an acceptance letter, I will slowly walk to the nearest liquor store. I will buy the most expensive bottle of champagne I can afford. Ill drink it slowly while reading the letter over and over again in disbelief, convinced I'm in some sort of Inception-like dream that Ill eventually wake up from. Then, once reality hits, Ill start yelling: WOOOOOOOOOO! while simultaneously calling my family friends (most likely at a godforesaken hour, since I'm 7 hours ahead of them). Then, as I get decidedly drunk enough, Ill open up my window and yell something along the lines of: "I'M GOING TO XXXXXX UNIVERSITY, B*TCHES!!!" while still WOOOing and scaring the Turkish people on the street below.

The next few hours will consist of facebook updates, champagne, updates on grad cafe, more champagne, researching my new life.... and did I mention the "woo"ing?

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I'm going to run a victory lap!

Drop whatever I'm doing and run around, hands raised and fingers interlocked waving in triumph. There also might be lots of "Wohooos" involved.

Just came back from my first interview, keeping fingers crossed.

Best of luck everyone!

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I'm about 75% sure I will cry. This will be a long time coming. Depending on how I get the notice (via email or snail mail) I will either cry at work in the bathroom and then quietly send my two coworkers that know about it an email. Or cry at home and show my mom the letter. In either instance I'm cracking open a bottle of Moscato, making or buying some cheese fries (like the fatty I am) and setting the table for me and my acceptance letter.

Then I'll call some friends and recommendation writers and thank them for always believing in me when I doubted (because they have).

The get on grad cafe to post my acceptance. Log onto google and start planning my new life in NYC or Chicago.

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I'm going to run a victory lap!

Drop whatever I'm doing and run around, hands raised and fingers interlocked waving in triumph. There also might be lots of "Wohooos" involved.

Just came back from my first interview, keeping fingers crossed.

Best of luck everyone!

I received an unofficial offer via email from a PI in the admission committee this evening and instead of running my victory lap as I had expected, I just sat at my desk in shock.

After about 5 minutes of not knowing what to do, I called my parents, updated my facebook status and went out for beer with my labmates!

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First (and constantly) I'll grin outwardly while squealing inside...

Second: I'll email my LOR writers, my undergrad advisors, my family, and my friends.

Third: I'll probably go sit in my hammock and fantasize about all the possibilities.

Fourth: I'll go splurge at the market and buy the expensive ingredients I need to make pizza (cheese is hard to find but *so* worth it for celebrations). Then I'll make the pizza, eat it, and either ( A ) tell everyone at the regional transit house and chatter their ears off or ( B ) be inexplicably chipper until someone asks me why, and THEN chatter their ears off about it.

Fifth: I'll start wondering about other offers from other places and become (once again) antsy for those decisions.

Edited by awvish
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When I get my first acceptance, I will probably go out to a bar (whatever night of the week it is) with as many friends who are free for celebratory boozing.

When I decide where I'm going? Sky-diving. FOR REALS. Oh, and celebratory boozing.

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When I get my first acceptance, I will probably go out to a bar (whatever night of the week it is) with as many friends who are free for celebratory boozing.

When I decide where I'm going? Sky-diving. FOR REALS. Oh, and celebratory boozing.

I hope you are for reals too...I went skydiving last summer and it was awesome!!

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Scenario A: I open the acceptance letter and just stare like a statue with its jaw on the floor .... for days, months, maybe even until April 15th.

Scenario B: Let loose all my stress, anxiety, and doubts in a huge scream, running around my apartment and neighborhood yelling nonsensical half-words with a HUGE sloppy grin on my face. Let all my friends, family, and LOR writers know immediately, then party like it's Carnaval time in Brazil.

Man, it is so fun to dream..

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Although I was rejected from my top school, I was offered a position as a senior scientist by my POI.

I celebrated by wandering aimlessly through the liquor store buying several bottles of wine, some gin and then proceeded to wander around whole foods doing the same. I threw a party to celebrate the end of the negativity of waiting and rejections and the beginning of positivity and a larger paycheck laugh.gif

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The degree of my happiness will probably vary depending on which school accepts me. Regardless, I'll be excited, but here are some of the things I'll do if I get accepted to my top choice:

1) Read and reread to make sure I didn't misread the letter/email.

2) Cry a little.

3) Call the 'rents.

4) Call the boyfriend.

5) Dance.

6) Go out drinking with my girlfriends the first night possible (shots shots shots shots shots shots...EVERYBODY)

And if I get funding to my top school I will simply fall on the floor and die of shock.

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