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MFA 2012 All Art ADMISSIONS freak-out forum!!!!!!!!


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it was actually weird and humbling... The interview started by the director of the program saying they (the committee) had just finished looking at my work for the tenth time, and that they found my work to be REALLY strong and after one question they told me I don't need an MFA. She told me to email her the invitation for my first exhibit. I told hear she would be the first on my list.

damn. fo shizzle.

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I was told by Anine Wagenhoffer, the Administrative Assistant at Mason Gross that "decisions happen from the middle to end of March"-- exact words. Keep in there!!

I applied for sculpture at Rutgers, but have not heard anything. There are a few that have heard from them, but I'm not certain of their concentration.

Rutgers peeps: I could be wrong about this, but I don't think there are clear concentrations, I think it's an interdisciplinary program:

The Master of Fine Arts (MFA) program in visual arts encompasses various perspectives and fields of study. The MFA program provides a supportive and critical community in which students may expand theiraesthetic concepts, develop strategies for expressing those concepts, and create a pertinent and personal artistic practice.

The program offers courses in painting, sculpture, photography, media, performance, printmaking, and mixed media and is interdisciplinary in nature. There are no design or film courses in the graduate program. Critical, social, and aesthetic issues are explored in seminars that complement the studio courses and critiques.


I checked both my Slideroom and my application and I can't find if I selected a "concentration" per se - though on Slideroom it did say to pick all of the areas that I work in . . . I'm not sure if that helps.

Regardless, good luck to all of you! If they said that you can still hear through the end of March, I'm sure they are still sifting through applications!

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Question: Is anyone having difficulties making work during this intense waiting game? My productivity has been transferred into checking my email every few minutes while in the studio... I think I need to start leaving my laptop at home :)

I am the same way! My mind is totally pre occupied with what is going to be happening in the next few months of my life and I need to try and use that energy and excitement in painting. Possibly a whole different direction and body of work may stem from this process? Hang in there and just try and forget you applied (easier said than done). Good luck!

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I'm thinking I've been universally rejected, but I'm about to start building a studio on family land so I don't feel too terrible.

Me too on the universal rejection. I'm not fortunate enough to have family land, but I rent a studio. Already planning next year's portfolio...

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I am the same way! My mind is totally pre occupied with what is going to be happening in the next few months of my life and I need to try and use that energy and excitement in painting. Possibly a whole different direction and body of work may stem from this process? Hang in there and just try and forget you applied (easier said than done). Good luck!

Agreed. If I could muster myself to paint, I feel like I would paint images of puking, nerves and buggy-stressed eyeballs. Everyone keeps asking what is wrong. Oh simpletons... if only you knew. "Oh, you will get in somewhere!!" (big, dumb smile)

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it was actually weird and humbling... The interview started by the director of the program saying they (the committee) had just finished looking at my work for the tenth time, and that they found my work to be REALLY strong and after one question they told me I don't need an MFA. She told me to email her the invitation for my first exhibit. I told hear she would be the first on my list.

That is really nice to hear. Nothing wrong with a little validation. If she is that interested in your work, who knows where it will take you (or where she will).

If you don't mind, what was the question? LOL

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Agreed. If I could muster myself to paint, I feel like I would paint images of puking, nerves and buggy-stressed eyeballs. Everyone keeps asking what is wrong. Oh simpletons... if only you knew. "Oh, you will get in somewhere!!" (big, dumb smile)

You've been talking to my Mother I see.

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That is really nice to hear. Nothing wrong with a little validation. If she is that interested in your work, who knows where it will take you (or where she will).

If you don't mind, what was the question? LOL

Here how the question was sort of worded:

We just finished looking at your work for the tenth time and your work is VERY STRONG. Why do you want an MFA at this point in your life?

before she replied to my answer (which was to continue growing as a painter primarily and I'd like to teach painting someday), she said:

"you are not going to like what I'm going to tell you next"

You are correct Mr. Sad: I know her stature in the art world, she interviews artists, writes criticism, so it was the greatest rejection I could have ever wished for.

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So guys,

Now that some of us have received offers from colleges, it has become calculation time. One piece of advice I have gotten about choosing a program is to choose the one that gives me the best outcome after graduation.... But I don't know how to determine this. If I want to get a teaching position then I suppose the biggest, most reputable college would suffice. Am I right about this?

Then again if I want to just be a great artist, then I would choose the university with the best/most inspiring faculty. After all, we are choosing our mentors when we choose our place of study.

Any thoughts?

PS - Sorry if this is the wrong thread to post in.

PPS - If youre still waiting for responses, hang in there. I'm still waiting for 3!

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Congrats on the acceptances!

SAIC was one of my choices, and I see that you were 'rejected' (sorry). I was wondering how you found out because I haven't heard a thing from them. Of course, i am assuming I'm out of the game, but knowing would be nicer than limbo, IMO.


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Damn. Look at you! You've got interviews with an all star line up!

No joke! I'd love to see your work, Noceh4 (obviously it's awesome) but I know how sensitive that stuff is on the forums. Maybe after decisions are made.


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Hi all!

does anyone knows about answers or interviews invitations from Pratt??

and -

Study at YALE or RISD and living in New Haven/ Rhode Island --- or--- Living in NYC and study at NYU or Parsons? :)


Edited by blazingaway
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another question - is it true that internationals that got invited to an interview face to face are likely to be accepted ?

Hi, as far as I know - schools invite selected candidates to interview on campus, period. A phone / Skype interview is available to those who can't attend - due to distance or time issues. I'm not an international, since I'm an American citizen - but I live abroad and my undergrad is from a university outside the States. I was invited to several interviews, some I'm attending in person and others I'm skyping - and I doubt this "means" anything - it all depends on the candidate I think. I know a lot of internationals getting accepted to schools via Skype / phone, and also some who were rejected after attending in person. So it depends!

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