pomoisdead Posted February 22, 2013 Posted February 22, 2013 Girl who wears glasses, to be fair Dr. Irr also said she's not on the committee this year and she was basing her response on what usually happens. I'm willing to bet we're not on the initial waitlist, but there's potential that we haven't been denied because there could be a secondary waitlist. When you have people applying to 10, 12, 18 programs...I mean Jesus, it's basically throwing shit at the wall and hoping it sticks at that point,isn't it? It costs about $100 per program to apply all in, so at what point is it desperation and you're filling spots? These programs know this,just some prepare better than others. I guess what I'm saying is, if you accept 10, for example, and have a 10 person waitlist, you also need backup to that. Chances are that 4 or 5 of the 10 will go elsewhere and 6-8 of your waitlist is going elsewhere...Get my drift? Long story short, spend $1500 bucks on applications and chances are good things will happen to you! Still hope for us until that letter comes in the mail...
pomoisdead Posted February 22, 2013 Posted February 22, 2013 Some more news... Acceptances at Boston College have been related to "winning the lottery" from the department there. 4 acceptances from 400 applicants. And Tufts will be responding this weekend...acceptances by phone, waitlists by email. And, although I'm probably the only one here applying to UNH, those posts are going out first week of March. My expectations are low...very low...so at this point I'm not afraid of rejection.
practical cat Posted February 22, 2013 Posted February 22, 2013 Girl who wears glasses, to be fair Dr. Irr also said she's not on the committee this year and she was basing her response on what usually happens. I'm willing to bet we're not on the initial waitlist, but there's potential that we haven't been denied because there could be a secondary waitlist. When you have people applying to 10, 12, 18 programs...I mean Jesus, it's basically throwing shit at the wall and hoping it sticks at that point,isn't it? It costs about $100 per program to apply all in, so at what point is it desperation and you're filling spots? These programs know this,just some prepare better than others. I guess what I'm saying is, if you accept 10, for example, and have a 10 person waitlist, you also need backup to that. Chances are that 4 or 5 of the 10 will go elsewhere and 6-8 of your waitlist is going elsewhere...Get my drift? Long story short, spend $1500 bucks on applications and chances are good things will happen to you! Still hope for us until that letter comes in the mail... I know this. Like I said, I am bracing myself because I don't want to be let down on this one again. And I applied to 10 places, all very good fits, all very desirable programs, all very big gambles (each receiving multiple hundreds of apps, that is) and spent less than $800 on applications. Sure, I want something to "stick" but I was at no point being careless and this was given a great deal of thought. I take issue at some of the implications of your post. nonysocks 1
pomoisdead Posted February 22, 2013 Posted February 22, 2013 I know this. Like I said, I am bracing myself because I don't want to be let down on this one again. And I applied to 10 places, all very good fits, all very desirable programs, all very big gambles (each receiving multiple hundreds of apps, that is) and spent less than $800 on applications. Sure, I want something to "stick" but I was at no point being careless and this was given a great deal of thought. I take issue at some of the implications of your post. And this is the problem that the moderators are dealing with. Stop taking issue with tiny, nsignificant bullshit. I'm trying to be supportive and give you information about a school that we've both applied to. I'm not saying you applied to a bunch of schools and haphazardly spent your money. Jesus...when did people become so touchy? Read the post again...realize I'm talking about people who apply everywhere and take up acceptance spots, waitlists, etc and make people like us sweat it out because we have to wait for them to relinquish space for us...I need to stop reading these forums. It's apparent many of you haven't been in the field for very long and, perhaps, need to understand the nature of the beast a bit more. Katzenmusik, bluecheese, charabanc and 9 others 2 10
dazedandbemused Posted February 22, 2013 Posted February 22, 2013 I don't get it guys, when did we start downvoting and reporting people for sharing their opinions? I mean, DontHate may have said something that everyone doesn't agree with, yet even though she did state that that was a personal opinion and not a judgment, those posts have been downvoted into the ground. Now pomoisdead gets downvoted for clarifying their previous comments? Yeah, the nerves are high and things are touchy right now, but I don't really understand why there seems to be so much censoring going on. Reporting things that aren't personal attacks or nasty trolling seems like a gross overreaction to me. Just my two cents. Porridge, nonysocks, davidm and 3 others 5 1
bluecheese Posted February 22, 2013 Posted February 22, 2013 (edited) I'm not saying you applied to a bunch of schools and haphazardly spent your money. Jesus...when did people become so touchy? Read the post again...realize I'm talking about people who apply everywhere and take up acceptance spots, waitlists, etc and make people like us sweat it out because we have to wait for them to relinquish space for us... Why do you feel the need to judge other people for applying widely. I applied widely and received a lot of acceptances, I was then able to pick the one with the best funding package and best faculty for me out of the one's that accepted me. I turned down my other offers ASAP. Also, it's not the person who the faculty want to work with more's fault that you're lower than them on the list (and maybe they are actually weighing their options in an honest way). Seriously, don't randomly direct your angst at people. It's pointless. Ugh. Edited February 22, 2013 by bluecheese davidm, BrookeSnow and nonysocks 2 1
wreckofthehope Posted February 22, 2013 Posted February 22, 2013 (edited) . It's apparent many of you haven't been in the field for very long and, perhaps, need to understand the nature of the beast a bit more. This is the reason I down voted pomo's post... it was uncalled for and needlessly snippy. I agree that girl who wears glasses took the original post kind of in the wrong spirit, but it's enough to point out that it was not meant in that way, and hopefully room to take into consideration the fact that people are all stressed out by this process; there's no need to make condescending accusations about forum members' supposed lack of experience or understanding of the discipline. Also, 'reporting' and 'down voting' are different, right? If they're not, I've been doing this thing wrong forever. Edited February 22, 2013 by wreckofthehope davidm and nonysocks 1 1
practical cat Posted February 22, 2013 Posted February 22, 2013 I don't get it guys, when did we start downvoting and reporting people for sharing their opinions? I mean, DontHate may have said something that everyone doesn't agree with, yet even though she did state that that was a personal opinion and not a judgment, those posts have been downvoted into the ground. Now pomoisdead gets downvoted for clarifying their previous comments? Yeah, the nerves are high and things are touchy right now, but I don't really understand why there seems to be so much censoring going on. Reporting things that aren't personal attacks or nasty trolling seems like a gross overreaction to me. Just my two cents. I'm sorry, dazedandbemused, but the above comment is not a clarification of an opinion. It is blatant and unprovoked nastiness directed at me. Surely some of what donthate threw at me was worse (including actual hate speech and threats both on the boards and over pm -- they made my internet life a hell for months -- and that is why I reported them) but I am, frankly, very tired of being the target of countless personal attacks here. Pomo never said anything helpful or new and laced it with gross generalizations that I was attempting to straighten out. Honestly, I would think we should all be able to handle some equivocation over language. It is what we hope to spend the rest of our lives dealing in. And, again, their post in response to me was incredibly rude and I do believe I should be able to down vote that with a clear conscious. You're being incredibly careless with the word "censoring" especially when you clearly don't know what has been going on with donthate. A down vote is not censorship, it is expressing disagreement. Reporting someone for spewing hate is not censorship either. davidm, ErnestPWorrell and nonysocks 2 1
Porridge Posted February 22, 2013 Posted February 22, 2013 (edited) Here is a picture of a kitten. Edited February 22, 2013 by Porridge asleepawake, cbttcher, blakeblake and 8 others 11
practical cat Posted February 22, 2013 Posted February 22, 2013 This is the reason I down voted pomo's post... it was uncalled for and needlessly snippy. I agree that girl who wears glasses took the original post kind of in the wrong spirit, but it's enough to point out that it was not meant in that way, there's no need to make condescending accusations about forum members' supposed lack of experience or understanding of the discipline. Also, 'reporting' and 'down voting' are different, right? If they're not, I've been doing this thing wrong forever. I would be also interested in hearing how I took it in the wrong spirit. I wanted to clarify why one might apply to ten programs especially as pomo's original post was pretty hostile toward both my feelings about Brandeis AND this hypothetical person who applies to that many programs. If I misread their intent, I do apologize for assuming anything other than good intentions but I still see the value in clarifying language. I think, too, that a polite post back actually clarifying intent would've sufficed. I am now only MORE convinced of the deliberate rudeness of the first post. Fishbucket and davidm 1 1
practical cat Posted February 22, 2013 Posted February 22, 2013 Also, sorry for being so touchy tonight -- I admit I have been, especially to dazed -- but I am pretty sensitive to even the possibility of further bullying happening here. It's been rough, guys. Let's all be nice from now on? wreckofthehope and Fishbucket 1 1
dazedandbemused Posted February 22, 2013 Posted February 22, 2013 Also, 'reporting' and 'down voting' are different, right? If they're not, I've been doing this thing wrong forever. Yes, they are different. Down voting is, I think, just expressing your opinion of the post. Reporting is telling the moderators that something in that post is inappropriate and should be removed. And yeah, it's really rude to make comments about people's understanding of the discipline, but we've been dealing with that sort of thing for ages, right? I'm sorry, dazedandbemused, but the above comment is not a clarification of an opinion. It is blatant and unprovoked nastiness directed at me. Surely some of what donthate threw at me was worse (including actual hate speech and threats both on the boards and over pm -- they made my internet life a hell for months -- and that is why I reported them) but I am, frankly, very tired of being the target of countless personal attacks here. Pomo never said anything helpful or new and laced it with gross generalizations that I was attempting to straighten out. Honestly, I would think we should all be able to handle some equivocation over language. It is what we hope to spend the rest of our lives dealing in. And, again, their post in response to me was incredibly rude and I do believe I should be able to down vote that with a clear conscious. You're being incredibly careless with the word "censoring" especially when you clearly don't know what has been going on with donthate. A down vote is not censorship, it is expressing disagreement. Reporting someone for spewing hate is not censorship either. When I say censoring, I'm talking about reporting posts that are controversial, though not really hate speech, because one doesn't like it. As for the nastiness between you and DontHate? No, I don't know what's been going on between the two of you, and I'm sorry about that. I don't know how I could help knowing anything about that though. I have expressed my distaste for many of the things that they've said previously, but I'm speaking specifically to their opinions about Penn State. They might not have been tactful, kind, or engaging, but they were opinions that were at the least valid. I mean, there's an entire thread over in "decisions, decisions" about it. nonysocks and bluecheese 2
blueberryscone Posted February 22, 2013 Posted February 22, 2013 Yeah I'm pretty into that kitten. Obvs. Also I just want to make sure that anyone who did not realize my avatar is a loving portrait of my obese feline gets a chance to go ahead and imagine the joy of smooshing one's face all up in there. There. Doesn't that feel better? Porridge 1
wreckofthehope Posted February 22, 2013 Posted February 22, 2013 I would be also interested in hearing how I took it in the wrong spirit. I wanted to clarify why one might apply to ten programs especially as pomo's original post was pretty hostile toward both my feelings about Brandeis AND this hypothetical person who applies to that many programs. If I misread their intent, I do apologize for assuming anything other than good intentions but I still see the value in clarifying language. I think, too, that a polite post back actually clarifying intent would've sufficed. I am now only MORE convinced of the deliberate rudeness of the first post. I read pomo's post as talking about the process from the adcomm's p.o.v. - i.e. they get 500 apps and they know people are applying to 10-18 programs so there's a lot of randomness in the makeup of the final cohort... they may have a top 10 but all those people might go elsewhere, and this might happen at multiple schools, because a fair few people have multiple acceptances. I read it as encouragement that there could still be a lot of movement at schools that have notified; but I can see, for sure, how some of the language might have riled people up. Anyway, I'm rooting for you girl who wears glasses... you only need one and you're halfway there with two already
pomoisdead Posted February 22, 2013 Posted February 22, 2013 I apologize to Postmodernism for calling it dead. It is insensitive of me for announcing such an opinion. I've reported myself to the moderators and have said 10 hail Mary's...(20 or 30 would just be overkill) Here is a picture of a kitten. How dare you put that kitten in a snifter! A stemless wine glass would be safer...I'm reporting your IP to PETA. Now let's see who calls this harmless sarcasm or mean-spirited snarkiness... 1Q84, thatjewishgirl and bluecheese 2 1
practical cat Posted February 22, 2013 Posted February 22, 2013 Yes, they are different. Down voting is, I think, just expressing your opinion of the post. Reporting is telling the moderators that something in that post is inappropriate and should be removed. And yeah, it's really rude to make comments about people's understanding of the discipline, but we've been dealing with that sort of thing for ages, right? When I say censoring, I'm talking about reporting posts that are controversial, though not really hate speech, because one doesn't like it. As for the nastiness between you and DontHate? No, I don't know what's been going on between the two of you, and I'm sorry about that. I don't know how I could help knowing anything about that though. I have expressed my distaste for many of the things that they've said previously, but I'm speaking specifically to their opinions about Penn State. They might not have been tactful, kind, or engaging, but they were opinions that were at the least valid. I mean, there's an entire thread over in "decisions, decisions" about it. I didn't report it but their comments triggered me. I am very comfortable with other people issuing the reports and even grateful to them for that. Reporting rape jokes is not censoring either. That was hateful.
nothingnew Posted February 22, 2013 Posted February 22, 2013 girl who wears glasses - I see you've been waitlisted by Madison too. Did they send you an official email? In which case, would you be comfortable sharing what the email said?
practical cat Posted February 22, 2013 Posted February 22, 2013 I read pomo's post as talking about the process from the adcomm's p.o.v. - i.e. they get 500 apps and they know people are applying to 10-18 programs so there's a lot of randomness in the makeup of the final cohort... they may have a top 10 but all those people might go elsewhere, and this might happen at multiple schools, because a fair few people have multiple acceptances. I read it as encouragement that there could still be a lot of movement at schools that have notified; but I can see, for sure, how some of the language might have riled people up. Anyway, I'm rooting for you girl who wears glasses... you only need one and you're halfway there with two already Yeah, I definitely read the post very similarly (and I agreed with nearly everything they said!) Hence my confusion over the vitriol. :-( Thanks.
Two Espressos Posted February 22, 2013 Posted February 22, 2013 (edited) It's apparent many of you haven't been in the field for very long and, perhaps, need to understand the nature of the beast a bit more. Edited February 22, 2013 by Two Espressos bluecheese, practical cat and nonysocks 2 1
bluecheese Posted February 22, 2013 Posted February 22, 2013 (edited) This is silly: I don't like arguing with the hopelessly cantankerous. Edited February 22, 2013 by bluecheese
practical cat Posted February 22, 2013 Posted February 22, 2013 girl who wears glasses - I see you've been waitlisted by Madison too. Did they send you an official email? In which case, would you be comfortable sharing what the email said? Yeah, official email but seemed pretty standard. Wait list, impressed with application, should know by April 15 but hopefully sooner, let them know about my interest and if that changes. Nothing about ranking or probability (I so want one that comes at me with a bunch of numbers). I'm going to respond tomorrow when my head is less blah and I will share if any news surfaces with that.
t1racyjacks Posted February 22, 2013 Posted February 22, 2013 errrrr on an unrelated note, has anyone heard from BU yet? From the results board they've already informed by this time LAST YEAR but THIS yr is silence
patientagony Posted February 22, 2013 Posted February 22, 2013 I applied widely and received a lot of acceptances, I was then able to pick the one with the best funding package and best faculty for me out of the one's that accepted me. I turned down my other offers ASAP. Also, it's not the person who the faculty want to work with more's fault that you're lower than them on the list (and maybe they are actually weighing their options in an honest way). Seriously, don't randomly direct your angst at people. It's pointless. Ugh. Very well put Bluecheese. The idea that people are somehow doing something wrong or desperate by apply to 10 schools is strange. This process is very random and when trying to succeed in such chaos it only makes sense to apply to many places. Every professor I've ever spoken with about grad school has suggested no less. And while you make an excellent point about picking the best faculty and funding from your wide array of options, you've forgotten about one overlooked aspect of picking among your acceptances, which is negotiating. I don't think that anyone has mentioned this here, but I'll just post the advice my mentor e-mailed me below, with emphasis on the strategy: You have so many options-- my advice: try to visit as many as you can. Then you'll have the opportunity to talk to profs and grad students and get the lay of the land and figure out where you want to work, live, and be happy! You have the opportunity to get exactly what you want by playing all of these places off each other, so do it!!! You can have summer money, guaranteed no teaching, etc. I'm not an indecisive person by any means, but I certainly don't plan on declining any offers until I've had a chance to visit each campus, speak with professors and current grad students, negotiate funding and teaching, and get a feel for exactly what I'll be committing to for the next 6 to 7 years of my life. It sucks if that means some people on the waitlists are going to be kept waiting, but that isn't my business. BrookeSnow, w/ love & squalor and cicada123 3
bluecheese Posted February 22, 2013 Posted February 22, 2013 Yeah, I was planning on doing that -- but I ended up with a killer package anyway. It's good advice though.
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